Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of All Items and Effects

List of Items.png

This page is a list of all items found in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the different in-game items as well as their effects and categories.

All Item Types

Item Categories
Poke BallsPoke Balls TMsTMs BerriesBerries Battle ItemsBattle Items
Evolutionary StonesEvolutionary Stones Recovery ItemsRecovery Items FossilsFossils Training ItemsTraining Items
Evo Held ItemsEvolutionary Held Items Held ItemsHeld Items VitaminsVitamins Valuable ItemsValuable Items
Mints.pngMints Key ItemsKey Items SlatesSlates -

Poke Balls

Item How to Obtain
Dive Ball ImageDive Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that works especially well when catching Pokemon that live underwater.
Pokemon News Press
Dusk Ball ImageDusk Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in dark places like caves.
Solaceon Town Poke Mart / Pastoria City Poke Mart / Snowpoint City Poke Mart / Celestic Town Shop / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press / Oreburgh City
Great Ball ImageGreat Ball Effect
A good, high-performance Poke Ball that provides a higher Pokemon catch rate than a standard Poke Ball.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Pokemon News Press / Celestic Town / Route 213 / Route 210 South / Eterna Forest / Oreburgh City / Route 212 North / Great Marsh Area 2 / Lost Tower 4F
Heal Ball ImageHeal Ball Effect
A remedial Poke Ball that restores the HP of Pokemon caught with it and eliminates any status conditions.
Jubilife City Poke Mart / Oreburgh City Poke Mart / Floaroma Town Poke Mart / Eterna City Poke Mart / Hearthome City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press / Oreburgh City
Luxury Ball ImageLuxury Ball Effect
A particularly comfortable Poke Ball that makes a wild Pokemon quickly grow friendlier after being caught.
Sunyshore City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Master Ball ImageMaster Ball Effect
The best Poke Ball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, you will catch any wild Pokemon without fail.
Jubilife TV / Galactic HQ
Nest Ball ImageNest Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that becomes more effective the lower the level of the wild Pokemon.
Hearthome City Poke Mart / Solaceon Town Poke Mart / Pastoria City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Net Ball ImageNet Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that is more effective when attempting to catch Water- or Bug-type Pokemon.
Oreburgh City Poke Mart / Floaroma Town Poke Mart / Hearthome City Poke Mart / Solaceon Town Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Poke Ball ImagePoke Ball Effect
A device for catching wild Pokemon. It's thrown like a ball at a Pokemon, comfortably encapsulating its target.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Pokemon News Press / Route 208 / Route 207 / Route 205 South / Route 203 / Route 202 / Great Marsh Area 4 / Route 211 West
Premier Ball ImagePremier Ball Effect
A somewhat rare Poke Ball that was made as a commemorative item used to celebrate an event of some sort.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F
Quick Ball ImageQuick Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that has a more successful catch rate if used at the start of a wild encounter.
Pastoria City Poke Mart / Canalave City Poke Mart / Snowpoint City Poke Mart / Celestic Town Shop / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Repeat Ball ImageRepeat Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that works especially well on a Pokemon species that has been caught before.
Canalave City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Safari Ball ImageSafari Ball Effect
A special Poké Ball that was used in the Safari Zone in the Kanto region and in the Great Marsh in the Sinnoh region.
Great Marsh
Strange Ball ImageStrange Ball Effect
Pokemon transferred to and from Pokemon Legends: Arceus will be inside Strange Balls.
Timer Ball ImageTimer Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that becomes progressively more effective the more turns that are taken in battle.
Canalave City Poke Mart / Snowpoint City Poke Mart / Celestic Town Shop / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Ultra Ball ImageUltra Ball Effect
An ultra-high-performance Poke Ball that provedes a higher succes rate for catching Pokemon than a Great Ball.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Jubilife TV / Pokemon News Press / Route 228 / Route 225 / Victory Road 1F / Route 222 / Acuity Lakefront / Route 217 / Fuego Ironworks / Route 221 / Route 210 North / Mt. Coronet 4F / Mt. Coronet B1F / Great Marsh Area 3 / Stark Mountain Interior / Iron Island B2F Left Cave

List of All Poke Balls

TMs (Technical Machines)

List of All TMs
Focus Punch
Dragon Claw
Water Pulse
Calm Mind
Bulk Up
Bullet Seed
Work Up
Sunny Day
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Giga Drain
Dazzling Gleam
Solar Beam
Iron Tail
Low Sweep
Shadow Ball
Brick Break
Double Team
Shock Wave
Sludge Bomb
Fire Blast
Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace
Volt Switch
Steel Wing
Skill Swap
Focus Blast
Energy Ball
False Swipe
Charge Beam
Dragon Pulse
Drain Punch
Bug Buzz
Nasty Plot
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Rock Polish
Stone Edge
Thunder Wave
Gyro Ball
Swords Dance
Stealth Rock
Psych Up
Dark Pulse
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Poison Jab
Dream Eater
Grass Knot
Flash Cannon
Trick Room
Rock Smash
Rock Climb

All TM Locations


Item How to Obtain
Aguav Berry ImageAguav Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Berry Master House / Walking Pokemon / Route 222 / Route 213 / Route 210 North
Apicot Berry ImageApicot Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one. its Sp.Def stat will increase when it's in a pinch.
Berry Master House / Walking Pokemon / Ramanas Park
Aspear Berry ImageAspear Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from being frozen on its own in battle.
Berry Master Wife / Berry Master House / Route 211 East / Route 210 South / Route 212 North
Babiri Berry ImageBabiri Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Steel-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Belue Berry ImageBelue Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Belue Plant.
Amity Square
Bluk Berry ImageBluk Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Bluk Plant.
Berry Master House / Route 224 / Route 215 / Route 208 / Route 207 / Route 205 North
Charti Berry ImageCharti Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Rock-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Cheri Berry ImageCheri Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from paralysis on its own in battle.
Berry Master Wife / Berry Master House / Route 207 / Floaroma Town / Route 214 / Route 205 North
Chesto Berry ImageChesto Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from sleep on its own in battle.
Berry Master Wife / Berry Master House / Route 209 / Route 205 South / Route 214 / Route 210 North
Chilan Berry ImageChilan Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one Normal-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Chople Berry ImageChople Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fighting-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Coba Berry ImageCoba Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Flying-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Colbur Berry ImageColbur Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Dark-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Cornn Berry ImageCornn Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Cornn Plant.
Berry Master House / Amity Square
Custap Berry ImageCustap Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it will be able to move first just once when it's in a pinch.
Walking Pokemon / Ramanas Park
Durin Berry ImageDurin Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Durin Plant.
Amity Square
Enigma Berry ImageEnigma Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, being hit by a supereffective attack will restore its HP.
Walking Pokemon / Ramanas Park
Figy Berry ImageFigy Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Berry Master House / Walking Pokemon / Route 218 / Solaceon Town
Ganlon Berry ImageGanlon Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, its Defense stat will increase when it's in a pinch.
Berry Master House
Grepa Berry ImageGrepa Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lower its base Sp.Def.
Berry Master House / Battle Tower / Walking Pokemon / Route 230 / Route 229 / Route 211 East / Resort Area
Haban Berry ImageHaban Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Dragon-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Hondew Berry ImageHondew Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lower its base Sp.Atk.
Berry Master House / Battle Tower / Walking Pokemon / Route 228 / Fight Area / Route 221
Iapapa Berry ImageIapapa Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, it restore the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Berry Master House / Walking Pokemon / Route 211 East / Route 213
Jaboca Berry ImageJaboca Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, and if a foe’s physical attack lands, the foe also takes damage.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Kasib Berry ImageKasib Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Ghost-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Kebia Berry ImageKebia Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Poison-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Kelpsy Berry ImageKelpsy Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Attack.
Berry Master House / Battle Tower / Walking Pokemon / Route 230 / Route 225 / Fuego Ironworks
Lansat Berry ImageLansat Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its critical-hit ratio will increase when it’s in a pinch.
Walking Pokemon
Leppa Berry ImageLeppa Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can restore 10 PP to a depleted move during battle.
Berry Master House / Route 209 / Route 221 / Resort Area
Liechi Berry ImageLiechi Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, its Attack stat will increase when it's in a pinch.
Berry Master House / Ramanas Park
Lum Berry ImageLum Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from any status condition during battle.
Berry Master House / Resort Area / Route 212 North From Shaymin (Land Forme) / Mew / Celebi
Mago Berry ImageMago Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Walking Pokemon / Route 222 / Route 215 / Route 221
Magost Berry ImageMagost Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Magost Plant.
Berry Master House / Amity Square
Micle Berry ImageMicle Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its accuracy will increase just once when it's in a pinch.
Walking Pokemon / Ramanas Park
Nanab Berry ImageNanab Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Nanab Plant.
Berry Master House / Route 224 / Pastoria City / Solaceon Town / Route 208
Nomel Berry ImageNomel Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Nomel Plant.
Berry Master House / Amity Square
Occa Berry ImageOcca Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fire-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Oran Berry ImageOran Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can restore its own HP by 10 points during battle.
Berry Master House / Route 207 / Route 205 South / Floaroma Town / Route 205 North From Gulpin / Swalot
Pamtre Berry ImagePamtre Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Pamtre Plant.
Amity Square
Passho Berry ImagePassho Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Water-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Payapa Berry ImagePayapa Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Psychic-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Pecha Berry ImagePecha Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from poisoning on its own in battle.
Berry Master Wife / Berry Master House / Route 211 East / Route 212 South / Route 215 / Route 205 South / Route 221 From Wurmple
Persim Berry ImagePersim Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from confusion on its own in battle.
Berry Master House / Route 218 / Pastoria City / Solaceon Town
Petaya Berry ImagePetaya Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, its Sp.Atk stat will increase when it's in a pinch.
Berry Master House / Walking Pokemon / Ramanas Park
Pinap Berry ImagePinap Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Pinap Plant.
Berry Master House / Route 218 / Route 212 South / Route 210 South / Route 208
Pomeg Berry ImagePomeg Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base HP.
Berry Master House / Battle Tower / Walking Pokemon / Route 226 / Fight Area / Route 214
Qualot Berry ImageQualot Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on a Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Defense.
Berry Master House / Battle Tower / Walking Pokemon / Route 229 / Route 226 / Route 222 / Resort Area
Rabuta Berry ImageRabuta Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Rabuta Plant.
Berry Master House / Amity Square
Rawst Berry ImageRawst Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from a burn on its own in battle.
Berry Master Wife / Berry Master House / Route 218 / Route 213 / Route 206
Razz Berry ImageRazz Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Razz Plant.
Berry Master House / Route 210 South / Route 209 / Route 208 / Route 206 / Eterna Forest / Route 205 North
Rindo Berry ImageRindo Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Grass-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Roseli Berry ImageRoseli Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fairy-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman
Rowap Berry ImageRowap Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, and if a foe’s special attack lands, the foe also takes damage.
Pastoria City Berry Woman
Salac Berry ImageSalac Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its Speed stat will increase when it’s in a pinch.
Berry Master House / Walking Pokemon / Ramanas Park
Shuca Berry ImageShuca Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Ground-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Sitrus Berry ImageSitrus Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can restore its own HP by a small amount during battle.
Berry Master House / Route 224 / Route 214 / Fuego Ironworks / Route 212 North / Route 210 North From Gulpin / Swalot
Spelon Berry ImageSpelon Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Spelon Plant.
Amity Square
Starf Berry ImageStarf Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, one of its stats will sharply increase when it’s in a pinch.
Walking Pokemon
Tamato Berry ImageTamato Berry Effect
A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. Using it on Pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its base Speed.
Berry Master House / Battle Tower / Walking Pokemon / Route 228 / Route 225 / Route 212 North
Tanga Berry ImageTanga Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Bug-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Wacan Berry ImageWacan Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Electric-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon
Watmel Berry ImageWatmel Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Watmel Plant.
Amity Square
Wepear Berry ImageWepear Berry Effect
A Poffin ingredient. Bury it in soft soil to grow a Wepear Plant.
Berry Master House / Route 224 / Fuego Ironworks
Wiki Berry ImageWiki Berry Effect
If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Berry Master House / Walking Pokemon / Route 222 / Route 215 / Route 210 North
Yache Berry ImageYache Berry Effect
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Ice-type attack.
Pastoria City Berry Woman / Walking Pokemon

List of All Berries

Battle Items

Item How to Obtain
Dire Hit ImageDire Hit Effect
An item that raises the critical-ratio greatly. It can be used only once and wears off if the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Route 207
Guard Spec. ImageGuard Spec. Effect
An item that prevents stat reduction among the Trainer's party Pokemon for five turns after it is used in battle.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Route 215
Poke Doll ImagePoke Doll Effect
A doll that attracts the attention of a Pokemon. It guarantees escape from any battle with wild Pokemon.
Veilstone Department Store 1F / via Pickup
X Accuracy ImageX Accuracy Effect
An item that sharply boosts the accuracy of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Route 209
X Attack ImageX Attack Effect
An item that sharply boosts the Attack stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Route 205 South
X Defense ImageX Defense Effect
An item that sharply boosts the Defense stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Oreburgh Mine 1F
X Sp. Atk ImageX Sp. Atk Effect
An item that sharply boosts the SP.Atk stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Route 212 South
X Sp. Def ImageX Sp. Def Effect
An item that raises the Sp. Def stat of a Pokemon in battle. It wears off it the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Route 214
X Speed ImageX Speed Effect
An item that sharply boosts the Speed stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Route 208

List of Battle Items

Evolutionary Stones

Item How to Obtain
Dawn Stone ImageDawn Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It sparkles like a glittering eye.
via Pickup / Route 225 / Mt. Coronet Route 207 Entrance / Northwestern Zone (Grand Underground)
Dusk Stone ImageDusk Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It holds shadows as dark as can be.
via Pickup / Veilstone City / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F / Southeastern Zone (Grand Underground)
Fire Stone ImageFire Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. The stone has a fiery orange heart.
Grand Underground / Fuego Ironworks
Leaf Stone ImageLeaf Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has an unmistakable leaf pattern.
Grand Underground / Floaroma Meadow
Moon Stone ImageMoon Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is as black as the night sky.
Grand Underground /
From Cleffa / Clefable / Clefairy / Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff / Igglybuff / Lunatone
Shiny Stone ImageShiny Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It shines with a dazzling light.
via Pickup / Route 228 / Iron Island B3F / Northeastern Zone (Grand Underground)
Sun Stone ImageSun Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It burns as red as the evening sun.
Grand Underground
From Solrock
Thunder Stone ImageThunder Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has a distinct thunderbolt pattern.
Grand Underground / Sunyshore City
Water Stone ImageWater Stone Effect
A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is the blue of a pool of clear water.
Grand Underground / Route 213

List of All Evolutionary Stones

Recovery Items

Item How to Obtain
Antidote ImageAntidote Effect
A spray-type medicine for treating poisoning. It can be used to lift the effects of being poisoned from a single Pokemon.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Route 212 South / Eterna Forest / Floaroma Meadow / Route 205 South / Ravaged Path / Great Marsh Area 5 / Old Chateau Dining Room / Route 219
Awakening ImageAwakening Effect
A spray-type medicine used against sleep. It can be used once to rouse a Pokemon from the clutches of sleep.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Route 213 / Route 209 / Route 204 North
Berry Juice ImageBerry Juice Effect
A 100 percent pure juice made of Berries. When consumed, it restores 20 HP to an injured Pokemon.
From Shuckle
Burn Heal ImageBurn Heal Effect
A spray-type medichine for treating burns. It can be used to heal a single Pokemon suffering from a burn.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Route 206 / Wayward Cave 1F / Fuego Ironworks / Route 212 North / Route 210 North / Stark Mountain Entrance
Elixir ImageElixir Effect
This medicine can be used to restore 10 PP to each of the moves that have been learned by a Pokemon.
via Pickup / Galactic HQ / Route 206 / Route 212 North / Mt. Coronet Route 211 Entrance / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F
Energy Powder ImageEnergy Powder Effect
A very bitter medicinal powder. When consumed, it restores up to 60 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Eterna City Herb Shop
Energy Root ImageEnergy Root Effect
An extremely bitter medicinal root. When consumed, it restores up to 120 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Eterna City Herb Shop
Ether ImageEther Effect
This medicine can be used to restore 10 PP to a single selected move that has been learned by a Pokemon.
via Pickup / Stark Mountain / Route 215 / Eterna Forest / Route 220 / Route 210 North / Mt. Coronet 2F / Mt. Coronet 4F
Fresh Water ImageFresh Water Effect
Water with high mineral content. It can be used to restore 30 HP to a single Pokemon.
Veilstone Department Store 5F / Route 225
Full Heal ImageFull Heal Effect
A spray-type medicine that is broadly effective. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokemon.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Route 227 / Victory Road 1F / Route 217 / Route 216 / Pastoria City / Route 215 / Route 206 / Floaroma Meadow / Route 210 North / Mt. Coronet Snow Area / Great Marsh Area 5 / Stark Mountain Interior
Full Restore ImageFull Restore Effect
A medicine that can be used to fully restore the HP of a single Pokemon and heal any status conditions it has.
All Poke Marts / Route 229 / Route 228 / Route 222 / Snowpoint Temple B3F / Mt. Coronet Top Cave / Mt. Coronet B1F / Victory Road 2F / Stark Mountain Entrance / Iron Island B2F Left Cave
Heal Powder ImageHeal Powder Effect
A very bitter medicinal powder. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Eterna City Herb Shop
Hyper Potion ImageHyper Potion Effect
A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 120 HP to an injured Pokemon.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / via Pickup / Snowpoint City / Valor Lakefront / Route 215 / Floaroma Meadow / Route 210 North / Mt. Coronet Route 211 Entrance / Great Marsh Area 6 / Stark Mountain Interior
Ice Heal ImageIce Heal Effect
A spray-type medicine for treating freezing. It can be used to thaw out a single Pokemon that has been frozen solid.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Route 216
Lava Cookie ImageLava Cookie Effect
Lavaridge Town's local specialty. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Valor Lakefront
Lemonade ImageLemonade Effect
A very sweet and refreshing drink. It can be used to restore 70 HP to single Pokemon.
Veilstone Department Store 5F
Max Elixir ImageMax Elixir Effect
This medicine can be used to fully restore the PP of all of the moves that have been learned by a Pokémon.
via Pickup / Victory Road 1F / Valley Windworks / Mt. Coronet B1F / Stark Mountain Entrance / Stark Mountain Interior
Max Ether ImageMax Ether Effect
This medicine can be used to fully restore the PP of a single selected move that has been learned by a Pokemon.
via Pickup / Valor Lakefront / Wayward Cave B1F / Mt. Coronet Top Cave / Victory Road 2F / Iron Island Outside / Iron Island B2F Right Cave
Max Potion ImageMax Potion Effect
A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to completely restore the max HP of a single Pokemon.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / via Pickup / Route 217 / Floaroma Meadow / Route 214 / Fuego Ironworks / Mt. Coronet Snow Area / Mt. Coronet 2F / Mt. Coronet 5F / Iron Island B2F Left Cave
Max Revive ImageMax Revive Effect
A medicine that can be used to revive a single Pokemon that has fainted. It also fully restores the Pokemon's max HP.
Grand Underground / Jubilife TV / via Pickup / Victory Road 1F / Galactic HQ / Route 217 / Valor Lakefront / Route 213 / Route 221 / Survival Area / Mt. Coronet 2F / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F / Stark Mountain Interior From Linoone
Moomoo Milk ImageMoomoo Milk Effect
A bottle of highly nutritious milk. When consumed, it restores up to 100 HP to an injured Pokémon.
Route 210 Cafe Cabin
From Miltank
Old Gateau ImageOld Gateau Effect
The Old Chateau's hidden specialty. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Old Chateau 2F
Paralyze Heal ImageParalyze Heal Effect
A spray-type medicine for treating paralysis. It can be used to free a single Pokemon that has been paralyzed.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Valor Lakefront / Eterna Forest / Floaroma Meadow / Route 204 South / Jubilife City / Great Marsh Area 6
Potion ImagePotion Effect
A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 20 HP to an injured Pokemon.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / via Pickup / Great Marsh Area 1 / Route 206 / Eterna Forest / Valley Windworks / Floaroma Meadow / Route 202 / Route 201 / Wayward Cave 1F / Route 205 North / Oreburgh Mine B1F From Zigzagoon / Linoone
Revival Herb ImageRevival Herb Effect
A terribly bitter medicinal herb. It revives a fainted Pokemon and fully restores its maximum HP.
Eterna City Herb Shop
Revive ImageRevive Effect
A medicine that can be used to revive a single Pokemon that has fainted. It also restores half of the Pokemon's max HP.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Grand Underground / via Pickup / Route 225 / Route 212 South / Veilstone City / Route 209 / Route 207 / Floaroma Meadow / Mt. Coronet 2F / Wayward Cave B1F / Mt. Coronet 4F / Mt. Coronet Top Cave / Mt. Coronet B1F / Mt. Coronet Route 211 Entrance / Stark Mountain Interior / Iron Island B2F Left Cave / Lost Tower 3F From Zigzagoon
Soda Pop ImageSoda Pop Effect
A highly carbonated soda drink. It can be used to restore 50 HP to a single Pokemon.
Veilstone Department Store 5F
Super Potion ImageSuper Potion Effect
A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 60 HP to an injured Pokemon.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / via Pickup / Route 213 / Route 209 / Route 207 / Eterna City / Floaroma Meadow / Route 205 South / Oreburgh City / Wayward Cave 1F / Route 212 North / Great Marsh Area 4 / Route 219

List of Recovery Items (Medicine)


Item How to Obtain
Armor Fossil ImageArmor Fossil Effect
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokemon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a collar.
Grand Underground
Claw Fossil ImageClaw Fossil Effect
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokemon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a claw.
Grand Underground
Dome Fossil ImageDome Fossil Effect
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokemon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a shell.
Grand Underground
Helix Fossil ImageHelix Fossil Effect
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokemon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a shell.
Grand Underground
Old Amber ImageOld Amber Effect
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokemon that lived on the land. It appears to be fossilized substance.
Grand Underground
Root Fossil ImageRoot Fossil Effect
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokemon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a plant.
Grand Underground
Skull Fossil ImageSkull Fossil Effect
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokemon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a head.
Grand Underground

How to Get and Revive Fossils

Training Items

Item How to Obtain
Ability Capsule ImageAbility Capsule Effect
A capsule that allows a Pokemon with two Abilities to switch between these Abilities when it is used.
Battle Tower
Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch Effect
When used on a Pokémon, its Ability will change to its species’ Hidden Ability, if it has one.
Battle Tower
Bottle Cap ImageBottle Cap Effect
A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a silver gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.
Battle Tower / via Pickup
Calcium ImageCalcium Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 228 / Route 217 / Route 213 / Route 209 / Snowpoint Temple B1F / Stark Mountain Interior
Carbos ImageCarbos Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Speed stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 230 / Route 226 / Route 222 / Route 208 / Route 221 / Route 220
Destiny Knot ImageDestiny Knot Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder becomes infatuated, the opposing Pokemon will be, Too.
via Pickup / Route 224
Everstone ImageEverstone Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. A Pokemon holding this peculiar stone is prevented from evolving.
Grand Underground / Snowpoint City From Golem / Graveler / Geodude
Gold Bottle Cap ImageGold Bottle Cap Effect
A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a golden gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.
Battle Tower Reward
HP Up ImageHP Up Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base HP of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 230 / Route 225 / Route 216 / Mt. Coronet North / Lake Valor / Route 204 South / Iron Island B2F Left Cave
Iron ImageIron Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Defense stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 228 / Route 217 / Route 208 / Route 207 / Stark Mountain Interior / Iron Island B2F Right Cave
Lucky Egg ImageLucky Egg Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's an egg filled with happiness that earns extra Exp. Points in battle.
Battle Tower / Jubilife TV / Northwestern Zone (Grand Underground) From Blissey
Macho Brace ImageMacho Brace Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This stiff, heavy brace helps Pokémon grow strong but cuts Speed in battle.
Pastoria City
Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Speed stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Band ImagePower Band Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Def stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Belt ImagePower Belt Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Defense stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Bracer ImagePower Bracer Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Attack stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Lens ImagePower Lens Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Atk stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Weight ImagePower Weight Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's maximum HP to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
PP Max ImagePP Max Effect
A medicine that can optimally raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
Route 224 / Southeastern Zone (Grand Underground)
PP Up ImagePP Up Effect
A medicine that can slightly raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
Battle Tower / Jubilife TV / via Pickup / Route 228 / Route 226 / Route 217 / Valor Lakefront / Veilstone City / Eterna City / Mt. Coronet B1F / Stark Mountain Interior / Southwestern Zone (Grand Underground)
Protein ImageProtein Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Attack stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 229 / Route 227 / Route 217 / Valor Lakefront / Route 212 South / Mt. Coronet Route 207 Entrance / Route 221
Rare Candy ImageRare Candy Effect
A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will instantly raise the level of a single Pokemon by one.
Battle Tower / via Pickup / Route 224 / Route 230 / Route 225 / Victory Road 1F / Galactic HQ / Route 218 / Valor Lakefront / Route 212 South / Route 207 / Eterna City / Wayward Cave 1F / Route 214 / Mt. Coronet Top / Mt. Coronet Top Cave / Mt. Coronet B1F / Mt. Coronet Route 211 Entrance / Solaceon Ruins D Chamber / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F / Stark Mountain Interior / Southwestern Zone (Grand Underground) / Western Zone (Grand Underground)
Soothe Bell ImageSoothe Bell Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. The comforting chime of this bell calms the holder, making it friendly.
Route 212 North
Zinc ImageZinc Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Def stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 227 / Victory Road 1F / Galactic HQ / Route 211 East / Route 212 South / Route 215 / Stark Mountain Interior

List of Training Items

Evolutionary Held Items

Item How to Obtain
Deep Sea Scale ImageDeep Sea Scale Effect
An item to be held by Clamperl. This scale shines with a faint pink and raises the holder's Sp. Def stat.
Central Zone (Grand Underground) From Gorebyss / Relicanth
Deep Sea Tooth ImageDeep Sea Tooth Effect
An item to be held by Clamperl. This fang gleams a sharp silver and raises the holder's Sp. Atk stat.
Southwestern Zone (Grand Underground) From Huntail / Carvanha / Sharpedo
Dragon Scale ImageDragon Scale Effect
Seadra will evolve into Kingdra if holding this item when traded.
From Horsea / Seadra / Dratini / Dragonair / Dragonite / Kingdra
Dubious Disc ImageDubious Disc Effect
Porygon2 will evolve into Porygon-Z if holding this item when traded.
Battle Tower / Route 225
Electirizer ImageElectirizer Effect
A box packed with a tremendous amount of electric energy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
From Electivire / Elekid / Electabuzz
KingKing's Rock Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When the holder successfully inflicts damage, the target may also flinch.
From Slowking / Slowbro / Poliwhirl / Poliwrath / Politoed / Hariyama
Magmarizer ImageMagmarizer Effect
A box packed with a tremendous amount of magma energy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
From Magmortar / Magby / Magmar
Metal Coat ImageMetal Coat Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a special metallic film that can boost the power of Steel-type moves.
Iron Island Outside From Magnezone / Bronzong / Bronzor / Steelix / Magneton / Beldum / Magnemite / Skarmory / Metang / Metagross
Oval Stone ImageOval Stone Effect
Happiny will evolve into Chansey if holding this item when leveling up during daytime.
Grand Underground / Lost Tower 2F From Happiny
Protector ImageProtector Effect
A protective item of some sort. It is extremely stiff and heavy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
Battle Tower / Route 228
Razor Claw ImageRazor Claw Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. This sharply hooked claw increases the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Battle Tower / Route 224 / Victory Road 1F
Razor Fang ImageRazor Fang Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. When the holder successfully inflicts damage, the target may also flinch.
Battle Tower / Battle Park
Reaper Cloth ImageReaper Cloth Effect
A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong spiritual energy. Causes Dusclops to evolve if traded while holding.
Battle Tower / Route 229
Upgrade ImageUpgrade Effect
Porygon will evolve into Porygon2 if holding this item when traded.
Battle Tower / Eterna City

List of Evolutionary Held Items

Held Items

In-Battle Held Items

Item How to Obtain
Adamant Orb ImageAdamant Orb Effect
A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves when it is held.
Spear Pillar
Big Root ImageBig Root Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts the amount of HP the holder recovers from HP-stealing moves.
Route 214 From Lileep / Cradily
Black Belt ImageBlack Belt Effect
Am item to be held by a Pokemon. This belt helps the wearer to focus and boosts the power of Fighting-type moves.
Route 221 From Makuhita
Black Glasses ImageBlack Glasses Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. A pair of shady-looking glasses that boost the power of Dark-type moves.
Celestic Town Shop
Black Sludge ImageBlack Sludge Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It gradually restores HP to Poison-type Pokemon. It damages any other type.
From Toxicroak / Croagunk / Grimer / Muk
Bright Powder ImageBright Powder Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It casts a tricky glare that lowers the opposing Pokémon's accuracy.
Battle Tower
From Wurmple / Volbeat / Illumise
Charcoal ImageCharcoal Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It’s a combustible fuel that boosts the power of Fire-type moves.
Route 227 / Eastern Zone (Grand Underground) From Vulpix / Ninetales / Torkoal
Choice Band ImageChoice Band Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. This curious headband boosts Attack but only allows the use of one move.
Battle Tower
Choice Scarf ImageChoice Scarf Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. This curious scarf boosts Speed but only allows the use of one move.
Battle Tower
Choice Specs ImageChoice Specs Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. These curious glasses boost Sp.Atk but only allow the use of one move.
Celestic Town Shop / Battle Tower
Damp Rock ImageDamp Rock Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Rain Dance when used by the holder.
Grand Underground
Draco Plate ImageDraco Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Dragon-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Dragon-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Eterna City
Dragon Fang ImageDragon Fang Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This hard and sharp fang boosts the power of Dragon-type moves.
Southeastern Zone (Grand Underground) From Salamence / Shelgon / Bagon
Dread Plate ImageDread Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Dark-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Dark-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Old Chateau 2F 1st Room
Earth Plate ImageEarth Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Ground-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Ground-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Oreburgh Gate B1F
Expert Belt ImageExpert Belt Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a well-worn belt that slightly boosts the power of supereffective moves.
Route 221
Fist Plate ImageFist Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Fighting-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Fighting-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Route 215
Flame Orb ImageFlame Orb Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a bizarre orb that will afflict the holder with a burn during battle.
Battle Tower
Flame Plate ImageFlame Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Fire-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Fire-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Stark Mountain Interior
Focus Band ImageFocus Band Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder may endure a potential KO attack, leaving it with just 1 HP.
Battle Tower
From Machamp / Machoke / Machop
Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder has full HP, it will endure a potential KO attack with 1 HP. The item then disappears.
Battle Tower / Route 221
Grip Claw ImageGrip Claw Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of multi-turn attacks like Bind and Wrap.
Wayward Cave B1F From Sandshrew / Sandslash
Griseous Orb ImageGriseous Orb Effect
A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Giratina. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Ghost-type moves when it is held.
Ramanas Park
Hard Stone ImageHard Stone Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a durable stone that boosts the power of Rock-type moves.
Grand Underground
From Aggron / Lairon / Aron / Corsola
Heat Rock ImageHeat Rock Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Sunny Day when used by the holder.
Grand Underground
Icicle Plate ImageIcicle Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Ice-type moves. It also changes Arceus to an Ice-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Route 217
Icy Rock ImageIcy Rock Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Hail when used by the holder.
Grand Underground
Insect Plate ImageInsect Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Bug-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Bug-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Eterna Forest
Iron Ball ImageIron Ball Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It lowers Speed and allows Ground-type moves to hit Flying-type and Levitating holders.
Grand Underground / Stark Mountain Interior / Iron Island B1F Left Cave From Mawile
Iron Plate ImageIron Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Steel-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Steel-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Iron Island B2F Left Cave
Lagging Tail ImageLagging Tail Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It is tremendously heavy and makes the holder move slower than usual.
Route 226 From Slowpoke / Lickilicky / Lickitung
Leek ImageLeek Effect
An item to be held by Farfetch'd. This very long and stiff stalk of leek boosts its critical-hit ratio.
From Farfetch'd
Leftovers ImageLeftovers Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder's HP is slowly but steadiily restored throughout every battle.
via Pickup / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F / Northwestern Zone (Grand Underground) From Munchlax / Snorlax
Life Orb ImageLife Orb Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of moves, but at the cost of some HP on each hit.
Battle Tower / Stark Mountain
Light Ball ImageLight Ball Effect
An item to be held by Pikachu. It's a puzzling orb that boosts its Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
From Pikachu
Light Clay ImageLight Clay Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. Protective moves like Light Screen and Reflect will be effective longer.
Grand Underground / Battle Tower / Mt. Coronet B1F From Baltoy / Claydol
Lucky Punch ImageLucky Punch Effect
An item held by Chansey. This pair of lucky boxing gloves will boost Chansey's critical-hit ratio.
Battle Tower
Lustrous Orb ImageLustrous Orb Effect
A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Palkia. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Water-type moves when it is held.
Spear Pillar
Magnet ImageMagnet Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a powerful magnet that bootst the power of Electric-type moves.
Iron Island B2F Left Cave From Probopass / Nosepass
Meadow Plate ImageMeadow Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Grass-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Grass-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Route 210 North
Mental Herb ImageMental Herb Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder shakes off move-binding effects to move freely. It can be used only once.
Battle Tower / via Pickup / Route 216 From Lotad / Lombre / Ludicolo
Metal Powder ImageMetal Powder Effect
An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Defense stat.
From Ditto
Metronome ImageMetronome Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts moves used consecutively but only until a different move is used.
Veilstone City From Chatot / Kricketune / Kricketot
Mind Plate ImageMind Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Psychic-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Dragon-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Solaceon Ruins D Chamber
Miracle Seed ImageMiracle Seed Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a seed imbued with life force that boosts the power of Grass-type moves.
Floaroma Meadow From Cherrim / Cherubi
Muscle Band ImageMuscle Band Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. This headband exudes strength, slightly boosting the power of physical moves.
Battle Tower
Mystic Water ImageMystic Water Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This teardrop-shaped gem boosts the power of Water-type moves.
Pastoria City From Seaking / Goldeen / Lapras / Castform
Never-Melt Ice ImageNever-Melt Ice Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a heat-repelling piece of ice that boosts the power of Ice-type moves.
Snowpoint Temple B4F From Abomasnow / Snover
Pixie Plate ImagePixie Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Fairy-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Fairy-type Pokemon
Grand Underground
Poison Barb ImagePoison Barb Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This small, poisonous barb boosts the power of Poison-type moves.
Route 206 From Drapion / Skorupi / Vespiquen / Roserade / Budew / Roselia / Tentacruel / Tentacool / Beedrill / Qwilfish
Power Herb ImagePower Herb Effect
A single-use item to be held by a Pokémon. It allows the holder to immediately use a move that normally requires a turn to charge.
Battle Tower / via Pickup
From Seedot / Nuzleaf / Shiftry
Quick Claw ImageQuick Claw Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This light, sharp claw lets the bearer move first occasionally.
Jubilife City From Weavile / Sneasel / Meowth / Persian / Zangoose
Quick Powder ImageQuick Powder Effect
An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Speed stat.
From Ditto
Scope Lens ImageScope Lens Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a lens for scoping out weak points. It boosts the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Battle Tower / Fight Area
Sharp Beak ImageSharp Beak Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a long, sharp beak that boosts the power of Flying-type moves.
Northwestern Zone (Grand Underground) From Dodrio / Doduo / Spearow / Fearow
Shed Shell ImageShed Shell Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. This discarded carapace enables the holder to switch out of battle without fail.
Route 228 From Dustox / Beautifly / Venomoth / Seviper
Shell Bell ImageShell Bell Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder regains a little HP every time it inflicts damage on others.
Hearthome City
Silk Scarf ImageSilk Scarf Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a sumptuous scarf that boosts the power of Normal-type moves.
Veilstone City
Silver Powder ImageSilver Powder Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a shiny silver powder that will boost the power of Bug-type moves.
Eterna Forest From Mothim / Wormadam / Butterfree / Masquerain
Sky Plate ImageSky Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Flying-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Flying-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Pokemon League
Smooth Rock ImageSmooth Rock Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Sandstorm when used by the holder.
Grand Underground
Soft Sand ImageSoft Sand Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a loose, silky sand boosts the power of Ground-type moves.
Mt. Coronet B1F From Trapinch / Diglett / Dugtrio / Nincada
Soul Dew ImageSoul Dew Effect
A wondrous orb to be held by either Latios or Latias. It boosts the power of Psychic- and Dragon-type moves when it is held.
Ramanas Park
Spell Tag ImageSpell Tag Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a sinister, eerie tag that boosts the power of Ghost-type moves.
Route 217 From Dusknoir / Dusclops / Duskull / Shuppet / Banette
Splash Plate ImageSplash Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Water-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Water-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Route 220
Spooky Plate ImageSpooky Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Ghost-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Ghost-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Amity Square
Sticky Barb ImageSticky Barb Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It damages the holder every turn and may latch on to Pokémon that touch the holder.
Veilstone City From Cacnea / Cacturne
Stone Plate ImageStone Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Rock-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Rock-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Mt. Coronet 4F
Thick Club ImageThick Club Effect
Doubles the Attack of Cubone and Marowak.
From Cubone / Marowak
Toxic Orb ImageToxic Orb Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a bizarre orb that will badly poison the holder during battle.
Battle Tower
Toxic Plate ImageToxic Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Poison-type moves. It also changes Arceus to a Poison-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Great Marsh Area 2
Twisted Spoon ImageTwisted Spoon Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This spoon is imbued with telekinetic power and boosts Psychic-type moves.
Northeastern Zone (Grand Underground) From Alakazam / Kadabra / Abra
White Herb ImageWhite Herb Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It will restore any lowered stat in battle. It can be used only once.
Battle Tower / via Pickup
Wide Lens ImageWide Lens Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a magnifying lens that slightly boosts the accuracy of moves.
Veilstone City From Yanmega / Yanma / Sableye
Wise Glasses ImageWise Glasses Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. This thick pair of glasses slightly boosts the power of special moves.
Celestic Town Shop
Zap Plate ImageZap Plate Effect
A stone tablet that boosts the holder's Electric-type moves. It also changes Arceus to an Electric-type Pokemon
Grand Underground / Sunyshore City
Zoom Lens ImageZoom Lens Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder moves after its target moves, its accuracy will be boosted.
Veilstone City

Other Held Items

Item How to Obtain
Amulet Coin ImageAmulet Coin Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It doubles any prize money received if the holding Pokemon joins a battle.
Amity Square
Blue Scarf ImageBlue Scarf Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. During a Super Contest Show, it raises the Beauty of the Pokemon holding it.
Pastoria City Scarf Guy
Cleanse Tag ImageCleanse Tag Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It helps keep wild Pokemon away if the holder is the head of the party.
Lost Tower 5F From Chingling / Chimecho
Green Scarf ImageGreen Scarf Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. During a Super Contest Show, it raises the Cleverness of the Pokemon holding it.
Pastoria City Scarf Guy
Pink Scarf ImagePink Scarf Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. During a Super Contest Show, it raises the Cuteness of the Pokemon holding it.
Pastoria City Scarf Guy
Red Scarf ImageRed Scarf Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. During a Super Contest Show, it raises the Coolness of the Pokemon holding it.
Pastoria City Scarf Guy
Smoke Ball ImageSmoke Ball Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It enables the holder to flee from any wild Pokemon encounter without fail.
Route 210 North From Koffing / Weezing
Yellow Scarf ImageYellow Scarf Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. During a Super Contest Show, it raises the Toughness of the Pokemon holding it.
Pastoria City Scarf Guy

List of All Held Items


Item How to Obtain
Calcium ImageCalcium Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 228 / Route 217 / Route 213 / Route 209 / Snowpoint Temple B1F / Stark Mountain Interior
Carbos ImageCarbos Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Speed stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 230 / Route 226 / Route 222 / Route 208 / Route 221 / Route 220
HP Up ImageHP Up Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base HP of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 230 / Route 225 / Route 216 / Mt. Coronet North / Lake Valor / Route 204 South / Iron Island B2F Left Cave
Iron ImageIron Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Defense stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 228 / Route 217 / Route 208 / Route 207 / Stark Mountain Interior / Iron Island B2F Right Cave
PP Max ImagePP Max Effect
A medicine that can optimally raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
Route 224 / Southeastern Zone (Grand Underground)
PP Up ImagePP Up Effect
A medicine that can slightly raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
Battle Tower / Jubilife TV / via Pickup / Route 228 / Route 226 / Route 217 / Valor Lakefront / Veilstone City / Eterna City / Mt. Coronet B1F / Stark Mountain Interior / Southwestern Zone (Grand Underground)
Protein ImageProtein Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Attack stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 229 / Route 227 / Route 217 / Valor Lakefront / Route 212 South / Mt. Coronet Route 207 Entrance / Route 221
Zinc ImageZinc Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Def stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 227 / Victory Road 1F / Galactic HQ / Route 211 East / Route 212 South / Route 215 / Stark Mountain Interior

List of Vitamins

Valuable Items

Item How to Obtain
Big Mushroom ImageBig Mushroom Effect
A very large and rare mushroom. It's popular with a certain class of collectors.
via Pickup / Route 229 / Route 226 / Route 222 / Mt. Coronet Top / Mt. Coronet Top Cave / Solaceon Ruins E Chamber (Side-Chamber 1) / Victory Road B1F / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F / Western Zone (Grand Underground) From Paras / Parasect / Shroomish / Breloom
Big Pearl ImageBig Pearl Effect
A rather large pearl that has very nice silvery sheen. It can be sold at a high price to shops.
Route 224 / Route 226 / Route 223 / Route 213 / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F From Clamperl / Shellder / Cloyster
Blue Shard ImageBlue Shard Effect
A small blue shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.
Grand Underground
Green Shard ImageGreen Shard Effect
A small green shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.
Grand Underground
Heart Scale ImageHeart Scale Effect
A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is extremely rare. It glows faintly in the colors of the rainbow.
Grand Underground / Route 212 South / Route 214 From Luvdisc
Honey ImageHoney Effect
A sweet honey with a lush aroma that attracts wild Pokemon when it is used in tall grass, in caves, or on special trees.
Route 222 / Route 218 / Route 215 / Solaceon Town / Route 209 / Route 208 / Eterna Forest / Floaroma Meadow / Route 214 / Route 221 / Route 205 North / Great Marsh Area 3 From Combee / Surskit
Nugget ImageNugget Effect
A nugget of the purest gold that gives off a lustrous gleam in direct light. It can be sold at a high price to shops.
via Pickup / Route 229 / Galactic HQ / Route 217 / Wayward Cave 1F / Resort Area / Route 210 North / Mt. Coronet Snow Area / Mt. Coronet Top Cave / Mt. Coronet B1F / Solaceon Ruins D Chamber / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F / Stark Mountain Interior / Central Zone (Grand Underground) / Eastern Zone (Grand Underground)
Pearl ImagePearl Effect
A rather small pearl that has very nice silvery sheen to it. It can be sold at a low price to shops.
Route 224 / Route 223 / Sunyshore City / Canalave City / Route 213 / Route 220 / Victory Road B1F From Clamperl / Shellder / Cloyster
Rare Bone ImageRare Bone Effect
A rare bone that is extremely valuable for the study of Pokemon archeology. It can be sold for high price to shops.
Grand Underground
Red Shard ImageRed Shard Effect
A small red shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.
Grand Underground / Route 213
Star Piece ImageStar Piece Effect
A small shard of a beautiful gem that gives off a distinctly red sparkle. It can be sold at a high price to shops.
Grand Underground
From Staryu / Starmie / Jirachi
Stardust ImageStardust Effect
Lovely red sand that flows between the fingers with a loose, silky feel. It can be sold at a low price to shops.
Route 224 / Route 228 / Oreburgh City / Wayward Cave B1F / Mt. Coronet 5F / Mt. Coronet B1F / Oreburgh Gate B1F / Lost Tower 2F From Staryu / Starmie / Lunatone / Solrock
Tiny Mushroom ImageTiny Mushroom Effect
A very small and rare mushroom. It's popular with a certain class of collectors.
via Pickup / Route 226 / Route 212 South / Veilstone City / Route 209 / Hearthome City / Wayward Cave 1F / Route 214 / Route 221 / Mt. Coronet Top / Mt. Coronet 4F / Mt. Coronet 4F / Mt. Coronet Route 211 Entrance / Iron Island B1F Right Cave From Paras / Parasect / Shroomish / Breloom
Yellow Shard ImageYellow Shard Effect
A small yellow shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.
Grand Underground

Valuable Items

Key Items

Item How to Obtain
Bicycle ImageBicycle Effect
A folding Bicycle that enables much faster movement than the running Shoes.
Eterna City
Catching Charm ImageCatching Charm Effect
Holding it is said to increase the chance of getting a critical catch. Curiously, the charm doesn't shake much.
Valor Lakefront
Currently UnavailableCoupon 1 Effect
A coupon to be exchanged for a Pokemon Watch (Poketch for short). Three coupons are needed
Jubilife City
Currently UnavailableCoupon 2 Effect
A coupon to be exchanged for a Pokemon Watch (Poketch for short). Three coupons are needed
Jubilife City
Currently UnavailableCoupon 3 Effect
A coupon to be exchanged for a Pokemon Watch (Poketch for short). Three coupons are needed
Jubilife City
DS Sounds ImageDS Sounds Effect
A music player that allows you to listen to nostalgic songs. It's operated with the flip of a single switch.
Valor Lakefront
Explorer Kit ImageExplorer Kit Effect
A bag filled with convenient tools for exploring. It provides access to the Underground.
Eterna City
Galactic Key ImageGalactic Key Effect
A card key for disengaging security systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it can result in punishment, apparently.
Galactic HQ
Good Rod ImageGood Rod Effect
A new, good-quality fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokemon.
Route 209
Lunar Feather ImageLunar Feather Effect
A feather that glows like the moon. It's said to possess the power to dispel nightmares.
Fullmoon Island
Member Card ImageMember Card Effect
A card needed for entering the inn in Canalave City. Oddly, the last date marked on it was 50 years ago.
Odd Keystone ImageOdd Keystone Effect
A vital item that is needed to keep a stone tower from collapsing. Voices can be heard from it occasionally.
Grand Underground / Route 208 / Twinleaf Town
Currently UnavailableOld Charm Effect
An ancient good-luck charm made of Pokemon bones to be taken to the elder of Celestic Town.
Route 210 South
Old Rod ImageOld Rod Effect
An old and beat-up fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokemon.
Jubilife City
Oval Charm ImageOval Charm Effect
An oval charm said to increase the chance of Pokemon Eggs being found at the Nursery.
Valor Lakefront
Parcel ImageParcel Effect
A parcel entrusted in your care. You are supposed to deliver it to your childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town.
Twinleaf Town
Poffin Case ImagePoffin Case Effect
A case for storing Poffin cooked from Berries.
Hearthome City
Point Card ImagePoint Card Effect
A card that lists the Battle Points you have earned.
Battle Park
Poke Radar ImagePoke Radar Effect
A tool that can search out Pokemon that are hiding in grass. Its battery is recharged as you walk.
Sandgem Town
Secret Key ImageSecret Key Effect
A high-tech key that has to be used at a specific location. It emits a special electronic signal to open a door.
Old Chateau 2F 2nd Room (Night)
Secret Medicine ImageSecret Medicine Effect
A fantastic medicine dispensed by the pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully heals a Pokemon of any ailment.
Valor Lakefront
Shiny Charm ImageShiny Charm Effect
A shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon.
Valor Lakefront
Spray Duck ImageSpray Duck Effect
A watering can shaped like a PSYDUCK. It helps promote healthy growth of Berries planted in soft soil.
Floaroma Town
Currently UnavailableStorage Key Effect
The key to Team Galactic's sinister warehouse located at the edge of Veilstone City.
Veilstone City
Suite Key ImageSuite Key Effect
A key to one of the suites at the luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd reason, it often disappears.
Valor Lakefront
Super Rod ImageSuper Rod Effect
An awesome, high-tech fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokemon.
Fight Area
Vs Seeker ImageVs Seeker Effect
A device that indicates Trainers who want to battle. Its battery charges while you walk.
Route 207
Works Key ImageWorks Key Effect
A large key for operating the doors of the Valley Windworks in the canyon. It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt.
Floaroma Meadow

List of Key Items


Item How to Obtain
Adamant Mint ImageAdamant Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Bold Mint ImageBold Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Brave Mint ImageBrave Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Calm Mint ImageCalm Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Careful Mint ImageCareful Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Gentle Mint ImageGentle Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Hasty Mint ImageHasty Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Impish Mint ImageImpish Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Jolly Mint ImageJolly Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Lax Mint ImageLax Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Lonely Mint ImageLonely Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Mild Mint ImageMild Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Modest Mint ImageModest Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Naive Mint ImageNaive Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Naughty Mint ImageNaughty Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Quiet Mint ImageQuiet Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Rash Mint ImageRash Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Relaxed Mint ImageRelaxed Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Sassy Mint ImageSassy Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower
Serious Mint ImageSerious Mint Effect
When a Pokémon smells this mint, all of its stats will grow at an equal rate.
Battle Tower
Timid Mint ImageTimid Mint Effect
When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Battle Tower

List of Mints


Using a Slate in Ramanas Park triggers encounters with a certain Legendary Pokemon.

Slate Room Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP Discovery SlateDiscovery Slate Discovery Room Regirock
Pokemon BDSP Kanto SlateKanto Slate
(Shining Pearl only)
Kanto Room
(Shining Pearl only)
Johto Slate
(Brilliant Diamond only)
Johto Room
(Brilliant Diamond only)
Pokemon BDSP Soul SlateSoul Slate Soul Room Latios
Rainbow Slate
(Brilliant Diamond only)
Rainbow Room
(Brilliant Diamond only)
Pokemon BDSP Ho-OhHo-Oh
Pokemon BDSP Squall PlateSquall Slate
(Shining Pearl only)
Squall Room
(Shining Pearl only)
Pokemon BDSP LugiaLugia
Pokemon BDSP Oceanic SlateOceanic Slate Oceanic Room Pokemon BDSP KyogreKyogre
Pokemon BDSP Tectonic SlateTectonic Slate Tectonic Room Pokemon BDSP GroudonGroudon
Pokemon BDSP Stratospheric SlateStratopsheric Slate Stratopsheric Room Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza
Pokemon BDSP Genome SlateGenome Slate Genome Room Pokemon BDSP MewtwoMewtwo
Pokemon BDSP Distortion SlateDistortion Slate Distortion Room Pokemon BDSP Giratina (Origin Forme)Giratina (Origin Forme)

List of Slates

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

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