Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

All Unusable Moves: Moves Not In The Game

List of All Unusable Moves

Unusable moves in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) are moves that are available in different generations but are unavailable in BDSP. See the list of unusable move in the remakes and why they aren't usable.

List of All Unusable Moves

Moves Type Power Acc. PP
Accelerock Rock Type Move 40 100 20
Anchor Shot Steel Type Move 80 100 20
Apple Acid Grass Type Move 80 100 10
Assist Normal Type Move - - 20
Astral Barrage Ghost Type Move 120 100 5
Aura Wheel Electric Type Move 110 100 10
Baneful Bunker Poison Type Move - - 10
Barrage Normal Type Move 15 85 20
Barrier Psychic Type Move - - 20
Beak Blast Flying Type Move 100 100 15
Behemoth Bash Steel Type Move 100 100 5
Behemoth Blade Steel Type Move 100 100 5
Bestow Normal Type Move - - 15
Bide Normal Type Move - - 10
Blue Flare Fire Type Move 130 85 5
Bolt Beak Electric Type Move 85 100 100
Bolt Strike Electric Type Move 130 85 5
Bone Club Ground Type Move 65 85 20
Branch Poke Grass Type Move 40 100 40
Breaking Swipe Dragon Type Move 60 100 15
Brutal Swing Dark Type Move 60 100 20
Bubble Water Type Move 40 100 30
Burning Jealousy Fire Type Move 70 100 5
Camouflage Normal Type Move - - 20
Captivate Normal Type Move - 100 20
Celebrate Normal Type Move - - 40
Chip Away Normal Type Move 70 100 20
Clamp Water Type Move 35 85 15
Clanging Scales Dragon Type Move 110 100 5
Clangorous Soul Dragon Type Move - 100 5
Coaching Fighting Type Move - - 10
Comet Punch Normal Type Move 18 85 15
Constrict Normal Type Move 10 100 35
Core Enforcer Dragon Type Move 100 100 10
Corrosive Gas Poison Type Move - 100 40
Court Change Normal Type Move - 100 10
Crafty Shield Fairy Type Move - - 10
Darkest Lariat Dark Type Move 85 100 10
Decorate Fairy Type Move - - 15
Diamond Storm Rock Type Move 100 95 5
Dizzy Punch Normal Type Move 70 100 10
Double Iron Bash Steel Type Move 60 100 5
Double Slap Normal Type Move 15 85 10
Dragon Darts Dragon Type Move 50 100 10
Dragon Energy Dragon Type Move 150 100 5
Dragon Rage Dragon Type Move - 100 10
Drum Beating Grass Type Move 80 100 10
Dual Wingbeat Flying Type Move 40 90 10
Dynamax Cannon Dragon Type Move 100 100 5
Eerie Spell Psychic Type Move 80 100 5
Egg Bomb Normal Type Move 100 75 10
Electrify Electric Type Move - - 20
Electroweb Electric Type Move 55 95 15
Embargo Dark Type Move - 100 15
Eternabeam Dragon Type Move 160 90 6
Expanding Force Psychic Type Move 80 100 10
Fairy Lock Fairy Type Move - - 10
False Surrender Dark Type Move 80 - 10
Feint Attack Dark Type Move 60 - 20
Fiery Dance Fire Type Move 80 100 10
Fiery Wrath Dark Type Move 90 100 10
Fire Lash Fire Type Move 80 100 15
Fire Pledge Fire Type Move 80 100 10
First Impression Bug Type Move 90 100 10
Fishious Rend Water Type Move 85 100 10
Flame Burst Fire Type Move 70 100 15
Fleur Cannon Fairy Type Move 130 90 5
Flip Turn Water Type Move 60 100 20
Floral Healing Fairy Type Move - - 10
Flying Press Fighting Type Move 100 95 10
Foresight Normal Type Move - - 40
Forest's Curse Grass Type Move - 100 20
Freeze Shock Ice Type Move 140 90 5
Freezing Glare Psychic Type Move 90 100 10
Frustration Normal Type Move - 100 20
Fusion Bolt Electric Type Move 100 100 5
Fusion Flare Fire Type Move 100 100 5
Gear Grind Steel Type Move 50 85 15
Gear Up Steel Type Move - - 20
Geomancy Fairy Type Move - - 10
Glacial Lance Ice Type Move 130 100 5
Glaciate Ice Type Move 65 95 10
Grass Pledge Grass Type Move 80 100 10
Grass Whistle Grass Type Move - 55 15
Grassy Glide Grass Type Move 70 100 20
Grav Apple Grass Type Move 80 100 10
Happy Hour Normal Type Move - - 30
Head Charge Normal Type Move 120 100 15
Heal Block Psychic Type Move - 100 15
Heal Order Bug Type Move - - 10
Heart Stamp Psychic Type Move 60 100 25
Heat Crash Fire Type Move - 100 10
Hold Back Normal Type Move 40 100 40
Hold Hands Normal Type Move - - 40
Horn Leech Grass Type Move 75 100 10
Hyper Fang Normal Type Move 80 90 15
Hyperspace Fury Dark Type Move 100 - 5
Hyperspace Hole Psychic Type Move 80 - 5
Ice Ball Ice Type Move 30 90 20
Ice Burn Ice Type Move 140 90 5
Ice Hammer Ice Type Move 100 90 10
Instruct Psychic Type Move - - 15
Ion Deluge Electric Type Move - - 25
Jaw Lock Dark Type Move 80 100 10
Jump Kick Fighting Type Move 100 95 10
Jungle Healing Grass Type Move - - -
Karate Chop Fighting Type Move 50 100 25
King's Shield Steel Type Move - - 10
Land's Wrath Ground Type Move 90 100 10
Lash Out Dark Type Move 75 100 5
Light of Ruin Fairy Type Move 140 90 5
Lucky Chant Normal Type Move - - 30
Magic Powder Psychic Type Move - 100 20
Magnet Bomb Steel Type Move 60 - 20
Magnitude Ground Type Move - 100 30
Mat Block Fighting Type Move - - 10
Me First Normal Type Move - - 20
Meditate Psychic Type Move - - 40
Meteor Assault Fighting Type Move 150 100 5
Meteor Beam Rock Type Move 120 90 10
Mind Blown Fire Type Move 150 100 5
Miracle Eye Psychic Type Move - - 40
Mirror Move Flying Type Move - - 20
Mirror Shot Steel Type Move 65 85 10
Misty Explosion Fairy Type Move 100 100 5
Moongeist Beam Ghost Type Move 100 100 5
Mud Bomb Ground Type Move 65 85 10
Mud Sport Ground Type Move - - 15
Multi-Attack Normal Type Move 90 100 10
Natural Gift Normal Type Move - 100 15
Nature's Madness Fairy Type Move - 90 10
Needle Arm Grass Type Move 60 100 15
Night Daze Dark Type Move 85 95 10
Nightmare Ghost Type Move - 100 15
No Retreat Fighting Type Move - - 5
Oblivion Wing Flying Type Move 80 100 10
Obstruct Dark Type Move - 100 10
Octolock Fighting Type Move - 100 15
Odor Sleuth Normal Type Move - - 40
Ominous Wind Ghost Type Move 60 100 5
Overdrive Electric Type Move 80 100 10
Parabolic Charge Electric Type Move 65 100 20
Photon Geyser Psychic Type Move 100 100 5
Plasma Fists Electric Type Move 100 100 15
Pollen Puff Bug Type Move 90 100 15
Poltergeist Ghost Type Move 110 90 5
Powder Bug Type Move - 100 20
Power Trip Dark Type Move 20 100 10
Prismatic Laser Psychic Type Move 160 100 10
Psychic Fangs Psychic Type Move 85 100 10
Psychic Terrain Psychic Type Move - - 10
Psywave Psychic Type Move ×0.5〜1.5 100 15
Punishment Dark Type Move 60 100 5
Purify Poison Type Move - - 20
Pursuit Dark Type Move 40 100 20
Pyro Ball Fire Type Move 120 90 5
Rage Normal Type Move 20 100 20
Razor Wind Normal Type Move 80 100 10
Refresh Normal Type Move - 100 20
Relic Song Normal Type Move 75 100 10
Return Normal Type Move - 100 20
Revelation Dance Normal Type Move 90 100 15
Rising Voltage Electric Type Move 70 100 20
Rolling Kick Fighting Type Move 60 85 15
Rototiller Ground Type Move - - 10
Sacred Sword Fighting Type Move 90 100 15
Scale Shot Dragon Type Move 25 90 20
Scorching Sands Ground Type Move 70 100 10
Searing Shot Fire Type Move 100 100 5
Secret Power Normal Type Move 70 100 20
Secret Sword Fighting Type Move 85 100 10
Shadow Bone Ghost Type Move 85 100 10
Sharpen Normal Type Move - - 30
Shell Side Arm Poison Type Move 90 100 10
Shell Trap Fire Type Move 150 100 5
Shift Gear Steel Type Move - - 10
Shore Up Ground Type Move - - 10
Signal Beam Bug Type Move 75 100 15
Silver Wind Bug Type Move 60 100 5
Skitter Smack Bug Type Move 70 90 10
Sky Drop Flying Type Move 60 100 10
Sky Uppercut Fighting Type Move 85 90 15
Smelling Salts Normal Type Move 70 100 10
Snap Trap Grass Type Move 35 100 15
Snatch Dark Type Move - - 10
Snipe Shot Water Type Move 80 100 15
Solar Blade Grass Type Move 125 100 10
Sonic Boom Normal Type Move - 90 20
Sparkling Aria Water Type Move 90 100 10
Spectral Thief Ghost Type Move 90 100 10
Speed Swap Psychic Type Move - - 10
Spider Web Bug Type Move - - 10
Spider Web Bug Type Move - - 10
Spike Cannon Normal Type Move 20 100 15
Spirit Break Fairy Type Move 75 100 15
Spirit Shackle Ghost Type Move 80 100 10
Spotlight Normal Type Move - - 15
Steam Eruption Water Type Move 110 95 5
Steamroller Bug Type Move 65 100 20
Steel Beam Steel Type Move 140 95 5
Steel Roller Steel Type Move 130 100 5
Strange Steam Fairy Type Move 90 95 10
Struggle Normal Type Move 50 - 1
Stuff Cheeks Normal Type Move - - 10
Sunsteel Strike Steel Type Move 100 100 5
Surging Strikes Water Type Move 25 100 5
Synchronoise Psychic Type Move 120 100 15
Tail Slap Normal Type Move 25 85 10
Tar Shot Rock Type Move - 100 15
Teatime Normal Type Move - - 10
Techno Blast Normal Type Move 120 100 5
Telekinesis Psychic Type Move - - 15
Terrain Pulse Normal Type Move 50 100 10
Thousand Arrows Ground Type Move 90 100 10
Thousand Waves Ground Type Move 90 100 10
Thunder Cage Electric Type Move 80 90 15
Thunderous Kick Fighting Type Move - - -
Topsy-Turvy Dark Type Move - - 20
Trick-or-Treat Ghost Type Move - 100 20
Triple Axel Ice Type Move 20 90 10
Trop Kick Grass Type Move 70 100 15
Trump Card Normal Type Move - - 5
Twineedle Bug Type Move 25 100 20
V-create Fire Type Move 180 95 5
Wake-Up Slap Fighting Type Move 70 100 10
Water Pledge Water Type Move 80 100 10
Water Shuriken Water Type Move 15 100 20
Water Sport Water Type Move - - 15
Wicked Blow Dark Type Move 80 100 5
Wring Out Normal Type Move - 100 5
Zing Zap Electric Type Move 80 100 10

Why Are These Moves Unusable?

From a Different Generation

Expert Belt Attacker Decidueye

Moves that are unusable in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are the ones that were introduced in generations suceeding the original Diamond and Pearl games. These moves could either be signature moves of certain Pokemon, moves to highlight certain mechanics, or moves that were simply added to the base move pool.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Moves

List of Moves

Moves by Type and Category

Moves by Type
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Moves by Category
Physical IconPhysical Special IconSpecial Status IconStatus
Special IconUnusable Moves


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

a lot of these moves are from gen 4 or predate it what were they thinking


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