Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Soft Reset for the Best Nature and IVs

Pokemon BDSP Reroll

Soft reset by saving before an unrepeatable event or Legendary Pokemon encounter then restarting your game if you didn't get a favorable Nature. Read on to learn when to soft reset and how to reroll for the best Nature and IVs in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

How to Soft Reset

How to Soft Reset for Best Nature and IVs
  1. Save before encounter
  2. Catch Pokemon
  3. Check Nature and IVs
  4. Soft reset until Profit

Save Before Unrepeatable Event

Pokemon BDSP Spear Pillar

Before encountering unrepeatable one-time events where there's a possibility of obtaining a Pokemon, make sure to save the game, so that you can restart back to your save point if you later don't find the stats of the Pokemon favorable.

How to Save Your Game

Check Pokemon Stats

After continuing with game progression past the save point, check the stats of the new Pokemon you've obtained. Make sure to check its Nature in the Summary page of each Pokemon in your party menu or in boxes.

How to Check Natures

Check IVs via Judge Function in post game

Pokemon BDSP Judge Function IVs

In the post game, you can unlock the ability to check IVs of your Pokemon via the Judge Function at the Battle Tower. Talk to the man beside the east wall of the room near the PC. After talking to him, the Judge Function will become available in your Pokemon Boxes.

How to Check IVs

Restart Without Saving if Unfavorable

If you find that the Nature or IVs of your Pokemon are unfavorable, then you may simply turn off the game then restart it to appear back where you originally saved. You reset the Pokemon's IVs and Nature when you re-encounter it in the new save.

If you prefer the stats after the reset, you can continue playing and enjoy your new Pokemon. If not, you can turn off the game again and repeat the process until you get favorable stats.

Reasons to Soft Reset

For Best Nature and IVs

Players reroll in order to get Natures that don't nerf stats that the Pokemon needs. Additionally, players want to get the most IVs as possible for their Pokemon, which adds onto the Pokemon's base stats, in order to attain the highest stats possible for their Pokemon ("perfect IVs"). Natures and IVs are randomly generated per Pokemon encounter.

This is mostly for online battles against other players, as you don't need high IVs or even the best nature to beat the story.

How to Battle Online

Generally, avoid Natures which decrease Speed

Natures which decrease Speed
Brave Relaxed Quiet Sassy

Having a Nature which hurts a Pokemon's Speed is unadvisable in any situation. Generally, it's best to avoid having a Pokemon with any of the above Natures.

When to Soft Reset

Before Choosing Starter Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Select Starter

Save before entering Lake Verity at the start of the game in order to have the opportunity to reroll for the best starter Pokemon.

Recommended Nature for Each Starter

Recommended Nature
Pokemon BDSP TurtwigTurtwig
Pokemon BDSP ChimcharChimchar
Pokemon BDSP PiplupPiplup

For physical attackers Turtwig and Chimchar, we recommend the Adamant nature as it boosts their Attack while lowering their Sp. Attack. Piplup on the other hand is a Special attacker, making Modest the best nature for it, as it increases its Sp. Attack while decreasing its Attack.

Before Catching Legendaries

There is only 1 of each legendary Pokemon in each save file and they appear in the overworld before you battle and catch them, so you'll definitely want to save before battling them for a chance at rerolling.

Sinnoh Legendary Pokemon

Pokemon Location Recommended Nature
Pokemon BDSP DialgaDialga Spear Pillar
(Brilliant Diamond only)
Modest to increase Dialga's mostly special attacks
Bold to strengthen Defense from physical attacks
Pokemon BDSP PalkiaPalkia Spear Pillar
(Shining Pearl only)
Modest to increase Palkia's mostly special attacks
Pokemon BDSP MespritMesprit Lake Verity Timid, which allows Mesprit to be a fast support Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP UxieUxie Lake Acuity Modest, as Uxie's offense isn't great and it has mostly special attacks
Pokemon BDSP AzelfAzelf Lake Valor Calm, as Azelf's Special Defense isn't great and it's unlikely to utilize its Physical attack
Pokemon BDSP CresseliaCresselia Fullmoon Island Bold or Calm, to improve Cresselia's tankiness against either physical or special attacks
Pokemon BDSP HeatranHeatran Stark Mountain Timid, as Heatran is a bit slow and only hasone physical Steel-type STAB attack
Pokemon BDSP RegigigasRegigigas Snowpoint Temple
(Player needs Regirock, Registeel, and Regice in party)
Adamant since Regigigas' learnset focuses on physical attacks
Pokemon BDSP Giratina (Altered Forme)Giratina (Altered Forme) Turnback Cave Adamant to lean into Giratina's physical attacks
Modest to lean into Giratina's special attacks
Pokemon BDSP ManaphyManaphy As Mystery Gift Modest or Timid as Manaphy is an excellent special attacker
Pokemon BDSP PhionePhione From an Egg after breeding Manaphy and Ditto Modest or Timid as Phione is an excellent special attacker

Unrepeatable One-time Events

Ramanas Park and Other Legendary Pokemon

Pokemon Recommended Nature
Pokemon BDSP ArticunoArticuno
(Shining Pearl only)
Timid to increase its Speed
Careful to maximize its high Special Defense stat
Pokemon BDSP ZapdosZapdos
(Shining Pearl only)
Modest or Timid as Zapdos is an excellent special attacker
Pokemon BDSP MoltresMoltres
(Shining Pearl only)
Modest or Timid as Moltres is an excellent special attacker
Pokemon BDSP MewtwoMewtwo Modest or Timid to maximize Mewtwo's beastly Special Attack or Speed stat
Pokemon BDSP MewMew ・Mew's stats allow it to fit any attacker role, but for offensive strategies let it have either Jolly or Timid Natures
Pokemon BDSP EnteiEntei
(Brilliant Diamond only)
Adamant or Jolly to increase potential in being a physical attacker

How to Restart

Delete Save Data

To restart your game from the very beginning, you have to delete your save data. If you're in the middle of the game, quit (with or without saving), then go to System Settings. From there, go to Data Management, then select Delete Save Data and either Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Pokemon Shining Pearl (depending on the game you're playing).

How to Delete Save Data

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Training and Breeding

Training and Breeding

Training and Breeding Guides
How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs Nature and IV Breeding Guide
How to Level Up Fast How to EV Train Fast
How to Reroll for Best Nature and IVs How to Increase IVs
Pokerus Effects Shiny Hunting Guide
How to Learn Egg Moves How to Change a Pokemon's Nature
How to Check EVs How to Check Pokemon IVs
How to Hatch Eggs Faster How to Get Hidden Abilities
How to Catch High IV Pokemon How to Increase Friendship


1 Anonymousover 3 years

The graphic for the starters has the nature's swapped for chimchar and piplup


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