Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Solaceon Town Pokemon List and Map

This is a map and walkthrough for Solaceon Town in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn what Pokemon are found on Solaceon Town, and what trainers, items, and events are encountered here.

Route 210
- Solaceon Town Solaceon Ruins
Route 209

Solaceon Town Map and Items

Solaceon Town Map

View Full Map Image

Collect All 26 Unowns To Get To The Top Exit

Just above the entrance to Solaceon Ruins is an entryway that players can only access if they have caught all 26 variations of Unown.

How to Get All 28 Letters and Forms of Unown

Connected Maps

Route 210
- Solaceon Town Solaceon Ruins
Route 209

Obtainable Items

Solaceon Town Items
Figy Berry Heart Sticker B Honey
Nanab Berry Persim Berry

Solaceon Town Walkthrough

Solaceon Town Objectives

Steps to proceed through Solaceon Town
1 Travel north.
Talk to the man next to the fence to receive a Pokemon History app for your Poketch.
2 From the house across to the Pokemon Day-Care Center, walk further east.
3 Enter the pathway at the end, and walk south. You'll find the entrance to Solaceon Ruins on the east. Enter the ruins.

Solaceon Town Shop

Solaceon Town Poke Mart

Items Available in Solaceon Town Only

Items Price # of Badges Required
₽1,000 0
₽1,000 0
₽1,000 0

Items Available in All Poke Marts

Items Price # of Badges Required
₽350 1
₽550 1
₽250 1
₽250 1
₽250 1
₽100 0
₽700 1
₽300 0
₽200 0
₽600 3
₽1,200 5
₽500 3
₽700 5
₽1,200 5
₽2,500 7
₽1,500 3
₽600 5
Free 0
₽200 0
₽3000 8

Solaceon Town Tips & Strategies

Visit the Pokemon Nursery

BDSP - Nursery Lady.png

The Pokemon Nursery is a facility where you can leave up to two Pokemon. Under certain conditions, these two Pokemon can even give you an egg to hatch!

It isn't necessary to hatch eggs in the nursery in order to progress the story. However, it will definitely help you later on in the game if you're trying to breed a stronger Pokemon.

How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs

Egg Monitor Poketch App Location

Egg Monitor.png

You can get the Egg Monitor Poketch app from the man inside the Nursery after you've deposited your first Pokemon.

The Egg Monitor Poketch app can help you monitor the Pokemon you have deposited in the nursery. It will also let you know whether they have an egg ready for you!

Good Location to Hatch Eggs

Solaceon Town is located in the middle of a straight path between Route 209 and Route 210. This makes it easy to garner steps and hatch Eggs by simply hopping on your Bicycle and following the straight path back and forth.

How to Breed and Hatch Strong Pokemon

Get Pokemon History App From Ruin Maniac

Pokemon BDSP Pokemon History App

Talk to the Ruin Maniac to the left of the Pokemon Center to obtain the Pokemon History app. This app shows your 12 most recently obtained Pokemon, either via wild Pokemon capture, evolving, trading, or hatching an Egg. You can touch the icon of the Pokemon to hear its cry.

Unlock More Ball Capsule Slots

Ball Capsule Boy

You can unlock more Ball Capsule slots to decorate with Stickers from the young boy inside the house near the entrance to Solaceon Ruins. You first need to meet him inside the ruins so that he can return to his house.

Show him the different forms of Unown to get Ball Capsules.

How to Unlock More Ball Capsules

Show Requested Pokemon at Pokemon News Press

Pokemon News Press

Talk to the man inside the building beside the Poke Center. He will ask you to show him a Pokemon. The Pokemon he is asking for will not always be the same.

If the Pokemon he is asking is hard to find or you currently don't have one, you can save the game and reset to change the requested Pokemon. Once you have the Pokemon, show it to him to receive a random type of Poke Ball.

Solaceon Town Connected Maps

Route 210
- Solaceon Town Solaceon Ruins
Route 209

Pokemon BDSP Related Links

Pokemon BDSP Maps and Locations

All Maps and Locations

Towns and Cities
Twinleaf Town Sandgem Town
Jubilife City Oreburgh City
Floaroma Town Eterna City
Veilstone City Celestic Town
Pastoria City Hearthome City
Solaceon Town Canalave City
Snowpoint City Sunyshore City
Pokemon League -
Route 201 Route 202
Route 203 Route 204
Route 205 Route 206
Route 207 Route 208
Route 209 Route 210
Route 211 Route 212
Route 213 Route 214
Route 215 Route 216
Route 217 Route 218
Route 219 Route 220
Route 221 Route 222
Route 223 Route 224
Route 225 Route 226
Route 227 Route 228
Route 229 Route 230
Lakes and Lakefront
Valor Lakefront Lake Valor
Acuity Lakefront Lake Acuity
Lake Verity -
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh Mine
Ravaged Path Valley Windworks
Mt. Coronet Eterna Forest
Wayward Cave Lost Tower
Trophy Garden Great Marsh
Solaceon Ruins Mt. Coronet North
Galactic HQ Spear Pillar
Victory Road Stark Mountain
Iron Island Sendoff Spring
Snowpoint Temple Old Chateau
Fuego Ironworks Fullmoon Island
Turnback Cave Ruin Maniac's Cave (Maniac Tunnel)
Floaroma Meadow New Moon Island
Seabreak Path Flower Paradise
Battle Zone
Fight Area Survival Area
Resort Area Battle Park


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