Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

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    1473 Fortune Teller Endimoover 2 yearsReport

    i seek information, i seek words from the future Delphox, Buzzwole, Espeon, Glaceon

    1472 Endimoover 2 yearsReport

    hey guys, sorry wasnt here for a while and codimo means "code" and "Endimo" the new poll idea is awesome! i wanted to go for sirfetchd but you already did a concept so ill go for dragapult or gimmsnarl

    1471 Rayquaza Boiover 2 yearsReport

    "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie" Thank you so much ThatCritic_Luxsol it means so much that I am encouraged to make even better concepts for you all, this is Rayquaza Boi signing off (until tomorrow)

    1470 ThatCritic_Luxsolover 2 yearsReport

    *Luxray!!!* Well create rayquaza gai/rayquaza boi, I don't like this concept.......I love it. In fact I love all your concepts :) toodles dah-lings *Absol!!!*

    1469 Create Rayquaza Gaiover 2 yearsReport

    Unite: Blitz Behemoth-buff the user will charge up the next 3 basic attacks to boosted attacks, but the boosted attacks will paralyze, throw, and deal 2000 damage each hit, while choosing to attack a foe, electivire is unstoppable and its speed is increased. Ability: Motor Drive:when electivire is thrown, stunned, or paralyzed, it will have it's speed increased slowly on how much it was inflicted with these status conditions. I hope the british* will like the concept. *ThatCritic_Luxsol

    1468 Create Rayquaza Gaiover 2 yearsReport

    *VOOOSSH* Electivire:all rounder ranged, sp atk start:cooldown 6 Shock Wave-ranged:paralyzes and damages the foes / cooldown 7 Low Kick-melee:damages and throws the foe lv4:cooldown 6.3 Low Sweep-melee:deals damage and lowers the foe's speed /cooldown 2 Light Screen-hindrance:creates a total of 2 walls that block foes from passing and throws foes that try to pass. lv7:cooldown 7.2 Discharge-area:Like Shock Wave but more damage to an area /cooldown 3 Thundershock-ranged:deals damage and paralyzes

    1467 ThatCritic_Luxsolover 2 yearsReport

    *Luxray!!!* Well wynaut would be cool because it would be the first baby Pokémon and it could later evolve into wobbuffet. (I'm not sure if I spelt wobbuffet right) also wobbuffet could be a defender, toodles dah-lings *Absol!!!*

    1466 Luxio_Absolover 2 yearsReport

    Oh ok sorry I didn't know.

    1465 Luxio_Absolover 2 yearsReport

    Omg a few weeks ago I said the next Pokémon coming are delphox, buzzwole, espeon and glaceon. So buzzwole is coming after delphox not espeon.Sorry if I'm overreacting a bit but I just want u to know that espeon isn't coming as soon as you thought it was.

    1464 ThatCritic_Luxsolover 2 yearsReport

    Oh yeah *Absol!!!*

    1463 TeamYourNoob over 2 yearsReport

    Actually Espeon and Delphox is already confirmed

    1462 wynaut fanover 2 yearsReport

    how come their cant be baby pokemon I want wynaut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1461 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Oos thatwas towards the wrong person

    1460 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Espeon was already confirmed to be an attacker

    1459 Rayquaza Boiover 2 yearsReport

    (*psst!*, you forgot to detransform👍)

    1458 ThatCritic_Luxsolover 2 yearsReport

    *Luxray!!!* Ok so espeon would be cool in unite and I'd love to see how they make the eevee it evolves from be different to sylveons eevee. Also if they add espeon they could also add the other eeveelutions. Plus espeon might not be an attacker it could be a supporter, toodles dah-lings

    1457 ThatCritic_Luxsolover 2 yearsReport

    *Luxray!!!* Yes I totally love this idea dah-lings and would totally love u trying to impress me. Also it would be AMAZING to criticize the top three Pokémon in the vote. Also thanks for the compliment by saying I'm the All mighty best critic in the world, toodles *Absol!!!*

    1456 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    So just like Sylveon Espeon is gonna be an attacker I hope the next eeveelution they put in the game will be a different role for example it they put Jolteon in the game I would most likely see him as a speedster

    1455 Rayquaza Boiover 2 yearsReport

    the concept idea was because I'm running out of actual good pokemon that are expected to come to unite but I just couldn't do that and it really makes me late to posting concepts at like so I would celebrate the top three pokemon winners by making concepts about them and then Luxio_Absol would review the results of the FINEST pokemon from the pokemon concepts and votes. so in summary; me and Endimo try to impress the ALL MIGHTY BEST CRITIC IN THE WORLD (ThatCritic_Luxsol)

    1454 Rayquaza Boiover 2 yearsReport

    Ok so I have an idea for the three of us: Luxio_Absol, Endimo, and me! so Fortune Teller Endimo, will post a vote and then Thatcritic_Luxsol will criticize the votes once there done, then the top 3 pokemon on the poll will be featured in my concepts! sounds like a great plan! Also, we kinda did that before last poll with incineroar but only if you guys approve of the idea, so pls reply to me for feedback!

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