Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

New Features and Differences from Original Versions

Pokemon BDSP Differences New Features

This is a list of the new features and differences from the original versions of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn what's new and see all changes made in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes!

New Features

List of Differences from Originals

Ramanas Park: New Post-Game Area

Pokemon BDSP Ramanas Park.jpeg

Replacing the Pal Park from the original games, Ramanas Park is a new post-game area containing rooms where Legendary Pokemon can be encountered. In order to encounter these Legendaries, players must dig up Mysterious Shards in the Grand Underground and trade them for Slates, which will trigger an encounter with the Legendary Pokemon when placed in the right room.

Legendary Pokemon in Ramanas Park

Brilliant Diamond Only
Pokemon BDSP EnteiEntei Pokemon BDSP SuicuneSuicune Pokemon BDSP RaikouRaikou Pokemon BDSP Ho-OhHo-Oh
Shining Pearl Only
Pokemon BDSP ArticunoArticuno Pokemon BDSP ZapdosZapdos Pokemon BDSP MoltresMoltres Pokemon BDSP LugiaLugia
Both Versions
Pokemon BDSP RegirockRegirock Pokemon BDSP RegiceRegice Pokemon BDSP RegisteelRegisteel Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios
Pokemon BDSP GroudonGroudon Pokemon BDSP KyogreKyogre Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza Pokemon BDSP LatiasLatias
Pokemon BDSP MewtwoMewtwo

Ramanas Park Guide

Gym Leader and Elite Four Rematches

Pokemon BDSP Rematches

You can now rematch all the Gym Leaders and Elite Four once you've obtain the National Dex after becoming the Champion. The Gym Leaders and Elite Four members will have high-leveled Pokemon and Pokemon from the National Dex on their teams, so don't take them lightly!

Rematch Guides
All Gym Leader Rematch Teams All Elite Four Rematch Teams

Jirachi and Mew Gifts

Pokemon BDSP Jirachi Gift.jpeg

Players with save data from previous Pokemon games for the Nintendo Switch can receive Jirachi and Mew for free in Floaroma Town.

If you have Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield save data, you can get a Jirachi Gift, and if you have Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu or Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee save data, you can get a Mew Gift.


Pokemon BDSP Fairy Type

Fairy Type Pokemon and Fairy Type Moves are present in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Fairy-type was introduced in Generation 6, thus it did not appear in the original Diamond and Pearl games, which are part of Generation 4.

Pokemon Hideaways

Pokemon BDSP - Pokemon Hideouts.png
Pokemon Hideaways are a new feature of the Grand Underground in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and appear to replace the cartridge feature in the original games.

These hideaways come in different terrains such as verdant forests, volcanic landscapes, and arid deserts and are home to Pokemon here are found nowhere else in the Sinnoh Region!

Hideaways Locations
Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave[/align] Stargleam Cavern IconStargleam Cavern Dazzling Cave IconDazzling Cave
Grassland Cave IconGrassland Cave[/align] Spacious Cave IconSpacious Cave
Big Bluff Cavern
Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave Volcanic Cave IconVolcanic Cave Sandsear Cave IconSandsear Cave[/align]
Rocky Cave IconRocky Cave[/align] Bogsunk Cavern IconBogsunk Cavern[/align] Still-Water Cavern IconStill-Water Cavern[/align]
Whiteout Cave IconWhiteout Cave Icy Cave IconIcy Cave[/align] Glacial Cavern IconGlacial Cavern[/align]
Swampy Cave IconSwampy Cave Typhlo Cavern IconTyphlo Cavern Sunlit Cavern IconSunlit Cavern

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

Character and Outfit Customization

Change Your Character's Appearance

Pokemon BDSP - Character Customization.png
New to the Sinnoh Remakes is the ability to change your character's appearance at the start of the game!

Dress Your Character Up

Pokemon BDSP - Customization.png
Additionally, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl now allows players to dress up their characters. The Metronome Style Shop has been added to Veilstone City, where the Gaming Corner used to be in the originals.

How to Change Clothes

Walking Pokemon

BDSP Walking Pokemon Buizel

Walking Pokemon are Pokemon outside their Pokeball that follow you around on your adventure. In the past, this used to be limited to Amity Square but the remakes confirm that you can walk your Pokemon around the map.

In Amity Square, where you used to be able to walk with 1 of your Pokemon, you can now walk with your whole party of 6!

How to Have Pokemon Follow You and Walk With Pokemon

New Pokemon Allowed in Amity Square

Additionally, you are now allowed to stroll with more species of Pokemon inside Amity Square! The Pokemon allowed inside Amity Square are the following:

Pokemon Allowed in Amity Square
Pokemon BDSP PikachuPikachu Pokemon BDSP ClefairyClefairy Pokemon BDSP JigglypuffJigglypuff Pokemon BDSP PsyduckPsyduck
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon Pokemon BDSP JolteonJolteon Pokemon BDSP FlareonFlareon
Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon Pokemon BDSP UmbreonUmbreon Pokemon BDSP TorchicTorchic Pokemon BDSP ShroomishShroomish
Pokemon BDSP SkittySkitty Pokemon BDSP TurtwigTurtwig Pokemon BDSP GrotleGrotle Pokemon BDSP TorterraTorterra
Pokemon BDSP ChimcharChimchar Pokemon BDSP MonfernoMonferno Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape Pokemon BDSP PiplupPiplup
Pokemon BDSP PrinplupPrinplup Pokemon BDSP EmpoleonEmpoleon Pokemon BDSP PachirisuPachirisu Pokemon BDSP DrifloonDrifloon
Pokemon BDSP BunearyBuneary Pokemon BDSP HappinyHappiny Pokemon BDSP LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon BDSP GlaceonGlaceon

Pokemon Allowed in Amity Square Guide and Map

Day Care Replaced With Pokemon Nursery

The original Diamond and Pearl had the Pokemon Daycare where you can leave your Pokemon to breed and level up. However, starting from Pokemon Sun and Moon, the Pokemon Daycare has been replaced with the Pokemon Nursery. The leveling up mechanic was removed and it is now solely for breeding Pokemon.

Pokemon Nursery Location and Guide

Revamped Features

HMs Replaced With Hidden Moves

Pokemon BDSP Surf Hidden Move

In the original games, you acquired HMs as move-teaching items at various points throughout the story. These Hidden Moves still exist in the remakes, but instead of teaching the moves to your Pokemon, you unlock the feature directly onto your Poketch. This way, you don't need to sacrifice a move slot of your party Pokemon or make use of an HM slave.

All HM Locations (Hidden Moves) and How to Use

Union Room Replaces Nintendo WFC

Pokemon BDSP - Union Room.png
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, players used the Nintendo DS' native Wi-Fi functionality supported by the Nintendo WFC to battle and trade online with other players, as well as make use of The Underground.

With the WFC's discontinuation back in 2014, the Union Room will now function as the hub where you can battle other trainers through local and online communication!

Global Union Room Replacing the GTS

Pokemon BDSP - Global Union Room.png
Choosing the Global Room through the Union Room, players can trade Pokemon with other players online, as well as participate in battles and other activities.

How to Trade Locally and Online

The Grand Underground

Grand Underground Features Solo or Online
Digging for Treasure Solo and Online
Building a Secret Base Solo
Farming Diglett Solo and Online
Underground Man Missions Solo
Unlocking Spiritomb Solo

In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Underground feature returns as the greatly expanded Grand Underground! Capture the Flag and decorating your Secret Base with Goods have been removed and you're now also able to unlock Spiritomb without going online.

Grand Underground Guide and Available Features

Arrange Statues in your Secret Base!

Pokemon BDSP - Secret Base Statues.png

Additionally, the Grand Underground has been greatly expanded to include Pokemon Hideaways, Statues, and a farming Diglett minigame to help find more Statues.

Pokemon Statues are unique items that you can find by digging up fossils and have an expanded role in the new Grand Underground. When arranged in a certain order or combination, you'll encounter different kinds of Pokemon in the Pokemon Hideaway!

List of Statues and Effects

The Super Contest Show

Pokemon BDSP - Super Contest Show (1).png
Pokemon Contests have been revamped into Super Contest Shows. You now win Super Contest Shows by succesfully filling up the Hype Meter as a team of 4 Pokemon and by becoming the Star of the Show by having the Pokemon that earned the most points.

Additionally, Ball Capsule decoration and Stickers replace Accessories in the Visual Evaluation, as well as the Dance and Move Evaluation being more streamlined so that each show has a shorter runtime of approx. 2 mins, as compared to the previous approx. 10-min shows.

Super Contest Show Guide and New Features

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Game Features
Everything We Know New Features & Differences
Version Exclusive Pokemon Multiplayer and Online Features
National Dex Mega Evolutions
Platinum Content Fairy Type
Removed Features Pal Park
Battle Frontier Dynamax and Gigantamax
Sword and Shield Compatibility Sinnoh Regional Variants
Available Editions


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