Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Pokemon Roster - All Character ListComment

Showing 1-20 of 50 entries


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    50 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Didoking and Dinoqueen!

    49 Anonymous7 monthsReport


    48 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    We need Galarian Zapdos

    47 Falkro7 monthsReport

    Please add zamazenta

    46 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    diam babi

    45 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Plz add luxray

    44 Anonymous9 monthsReport


    43 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Gliscor Shanna and Kanto Marowak now in unite Now

    42 Cool9 monthsReport


    41 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    ambipom Please it would be so funny to fight its lower evolution as the lower evolution

    40 Jonathan Pineda10 monthsReport

    Marowak please now

    39 Anonymous11 monthsReport


    38 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Will galarian zapdos be confirmed?

    37 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Galarian zapdos

    36 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Galarian zapdos

    35 Anonymous12 monthsReport


    34 Cringe Meme lord 69 21about 1 yearReport

    Furret is a Pokemon that's in my 3 partseries about pokemon I think should be added to pokemon unite read it please

    33 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I want the rest of the Psuedo-Legendaries (i.e. Salamence, Hydreigon, Kommo-o) and the rest of The Champions (i.e. Rillaboom, Gourgeist, Togekiss etc.)

    32 Cyber beanover 1 yearReport

    add zamazenta he should be a defender and his unite move would be called behemoth bash he is my favorite Pokemon and I think a lot of people would play him

    31 GastrodonInUnitePlsalmost 2 yearsReport

    Am I the only one who wants Gastrodon in Unite? It would be amazing as a Defender, and maybe you could buy whichever form you want in the license shop

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