Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Can You Use Decorations in Secret Bases?

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) - Can You Decorate Your Secret Base?

Decorations were items in the original games that were removed from Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on how these items were used in the original games and learn how you can still decorate secret bases with statues.

Can You Decorate Your Secret Base?

Decorations Removed

It's no longer possible to decorate your Secret Base with decorations as they were removed from the game.

In the original games, these decorations ranged from maze blocks to furniture that you can use to personalize your secret base.

Mr. Goods No Longer Gives Items

Pokemon BDSP - Mr. Goods

Mr. Goods from Hearthome City no longer gives goods and decorations. Instead, he explains that you can decorate Secret Bases with statues.

Pedestals Replace Goods

Pokemon BDSP - Pedestals
Pedestals replace goods and are available from Sphere Traders. These items allow you to customize your statues further when displaying them in your Secret Base!

Sphere Trader Locations

Decorate Your Secret Base with Statues

Pokemon BDSP - Secret Base Statues.png

You can now decorate your Secret Base with Statues, which can increase the encounter rate of certain Pokemon depending on the type of statue.

How to Decorate Your Secret Base

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground

Grand Underground Features

Grand Underground Guides

Grand Underground Maps & Data
All Underground Pokemon Grand Underground Map: Items & NPC Locations
Grand Underground Guides
Pokemon Hideaways Underground Man Missions
List of Statues and Effects How to Get Shiny Statues
Digging for Treasure All Treasures and Appearance Rates
How to Make a Secret Base How to Find Diglett
Sphere Trader Locations List of Spheres
List of Pedestals
Removed Features
Capture the Flag Traps

Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Hideaways and List of Pokemon
Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Stargleam CavernStargleam Cavern
(Various types)
Dazzling Cave IconDazzling Cave
(Various types)
Grassland Cave IconGrassland Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Bug Type Icon
Spacious Cave IconSpacious Cave
(Various types)
Big Bluff Cavern Icon
Big Bluff Cavern

Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave
(Various types)
Volcanic Cave IconVolcanic Cave
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sandsear Cave IconSandsear Cave
Pokemon Fire Type IconPokemon Ground Type Icon
Rocky Cave IconRocky Cave
Pokemon Ground Type IconPokemon Rock Type Icon
Bogsunk Cavern IconBogsunk Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Still-Water Cavern IconStill-Water Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Whiteout Cave IconWhiteout Cave
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Icy Cave IconIcy Cave
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Glacial Cavern IconGlacial Cavern
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Swampy Cave IconSwampy Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Typhlo Cavern IconTyphlo Cavern
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sunlit Cavern IconSunlit Cavern
(Various types)

All Grand Underground Pokemon Locations


2 Anonymous@Game8over 3 years

Hi! As indicated on the page, some of our information is based on the original Diamond & Pearl, with updates being made as they are known. Thank you for your patience as we work to updates our guides with information from the remake!

1 Anonymousover 3 years

There are no decorations in BDSP, did you just copy this from your BD guide with 0 fact checking?


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