Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Oreburgh City Pokemon List and Map

oreburgh city.png
This is a map and walkthrough for Oreburgh City in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn what Pokemon are found on Oreburgh City, and what trainers, items, and events are encountered here.

Route 207
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh City -
Oreburgh Mine

Oreburgh City Map and Items

Oreburgh City Map

View Full Map Image

Connected Maps

Route 207
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh City -
Oreburgh Mine

Obtainable Items

Oreburgh City Items
Dusk Ball Great Ball Heal Ball
Stardust Stealth Rock Super Potion

Oreburgh City Walkthrough

Oreburgh City Objectives (1st Time)


Steps to proceed through Oreburgh City
1 Upon entering the city, a boy will approach you and show where the Oreburgh Pokemon Gym is. You will find your rival in front of the Pokemon Gym, talk to him.
2 Travel to Oreburgh Mine and look for the Oreburgh City Gym Leader Roark.
You can find the mine in the southern part of the city.

Oreburgh City Objectives (2nd Time)

Steps to proceed through Oreburgh City (2nd Time)
1 Go inside the Oreburgh City Pokemon Gym.
It is the building where you found your rival.
2 Defeat the two trainers along your way or use the stairs to avoid them.
When you already defeated the Gym Leader, you can no longer challenge the trainers that you avoided.
3 At the end of the path, you'll find Oreburgh City Gym Leader Roark. Speak with him to start the Gym Battle.
4 Return to Jubilife City.

Oreburgh City Gym Leader: Roark's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GeodudeGeodude
(Lvl. 12)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rock Head Stealth Rock
Defense Curl
Pokemon BDSP OnixOnix
(Lvl. 12)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sturdy Stealth Rock
Rock Throw
Pokemon BDSP CranidosCranidos
(Lvl. 14)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Mold Breaker Headbutt

Use Fighting Type Pokemon

Roark, the leader of the Oreburgh City Gym, is a Rock-type specialist. Grass-types and Water-types have the super effective matchup needed to reliably go against Roark's team members.

Fighting-types are also solid choices. Not only are they super effective against Rock types, they also resist the Rock type's moves.

How to Beat Gym Leader Roark

Save Your Best Pokemon for Cranidos

Cranidos is Gym Leader Roark's strongest Pokemon. With a whopping Base 125 Attack, it can easily knock out your Pokemon if you give it a chance to move first!

Save your strongest and highest level Pokemon for last! It's also a good idea to bring some Potions just in case. Take note that Roark will also use Potions if his Pokemon are low on health.

Oreburgh City Gym Battle Rewards

after roark battle

Defeating Gym Leader Roark will reward you with the items below and unlock Rock Smash (HM06). Once Rock Smash (HM06) is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Coal Badge Stealth Rock (TM76)
₽ 1,680 -

Oreburgh City Trainers

Youngster Jonathon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GeodudeGeodude
(Lvl. 10)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rock Head Tackle
Defense Curl
₽ 160

Youngster Darius

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GeodudeGeodude
(Lvl. 8)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rock Head Tackle
Defense Curl
Pokemon BDSP OnixOnix
(Lvl. 8)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rock Head Tackle
Smack Down
₽ 128

Oreburgh City Shops

Oreburgh City Poke Mart

Items Available in Oreburgh City Only

Items Price # of Badges Required
₽1,000 0
₽300 0

Items Available in All Poke Marts

Items Price # of Badges Required
₽350 1
₽550 1
₽250 1
₽250 1
₽250 1
₽100 0
₽700 1
₽300 0
₽200 0
₽600 3
₽1,200 5
₽500 3
₽700 5
₽1,200 5
₽2,500 7
₽1,500 3
₽600 5
Free 0
₽200 0
₽3000 8

Oreburgh City Tips & Strategies

Restore Fossils at Mining Museum

The scientist at the front desk of the Oreburgh Mining Museum can restore any fossils you find while exploring the Grand Underground. Talk to him to get a new Pokemon from these fossils!

Evolve Your Pokemon

It's a good idea to evolve your Pokemon before challenging Gym Leader Roark - especially if you chose Chimchar since it receives a secondary Fighting-type to eliminate its weakness to Rock-type moves.

Training your Pokemon up to Lv. 17 will make battling through the Oreburgh Gym easier!

Trade Machop for an Abra

machop trade
At the house next to the Dusk Ball's location, you'll find a girl who is willing to trade her Abra for a Machop. If you want to exchange your Machop for an Abra, visit her at this location.

Show Zubat for a Heal Ball

In the same house, go upstairs and talk to the boy in a blue jumpsuit. Show him a Zubat, and he will give you a Heal Ball in return.

Zubat can be encountered at Oreburgh Gate and Oreburgh Mine.

Oreburgh City Connected Maps

Route 207
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh City -
Oreburgh Mine

Pokemon BDSP Related Links

Pokemon BDSP Maps and Locations

All Maps and Locations

Towns and Cities
Twinleaf Town Sandgem Town
Jubilife City Oreburgh City
Floaroma Town Eterna City
Veilstone City Celestic Town
Pastoria City Hearthome City
Solaceon Town Canalave City
Snowpoint City Sunyshore City
Pokemon League -
Route 201 Route 202
Route 203 Route 204
Route 205 Route 206
Route 207 Route 208
Route 209 Route 210
Route 211 Route 212
Route 213 Route 214
Route 215 Route 216
Route 217 Route 218
Route 219 Route 220
Route 221 Route 222
Route 223 Route 224
Route 225 Route 226
Route 227 Route 228
Route 229 Route 230
Lakes and Lakefront
Valor Lakefront Lake Valor
Acuity Lakefront Lake Acuity
Lake Verity -
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh Mine
Ravaged Path Valley Windworks
Mt. Coronet Eterna Forest
Wayward Cave Lost Tower
Trophy Garden Great Marsh
Solaceon Ruins Mt. Coronet North
Galactic HQ Spear Pillar
Victory Road Stark Mountain
Iron Island Sendoff Spring
Snowpoint Temple Old Chateau
Fuego Ironworks Fullmoon Island
Turnback Cave Ruin Maniac's Cave (Maniac Tunnel)
Floaroma Meadow New Moon Island
Seabreak Path Flower Paradise
Battle Zone
Fight Area Survival Area
Resort Area Battle Park


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