Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Complete Story Walkthrough

Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough.png

Learn how to complete the story with Game8's complete story walkthrough for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to know how to proceed through each area, learn which Pokemon the Gym Leaders have, as well as other helpful walkthrough information.

Tips for Your Journey

Aim for the National Dex

Pokemon BDSP National Dex Unlock

In order to reach the post-game contents of the game, you'll need to unlock the National Dex, which requires the player to encounter all 150 Pokemon on the native Sinnoh Dex. You don't need to capture every Pokemon to do this, as simply seeing the Pokemon in battle will fulfill the entry requirement. Battling every trainer in every area on your journey to becoming Champion should get you most of the Pokedex entries.

While it's tempting to blast through the main story and get to the post-game, if you do so without battling a variety of trainers, you'll have to spend time retracing your steps to encounter the Pokemon you missed.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Use TMs Wisely

BDSP - TM Bag.png

Unlike in recent Pokemon games, TMs in the Sinnoh remakes are single use and break once they are used on a Pokemon. The good news is you usually get more than one copy of any TM, but it is still a good idea to save your TMs until needed.

All TM Locations

All Story Walkthrough Guides

All Story Walkthroughs
Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge
Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge
Getting the 5th Badge Getting the 6th Badge
Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge
Becoming the Champion

Important Battles

All Important Battles
All Barry Rival Battles All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon
All Elite Four Types and Pokemon All Team Galactic Locations and Pokemon

Post Game Content

All Post Game Content
Post Game Content Guide How to Unlock the National Dex
Ramanas Park Guide How to Get to the Battle Zone
All Gym Leader Rematch Teams All Elite Four Rematch Teams

Getting the 1st Badge Objectives

Roark 2.png

1 Head to your Rival's house.
2 Follow your Rival to Lake Verity.
3 Protect yourselves from the Starly by choosing a Starter Pokemon from the briefcase.
▶︎ Best Starter Pokemon to Choose
4 Get the Running Shoes from Mom back home at Twinleaf Town.
5 Go to the Prof. Rowan's Lab in Sandgem Town and receive the Pokedex.
6 Return to Twinleaf Town to get the Guidebook from Mom and the Parcel from your Rival's mom.
7 Let Lucas/Dawn teach you how to catch Pokemon on Route 202. Receive 20 Pokeballs.
▶︎ Best Team for the Story
8 Head to the Trainer School in Jubilife City. Deliver the Parcel to your rival. Receive a Town Map.
9 Collect the 3 Coupons to get the Poketch
▶︎ Poketch Clowns Locations
10 Proceed to Route 203. Have your first Rival Battle.
11 Pass through the Oreburgh Gate and obtain Rock Smash from the Hiker near the entrance.
12 Speak with Gym Leader Roark at the Oreburgh Mine.
13 Challenge the Oreburgh Gym.
▶︎ How to Beat Roark

Getting the 1st Badge: Walkthrough

First Rival Battle - Route 203

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StarlyStarly
(Lvl. 7)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Keen Eye Tackle
Quick Attack
Turtwig Starter
Chimchar Starter
Piplup Starter
Pokemon BDSP ChimcharChimchar
(Lvl. 9)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Blaze Scratch
Pokemon BDSP PiplupPiplup
(Lvl. 9)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Torrent Pound

1st Gym Leader - Roark's Battle

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GeodudeGeodude
(Lvl. 12)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rock Head Stealth Rock
Defense Curl
Pokemon BDSP OnixOnix
(Lvl. 12)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sturdy Stealth Rock
Rock Throw
Pokemon BDSP CranidosCranidos
(Lvl. 14)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Mold Breaker Headbutt

Getting the 2nd Badge Objectives

Pokemon BDSP - Gym Leader Gardenia.png

1 Speak with your rival by Oreburgh Gate
2 Go through Oreburgh Gate and return to Jubilife City.
3 Join Lucas/Dawn in a double battle against the Team Galactic Grunts north of Jubilife. Bebe will appear and give you access to Ball Capsules.
▶︎ How to Use Ball Capsules
4 Head north through Route 204 and go through the Ravaged Path to reach Floaroma Town.
5 Battle the Team Galactic Grunt guarding the Valley Windworks.
6 Return to Floaroma Town and head to the northwest flower field.
7 Defeat both the Galactic Grunts here and defend the old man. Earn the Works Key and Honey.
8 Use the Works Key to enter the Power Plant at Valley Windworks. Defeat the Team Galactic Grunts found inside.
9 Face off against Commander Mars.
10 Head north into Eterna Forest. Accompany Cheryl to the end.
11 Challenge the Eterna Gym.
▶︎ How to Beat Gardenia

Getting the 2nd Badge: Walkthrough

Commander Mars Battle - Valley Windworks

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 14)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Pokemon BDSP PuruglyPurugly
(Lvl. 16)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat
Oran Berry
Fake Out

2nd Gym Leader: Gardenia's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP CherubiCherubi
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Chlorophyll Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP TurtwigTurtwig
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Shell Armor
Miracle Seed
Grass Knot
Razor Leaf
Work Up
Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
(Lvl. 22)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Technician
Sitrus Berry
Grass Knot
Petal Blizzard
Poison Sting
Stun Spore

Getting the 3rd Badge Objectives

1 Go through the path in front of the Team Galactic Eterna Building at the north side of town. Cynthia will give you access to the Cut Hidden Move.
2 Use Cut to get into the Galactic Building and face off against Commander Jupiter on the 4th floor.
3 Get a Bicycle from the Cycle Shop.
4 Head south and get the Vs. Seeker and Dowsing Machine from Dawn/Lucas at the entrance to Route 207, then continue to the bottom of the cycling road.
- Use Cut on the tree at the end of the cycling road and continue north below the road to reach Wayward Cave. Find Mira and help her find her way out. (Note: This is an optional objective with no significant reward)
5 Travel through Mt. Coronet and Route 208 until you reach Hearthome City. After visiting the Contest Hall, fight your rival.
6 Travel east, then north along Route 209. Use your Bicycle to climb the slope.
- Enter the Lost Tower building. Make your way up to the last floor of the building and talk to the old ladies to get the Strength Hidden Move. (It's possible to skip this for now and return any time before heading to the 7th badge)
7 Travel to Solaceon Town and make your way to Route 210.
8 Travel north. You'll find out that Psyducks are blocking the path. Travel through Route 215 to reach Veilstone City.
9 Challenge Gym Leader Maylene in the Veilstone City gym.
▶︎ How to Beat Maylene

Getting the 3rd Badge: Walkthrough

Hearthome City Rival Battle: Rival's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StarlyStarly
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Keen Eye Quick Attack
Double Team

Commander Jupiter Battle - Eterna Building

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 18)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Mean Look
Poison Fang
Pokemon BDSP SkuntankSkuntank
(Lvl. 20)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Aftermath
Sitrus Berry
Poison Gas
Acid Spray

3rd Gym Leader: Maylene's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MedititeMeditite
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Light Clay
Drain Punch
Light Screen
Bulk Up
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts
Expert Belt
Low Sweep
Knock Off
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 30)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Steadfast
Big Root
Drain Punch
Metal Claw
Bulk Up

Getting the 4th Badge Objectives

1 Find the Galactic Warehouse in the top-left corner of Veilstone City. Team up with Lucas/Dawn to fight the two Galactic Grunts.
2 Go inside the Galactic Warehouse, and get the Fly near the blue crate.
3 Head to Pastoria City either by going south from Hearthome to Route 212 or going south from Veilstone through Route 214 and Route 213.
4 Visit Pastoria Great Marsh on the north side of Pastoria City and pay the fee to play the Safari Game. Upon entering the Safari Zone, you'll find a girl on the east. Talk to her to receive Defog.
5 Enter the Pastoria Gym, and challenge Gym Leader Crasher Wake.
▶︎ How to Beat Crasher Wake

Getting the 4th Badge: Walkthrough

4th Gym Leader: Crasher Wake's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Intimidate
Wide Lens
Ice Fang
Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Damp
Damp Rock
Rain Dance
Mud Shot
Pokemon BDSP FloatzelFloatzel
(Lvl. 30)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Swift Swim
Sitrus Berry
Ice Fang
Aqua Jet

Getting the 5th Badge Objectives

1 After defeating the 4th Gym Leader, talk to the Galactic Grunt outside the Great Marsh.
2 Battle your rival and travel to Route 213.
3 Go southeast. Then, talk to the Galactic Grunt, and follow him.
4 You'll find Galactic Grunt at Valor Lakefront. Continue following him each time he runs away.
5 Battle the Galactic Grunt and talk to Cynthia.
6 Travel back to Route 210, and use the Secret Potion on the Psyducks beside the Cafe Cabin.
7 Continue travelling through the route until you reach Celestic Town.
8 Head to the center of the town. Talk to the Galactic Grunt in front of the cave's entrance.
9 Enter the ruins, and examine the ancient cave paintings on the wall. Cynthia's Grandma will give you Surf after.
10 Return to Hearthome City and enter the gym.
- Fight a Drifloon from one of the trainers in the second area of Fantina's gym.
If you don't see a Drifloon here, there are no other places in the game to encounter one except on Fridays at Valley Windworks, and without it you won't be able to complete the Sinnoh Dex to access post-game content.
▶︎How to Complete the Sinnoh Dex
11 After seeing Drifloon, answer the quiz correctly for the rest of the rooms to reach Gym Leader Fantina's location.
▶︎ How to Beat Fantina

Getting the 5th Badge: Walkthrough

Pastoria City Rival Battle: Rival's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StarlyStarly
(Lvl. 26)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Keen Eye
Quick Claw
Quick Attack
Double Team

5th Gym Leader: Fantina's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP DrifblimDrifblim
(Lvl. 32)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Aftermath
Zoom Lens
Strength Sap
Pokemon BDSP GengarGengar
(Lvl. 34)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Cursed Body
Colbur Berry
Shadow Claw
Confuse Ray
Sludge Bomb
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP MismagiusMismagius
(Lvl. 36)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Levitate
Expert Belt
Confuse Ray
Phantom Force
Magical Leaf
Dazzling Gleam

Getting the 6th Badge Objectives

1 Upon exiting the Pokemon Gym, you'll encounter Cynthia. After the conversation, travel to Jubilife City.
2 Go west to Route 218. Use surf to cross the lake and travel west to reach Canalave City.
3 Challenge Gym Leader Byron at the Canalave City Pokemon Gym.
▶︎ How to Beat Byron

Getting the 6th Badge: Walkthrough

Canalave City Rival Battle: Rival's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StaraviaStaravia
(Lvl. 32)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Intimidate
Quick Claw
Quick Attack
Double Team
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross
(Lvl. 32)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Swarm Leer
Aerial Ace
Brick Break

6th Gym Leader: Byron's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 36)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Trick Room
Flash Cannon
Pokemon BDSP SteelixSteelix
(Lvl. 36)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sturdy
Soft Sand
Thunder Fang
Gyro Ball
Pokemon BDSP BastiodonBastiodon
(Lvl. 39)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Sturdy
Sitrus Berry
Iron Defense
Stone Edge
Flash Cannon

Getting the 7th Badge Objectives

1 Exit the Pokemon Gym, and visit the 3rd floor of Canalave Library. Then, visit Lake Valor, which is now unblocked.
2 Go to the center of the empty lake. Then, go inside the Valor Cavern and battle with Commander Saturn.
3 Fly to Twinleaf Town, then go to Lake Verity. You'll battle with Commander Mars.
4 Fly to Celestic Town, then head west and enter Mt. Coronet North. Use Strength to continue north and use Defog to clear the fog in the next area.
5 Continue through Route 216, and enter the hiker's house in Route 217.
6 Find the TM for Rock Climb behind his house and return to the hiker for the reward.
Do not use the TM until you talk to the hiker as this will trigger a glitch in the game.
7 Visit the Snowpoint City Pokemon Gym and challenge Gym Leader Candice.
▶︎ How to Beat Candice

Getting the 7th Badge: Walkthrough

Commander Saturn Battle - Lake Valor

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Inner Focus
Damp Rock
Rain Dance
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Pokemon BDSP ToxicroakToxicroak
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Dry Skin Mud-Slap

Commander Mars Battle - Lake Verity

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Astonish
Poison Fang
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Iron Defense
Pokemon BDSP PuruglyPurugly
(Lvl. 39)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat
Sitrus Berry
Aerial Ace

7th Gym Leader: Candice's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SnoverSnover
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Snow Warning
Icy Rock
Razor Leaf
Water Pulse
Pokemon BDSP SneaselSneasel
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pickpocket
Chople Berry
Metal Claw
Hone Claws
Pokemon BDSP MedichamMedicham
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Expert Belt
Ice Punch
Bulk Up
Brick Break
Rock Slide
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow
(Lvl. 42)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Snow Warning
Sitrus Berry
Aurora Veil
Giga Drain

Getting the 8th Badge Objectives

1 From Snowpoint City, go west to Lake Acuity.
2 Fly to Veilstone City and visit the Galactic HQ, and talk to the Galactic Grunt near the satellite. Then, pick up the Storage Key.
3 Travel to the Galactic Warehouse, and use the Storage Key to unlock the rust-encrusted door.
4 Find the Galactic Key inside the warehouse. Then, use the Galactic Key to open the door at the end.
5 Travel back to Galactic HQ and defeat Cyrus and Commander Saturn.
6 Free the Pokemon, and leave the building. Next stop is Mt. Coronet. Fly to Oreburgh City and head east on Route 207, then use Surf and Rock Climb to go north into a new area.
7 Traverse through Mt. Coronet until you reach Commander Mars, Commander Jupiter, and Galactic Boss Cyrus at Spear Pillar at the summit.
8 Defeat Galactic Boss Cyrus.
9 Face the Legendary Pokemon. Even if you fail to catch it, it will reappear here after entering the Hall of Fame.
10 Travel to Sunyshore City, and go to the lighthouse, to talk to Volkner
11 Challenge Gym Leader Volkner at the Sunyshore City gym.
▶︎ How to Beat Volkner

Getting the 8th Badge: Walkthrough

Commander Mars & Commander Jupiter's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Air Cutter
Giga Drain
Sludge Bomb
Pokemon BDSP SkuntankSkuntank
(Lvl. 46)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Aftermath
Sitrus Berry
Poison Gas
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 42)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Poison Fang
Pokemon BDSP PuruglyPurugly
(Lvl. 45)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat
Sitrus Berry
Aerial Ace
Body Slam

Galactic Boss Cyrus' Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MurkrowMurkrow
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Insomnia Wing Attack
Night Shade
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Screech
Poison Fang
Air Cutter
Pokemon BDSP SneaselSneasel
(Lvl. 43)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Keen Eye
Sitrus Berry
Metal Claw
Icy Wind
Hone Claws
Beat Up

8th Gym Leader: Volkner's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RaichuRaichu
(Lvl. 46)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static
Shuca Berry
Volt Switch
Charge Beam
Pokemon BDSP AmbipomAmbipom
(Lvl. 47)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Technician
Chople Berry
Fake Out
Double Hit
Last Resort
Pokemon BDSP OctilleryOctillery
(Lvl. 47)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Sniper
Expert Belt
Focus Energy
Aurora Beam
Charge Beam
Pokemon BDSP LuxrayLuxray
(Lvl. 49)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Intimidate
Sitrus Berry
Thunder Fang
Ice Fang
Iron Tail

Becoming the Champion

1 Go north of the city to meet Jasmine of the Johto Region. She will give you Waterfall.
2 Use Waterfall to travel to the Pokemon League South and enter Victory Road.
3 Travel through Victory Road until you reach the Pokemon League.
4 Before you enter the builiding, your rival will arrive and battle you.
5 Challenge the Elite Four.
▶︎ All Elite Four Types and Pokemon
6 You are now in the Hall of Fame. Congratulations!

Becoming the Champion: Walkthrough

Pokemon League Rival Battle: Rival's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor
(Lvl. 49)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Intimidate
Focus Sash
Close Combat
Sunny Day
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross
(Lvl. 51)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Swarm Pin Missile
Swords Dance
Rock Slide
Pokemon BDSP SnorlaxSnorlax
(Lvl. 52)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat Covet
High Horsepower

Elite Four: Aaron's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP DustoxDustox
(Lvl. 53)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Shield Dust
Black Sludge
Bug Buzz
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP BeautiflyBeautifly
(Lvl. 53)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Swarm
Wise Glasses
Bug Buzz
Shadow Ball
Quiver Dance
Pokemon BDSP VespiquenVespiquen
(Lvl. 54)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Unnerve
Sitrus Berry
Attack Order
Aerial Ace
Defend Order
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross
(Lvl. 54)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts
Flame Orb
Rock Slide
Brick Break
Pokemon BDSP DrapionDrapion
(Lvl. 57)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Sniper
Scope Lens
Cross Poison
Night Slash

Elite Four: Bertha's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire
(Lvl. 55)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Water Absorb
Pokemon BDSP SudowoodoSudowoodo
(Lvl. 56)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Rock Head
Sitrus Berry
Head Smash
Sucker Punch
Low Kick
Pokemon BDSP GolemGolem
(Lvl. 56)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sturdy
Soft Sand
Rock Polish
Heavy Slam
Stone Edge
Pokemon BDSP WhiscashWhiscash
(Lvl. 55)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Hydration
Rindo Berry
Ice Beam
Hydro Pump
Pokemon BDSP HippowdonHippowdon
(Lvl. 59)
Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sand Stream
Chesto Berry
Ice Fang

Elite Four: Flint's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash
(Lvl. 58)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Flame Body
Wide Lens
Flame Charge
Iron Tail
Poison Jab
Pokemon BDSP SteelixSteelix
(Lvl. 57)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sheer Force
Life Orb
Thunder Fang
Fire Fang
Iron Tail
Pokemon BDSP DrifblimDrifblim
(Lvl. 58)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Unburden
Sitrus Berry
Strength Sap
Baton Pass
Pokemon BDSP LopunnyLopunny
(Lvl. 57)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Cute Charm
Mirror Coat
High Jump Kick
Quick Attack
Fire Punch
Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape
(Lvl. 61)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Iron Fist
Focus Sash
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Close Combat
Mach Punch

Elite Four: Lucian's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Mr. MimeMr. Mime
(Lvl. 59)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Filter
Light Clay
Light Screen
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP GirafarigGirafarig
(Lvl. 59)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Sap Sipper
Mental Herb
Light Screen
Trick Room
Pokemon BDSP MedichamMedicham
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Muscle Band
Zen Headbutt
High Jump Kick
Thunder Punch
Ice Punch
Pokemon BDSP AlakazamAlakazam
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Magic Guard
Life Orb
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
Shock Wave
Pokemon BDSP BronzongBronzong
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate
Sitrus Berry
Gyro Ball
Trick Room

Elite Four: Champion Chamption Cynthia's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
(Lvl. 61)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pressure
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Sucker Punch
Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point
Expert Belt
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball
Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Storm Drain
Sludge Bomb
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Inner Focus
Wise Glasses
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse
Flash Cannon
Nasty Plot
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Marvel Scale
Flame Orb
Mirror Coat
Ice Beam
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
(Lvl. 66)
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rough Skin
Yache Berry
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Poison Jab

After Becoming the Champion

Completing the Sinnoh Dex

1 From Snowpoint City, take a boat to the Fight Area. However, you won't be able to proceed until you see every Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex.
▶︎ How to Complete the Sinnoh Dex
2 See Palkia (BD) / Dialga (SP) by going to Celestic Town and visiting the town elder.
3 Find and battle Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie. Seeing the Pokemon is enough, so you don't need to catch Mesprit if it runs away.
4 See the rest of the Pokemon which you do not already have registered.
5 Go to Sandgem Town and show Professor Rowan your completed Pokedex.

Post Game Content and 100 Percent Guide

Pokemon BDSP Related Links

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Pokemon BDSP AbilitiesAbilities Beginners Tips and GuidesBeginner's Tips & Guides
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18 Anonymous2 days

It was to anonymous. The first one.

17 Anonymous2 days

Good. I have Pokémon shield and Pokémon let’s go evee. I can get both.


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