Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Where to Find Ditto and Learnset

Ditto Pokemon BDSP

Ditto in Other Pokemon Games
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Ditto is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Learn about how to get Ditto in Hideaways and with the Poke Radar in Route 218, recommended natures, its full learnset with all learnable moves, and whether Ditto evolves. Read on for information on its abilities, type advantages, and more.

National Dex
Pokemon BDSP LaprasLapras
Pokemon BDSP DittoDitto
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee

Where to Find Ditto

Ditto Locations
  1. Dazzling Cave Hideaway (after obtaining National Dex)
  2. Route 218 (using Poke Radar)

Video Walkthrough

Catch in Hideaways

BDSP - Dazzling Cave.png
After obtaining the National Dex , Ditto will start appearing in hideaways in the Grand Underground. The easiest way to find Ditto's Hideaway is by going into the Grand Underground from Celestic Town.

This method is great if you just want any Ditto, but for competitive players looking to find High IV Dittos, hideaways may not be your best bet.

Hideaways with Ditto

Location Requirement
Dazzling Cave National
Stargleam Cavern National

Use the Poke Radar on Route 218

BDSP - Route 218 Grass.png
Ditto can be also be caught at Route 218, east of Canalave City and can only be encountered by using the Poke Radar at the tall grass patch. Ditto can appear at shaking grass patches after using the item.

Take note that Ditto has a low chance of appearing, so this process may take you a few minutes to do or much longer. However, once you get a chain going, this might be the best way to get a High IV Ditto in the game.

How to Use the Poke Radar

Trade with other Readers

Dittos are often in high demand among traders as well, especially if you're looking for Dittos from other regions to use the Masuda Method for breeding. Try your luck at our trading boards to see if anyone is willing to trade for a Ditto!

Ditto Trading Board

How to Catch and Best Pokemon to Use

Tips on How to Catch Ditto
1 Lead with a Pokemon with no attacking moves
2 Start off by throwing a Quick Ball
3 Get Ditto's HP as low as possible
4 Inflict a Status Condition
5 Best Balls to use

Lead with a Pokemon with No Attacking Moves

Ditto's only move is Transform, which not only allows it to transform into the Pokemon you are using, but it also copies the moves of that Pokemon as well. To make Ditto easier to catch, lead with a Pokemon that does not know any attacking moves, such as a Magikarp with Splash.

Once it transforms, it will not be able to attack any of your Pokemon while you attempt to catch it.

Start off by Throwing a Quick Ball

BDSP - Use Quick Ball.png
Quick Balls work the best when used at the first turn of battle. It's always worth it to just throw out a Quick Ball as soon as the encounter starts. Quick Balls may be obtained at the Pastoria City Mart, among other places.

Get the target's HP as Low as Possible

BDSP - False Swipe Location TM 54.png
The lower the target's health is, the better chances you'll have at capturing it! Be careful not to knock it out, though!

You may also want to use a strong Pokemon like Heracross with False Swipe to guarantee that the target will be brought down to 1 HP. The TM for False Swipe can be purchased at Veilstone City Department Store (3F).

Inflict a Status Condition

Inflicting the target with a Status Condition such as Burns, Paralysis, or Sleep will increase your chances for a successful capture. We recommend using status conditions that don't deal damage to avoid knocking the target out. Reliable Pokemon that can inflict status include Roselia with Stun Spore or Bibarel with Yawn.

Best Balls to Use

In case the Quick Ball on turn 1 did not succeed, the Ultra Ball is a reliable go-to ball to use instead.

If you encounter Ditto in the Grand Underground, it's also a good idea to use Dusk Balls which work better in darker environments. If you are chaining Dittos and plan on catching multiple ones the Repeat Ball may also come in handy.

Best Pokemon For Catching

All Ditto Locations

Hideaways with Ditto

Location Requirement
Dazzling Cave National
Stargleam Cavern National

Poke Radar

Location Appearance Rate
Route 218 Uncommon

Best Nature for Ditto

Adamant or Modest Natures are Best

List of Recommended Natures
Attack Special Attack
Special Attack Attack

With Ditto mainly used to breed more competitive Pokemon, we recommend looking for one with an Adamant or Modest Nature. These are two of the most common natures that you may want on your Battle Ready Pokemon. When put in the Nursery, Pokemon can pass down their nature to their offspring by holding an Everstone so having a Ditto with a commonly used Nature can be very useful.

How to Train and Breed Pokemon

Ditto Type and Abilities

Ditto - Type and Basic Info

Transform Pokemon
Pokemon - Ditto
Type 1 Type 2
Normal Type Pokemon -
Hatch Steps Weight
5120 8.8 lbs.

Ditto Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon

Ditto Abilities

Name Description
Limber The Pokemon is protected from paralysis.

Ditto Hidden Ability

Name Description
Imposter It transforms itself into the Pokemon it is facing.

Ditto Egg Group

Egg Groups
Pokemon - Ditto Egg GroupDitto

Effort Values (EV) Earned

Effort Values (EV) Earned
HP EVs Attack EVs Defense EVs SpAtk EVs SpDef EVs Speed EVs
1 0 0 0 0 0

Held Item on Wild Encounter

Metal Powder ImageMetal Powder
About 5% chance
Quick Powder ImageQuick Powder
About 50% chance

Ditto Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

How to Evolve Ditto

Evolution Line
Pokemon BDSP DittoDitto
This Pokemon does not evolve.

Ditto Learnset

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. Move Type Power Acc. PP
Base Transform Normal Type Move - - 10
This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset by TM

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset through a Move Tutor

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset via Egg Moves

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Ditto Pokedex Number

National Dex
Pokemon BDSP LaprasLapras
Pokemon BDSP DittoDitto
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Ditto in Other Pokemon Games

Ditto in Other Pokemon Games
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Pokedex Partial

Pokedex Front Page

Other Generation 1 Pokemon

Generation 1 Pokemon
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WeedleWeedle KakunaKakuna BeedrillBeedrill
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RattataRattata RaticateRaticate SpearowSpearow
FearowFearow EkansEkans ArbokArbok
PikachuPikachu RaichuRaichu SandshrewSandshrew
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VulpixVulpix NinetalesNinetales JigglypuffJigglypuff
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WeepinbellWeepinbell VictreebelVictreebel TentacoolTentacool
TentacruelTentacruel GeodudeGeodude GravelerGraveler
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MagnetonMagneton FarfetchFarfetch'd DoduoDoduo
DodrioDodrio SeelSeel DewgongDewgong
GrimerGrimer MukMuk ShellderShellder
CloysterCloyster GastlyGastly HaunterHaunter
GengarGengar OnixOnix DrowzeeDrowzee
HypnoHypno KrabbyKrabby KinglerKingler
VoltorbVoltorb ElectrodeElectrode ExeggcuteExeggcute
ExeggutorExeggutor CuboneCubone MarowakMarowak
HitmonleeHitmonlee HitmonchanHitmonchan LickitungLickitung
KoffingKoffing WeezingWeezing RhyhornRhyhorn
RhydonRhydon ChanseyChansey TangelaTangela
KangaskhanKangaskhan HorseaHorsea SeadraSeadra
GoldeenGoldeen SeakingSeaking StaryuStaryu
StarmieStarmie Mr. MimeMr. Mime ScytherScyther
JynxJynx ElectabuzzElectabuzz MagmarMagmar
PinsirPinsir TaurosTauros MagikarpMagikarp
GyaradosGyarados LaprasLapras DittoDitto
EeveeEevee VaporeonVaporeon JolteonJolteon
FlareonFlareon PorygonPorygon OmanyteOmanyte
OmastarOmastar KabutoKabuto KabutopsKabutops
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ZapdosZapdos MoltresMoltres DratiniDratini
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1 Anonymousover 3 years

the part about leading with magikarp is partially untrue, as Ditto no longer takes on the catch rate of the pokemon it copies. However leading with a splash only magikarp is still a solid strategy so that it cant fight back once you switch out


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