Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Togekiss Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon BDSP Togekiss Best Build
With its impressive stats and movepool, Togekiss is a joy to bring into battle. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Togekiss in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Togekiss - Related Guides
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Togekiss Best Build and Moveset

Specially Offensive Togekiss

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss Serene Grace Choice Specs Air Slash
Dazzling Gleam
Aura Sphere
Nature / EVsTimid 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Final Stats161 HP / 115 Def / 175 SpA / 135 SpD / 145 Spe

Making use of Togekiss' coverage options, this set is great against a good number of types. The combination of Togekiss' Serene Grace Ability and Air Slash lets it occasionally come out on top of disadvantageous matchups because of its high flinch chance. Flamethrower's increased chance of burning an opponent is also very useful in rendering Physical attackers ineffectual.

Choice Specs allows Togekiss to deal as much damage as it can, with the downside of being locked into a move.

Para-Flinch Togekiss

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss Serene Grace Leftovers Air Slash
Thunder Wave
Nature / EVsBold 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Final Stats192 HP / 161 Def / 141 SpA / 135 SpD / 100 Spe

This set takes Togekiss' Flinch strategy even further by adding paralysis to the mix with Thunder Wave. Serene Grace + Air Slash + Paralysis minimizes your opponent's chances of ever getting an attack off. This set also allows Togekiss to hide behind a Substitute and recover HP with Leftovers. Alternatively, Togekiss can run Razor Fang to increase its flinch chances even more.

Using Togekiss

What makes Togekiss such a joy to play is that there's no wrong way to play or build it. It excels at support, disruption, or even as a back up attacker later in the game. It has a veritable buffet of viable moves to choose from, all of which are useful and valuable. This makes Togekiss a wonderful and fun addition to any team.

Protecting it from super-effective Physical attacks is important for preserving our Togekiss because while it is decently bulky, it cannot tank everything. Togekiss especially fears Physically attacking Steel and Rock-types, Electric-types and Steel-types. And while Flamethrower is a valuable tech move, choosing to keep Togekiss in against a Pokemon that counters it will usually spell defeat. Togekiss is best in teams that have checks and resistances to the afforementioned types.

Other Viable Moves

Nasty Plot Togekiss becomes an even nastier offensive threat with Nasty Plot by boosting its Special Attack by 2 stages.
Yawn Yawn is great for forcing opponents to switch.
Roost Roost increases Togekiss' longevity, letting it stay in battle even longer.

Togekiss Basic Information

Togekiss - Type

Jubilee Pokémon
Pokemon - Togekiss
Type 1 Type 2
Fairy Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon

Togekiss Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Ground Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon

Togekiss Abilities

Name Description
Hustle Boosts the Attack stat, but lowers accuracy.
Serene Grace Boosts the likelihood of added effects appearing.

Togekiss Hidden Ability

Name Description
Super Luck Heightens the critical-hit ratios of moves.

Togekiss Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Togekiss' Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Great overall bulk.
✔︎ Has a number of useful moves in its movepool.
✔︎ Valuable immunity to Ground and Dragon.
✖︎ Mediocre Speed stat.
✖︎ Has plenty of weaknesses.
✖︎ Susceptible to Physical attacks.

Togekiss' Sizeable Bulk

Togekiss rarely gets OHKO'd thanks to its respectable bulk. This lets it go back and forth, trading damage and flinches. However it has to be wary of Physical damage as Pokemon that can hit it for super-effective Physical damage will give it a hard time. Togekiss can be used to sponge a Fighting-type move which it handily resists.

Togekiss' Impressive Utility

Togekiss hosts a wonderful movepool filled with useful support moves and coverage options. There's rarely a wrong way to build this Pokemon because it can fulfill a number of different roles. It can find success as support with moves like Wish and Safeguard. It can be great at disruption with its Para-Flinch combination and access to Yawn. Togekiss can even work as a back up attacker by either setting up a Nasty Plot or with a Super Luck set that's affectionately known as Crit-Kiss because of its high Critical Hit chance. Togekiss is as fun to play as it is fun to build.

Wall Togekiss and Hit It with Super-Effective Damage

While Togekiss struggles against Physical Attackers that can hit it for super-effective, it is also walled by a number of common Pokemon. Togekiss' respectable bulk can outright be disrespected by Pokemon like Heat Rotom and Heatran. Pokemon that resist Togekiss' most prevalent offensive moves and Pokemon that can hit it for super-effective Physical damage can wipe the ever-present smile off Togekiss' face.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP BlisseyBlissey Ranking:★★★★★
・Can effectively wall Togekiss.
・Can trade damage favorably against Togekiss with Seismic Toss
Pokemon BDSP Heat RotomHeat Rotom Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists Togekiss' Special Attacks.
・Is immune to Thunder Wave.
・Can hit Togekiss with a super-effective Electric-type move.
Pokemon BDSP HeatranHeatran Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists Togekiss' Special Attacks.
・Heatran can hit Togekiss with a super-effective Flash Cannon.
・A Flamethrower from Togekiss will trigger Heatran's Flash Fire Ability.

Best Natures for Togekiss

Best Natures
(Sp. Atk↑ Atk↓)
(Spe↑ Atk↓)
(Def↑ Atk↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Togekiss

Wash Rotom

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Wash RotomWash Rotom Levitate Sitrus Berry Discharge
Hydro Pump
Volt Switch
Nature / EVsCalm 252 HP / 168 SpD / 88 Spe
Final Stats157 HP / 76 Atk / 127 Def / 125 SpA / 162 SpD / 117 Spe

Wash Rotom can shrug off super-effective hits intended for Togekiss. Will-O-Wisp is a great option for mitigating the damage output of Physical Attackers. Wash Rotom can also use its Hydro Pump against Physically Offensive Rock-types that Togekiss may have trouble against. Volt Switch is a great option for Wash Rotom to get out of harm's way and switch Togekiss into a resisted Grass-type move


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp Rough Skin Focus Sash Outrage
Rock Tomb
Swords Dance
Nature / EVsJolly 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Final Stats183 HP / 182 Atk / 115 Def / 106 SpD / 169 Spe

Garchomp has a positive matchup against the likes of Blissey, Heat Rotom and Heatran, being able to hit them with strong Physical damage. These Pokemon also struggle to deal meaningful damage to Garchomp, affording Garchomp the chance to set up Swords Dance. Electric, Steel, and Rock-type Pokemon would not want to take an Earthquake from Garchomp.

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