Pokemon UNITE

May Finals Analysis (North America) - UNITE World Championship Series

Pokemon UNITE - May Finals 2022 North America Banner.png

Want to know a quick summary of the things that happened in the May Finals? Read on to see the most used Pokemon, the Pokemon with the best win rate, the most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

Regional Finals Analysis
Pokemon UNITE - North America May Finals Partial Banner.pngMay Finals
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - Japan May Finals Partial Banner.pngMay Finals

The data here is based on the recent VOD stream released by the Official Pokemon UNITE YouTube channel.

May Finals Summary (North America)

Gaimin Gladiators are the NA May Finals Champions!

Pokemon UNITE - NA May Finals - Champions

Gaimin Gladiators (GG) defeated IX Gaming in an awesome 2 - 0 series, taking the North America May Finals championship!

GG Suffered a 0 - 2 Defeat in the Grand Finals

Pokemon UNITE - NA May Finals - Grand Finals

Before taking the May Finals Championship, Gaimin Gladiators suffered a 0 - 2 defeat against IX Gaming, forcing a grand finals reset.

Championship Points Tally (as of May Finals 2022)

# Team Name Total CP Earned
2 FULL SEND 4298
5 BLOSSOM 2547
6 LEGO 2230
7 IX GT 2042
9 SCC 1457
10 TACENDA 1456
11 IX GAMING 1386
13 OVERCAP 1255
15 TEAM TOS 997

Meta Highlights (North America)

Tournament Core Picks

Pokemon UNITE - NA May Finals - Triple Core Pick

There were three recurring core picks that teams go for throughout the tournament. The first one is Lucario, acting usually as a solo top laner. The second and third are Blissey and Hoopa, taking the support duo role.

Trevenant as Lucario Alternative

Pokemon UNITE - NA May Finals - Trevenant Alternative

In certain matches, there were teams that picked Trevenant as an alternative solo top laner pick to Lucario. They utilized the Pokemon's high sustain and disable with Horn Leech for team clashes.

Damage Stacking Strategy

Pokemon UNITE - NA May Finals - Damage Stacking Strategy

One repeating strategy that teams do throughout the tournament is equipping stackable damage items like Attack Weight and Sp. Atk. Specs, and racking up damage as soon as possible by scoring in the early game, particularly for their main damage delears. This strategy fits well into the current burst damage meta, maximizing the Pokemon's damage output.

Absol Attack Weight Tech

Pokemon UNITE - May Finals Absol Stats

The team IX Gaming was able to utilize this strategy to its full potential by consistently scoring points with Absol. The strategy proved to be effective as they were able to sweep the match against Full Send with Absol doing almost 100k damage in a single game!

Lucario Energy Amplifier Tech

Pokemon UNITE - May Finals Lucario Energy Amplifier

Though Energy Amplifier does not have a high pick rate, its usuability seemed to have increased as it Lucario players are dabbling with the item. Here, Lucario players took advantage of the increased in damge after activating Aura Cannon to burst down targets with a deadly Power-Up Punch.

Objective-based Gameplay

Pokemon UNITE - NA May Finals - Objective Gameplay

North American teams have always adopted the tried-and-tested objective-based gameplay, focusing mainly in securing both Drednaw and Rotom as many times as possible in order to get a significant level advantage when Zapdos spawns. This strategy has not changed in this tournament as all matches have the same flow.

Aegislash as Jungler

Pokemon UNITE - May Finals Aegislash Jungler Tech

For this tournament, the best pick for the Jungler role is Aegislash! We saw how it can effectively transition to lanes and pressure even highly durable Pokemon like Lucario and Blastoise. Moreover, Aegislash was able to go square-off against Absol in the damage race thanks to its Boosted Attack mechanic. With Aegislash being able to sustain itself with heals from its Shield Forme, The Pokemon proved to be a dependable jungler for competitive play.

Picks and Win Rates (North America)

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
100% 100%
100% 100%
83% 66.7%
67% 100%
50% 66.7%
25% 0%
17% 33.3%
17% 33.3%
17% 0%
8% 0%
8% 0%
8% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Hoopa keeps it's top spot and now boasts a perfect pick-winrate ratio together with Blissey!
We see an increase in usage for Aegislash and Absol, most likely to counteract Blissey's godlike sustain.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during May Finals North America.

Most Picked Battle Item (North America)

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes X Speed takes top spot as the most picked battle item in May Finals! Players now prefer a quick mobility move and is a perfect substitute for Eject Button.

Battle Items not shown here were not picked during May Finals North America.

Most Picked Held Item (North America)

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Aside from the usual suspects, Buddy Barrier and Muscle Band at the top, we see Razor Claw at third! This proved the emergence of the burst damage, quick kill playstyle in the current game!

Held Item not shown here were not used during May Finals North America.

Pokemon Lane Picks (North America)

Pokemon Top Pick % Jungle Pick % Bot Pick %
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
-- 100% --
16.7% -- 83.3%
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during May Finals North America.

Where to Watch May Finals 2022 (North America)

For the start of the North American March Finals stream, skip to the 04:07:00 timestamp.

The full livestream for the May Finals is available in the official YouTube channel of Pokemon UNITE. They usually stream the Monthly Finals so try catching it on scheduled times!

For the full schedule of the Championship Series, check out this article:

UNITE World Championship Series 2022 Schedule

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Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals 2022 North America BannerRegional Finals
(North America)
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