Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Pokedex Completion Trading Board

Pokedex Completion Trading Board Pokemon BDSP
This is a Pokedex Completion Trading Board for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Use this message board for Pokemon trading and finding Version Exclusives in order to completely fill up your Pokedex!

Related Guides
GlameowVersion Exclusive Pokemon PiplupHow to Get All Starter Pokemon Pokemon BDSP RotomHow to Unlock the National Dex

Pokedex Completion Trading Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No posting submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Pokedex Completion Trade Codes

Below is the official link/trade code for Game8 users to easily find other players who are willing to trade and help one another complete the Pokedex. Please use the following room code when conducting trades below.

Room Trade Code
Pokedex Completion Trade Room 6867 0847

List of Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards

Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards
Discussion Board (27) Friend Request Board (29)
Pokedex Completion Trading Board (8811) Ditto / Pokerus Trading Board (5249)
High IV & Egg Move Pokemon Trading Board (239) Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trading Board (768)
Underground Message Board (23) Best Poffin Recipes Sharing Board (61)
Online Battles Message Board (17) Extra Eggs and Breedjects Trading Board (95)

Message Board

Submissions: 8811
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8811 Anonymous1 dayReport

Does the code still works I need a spinda to complete my pokedex

8810 Athrun43413 daysReport

Hi looking for somebody to trade me a SPINDA please I can give you either a SHINY Lucario, mothim, blissey graveler starly staravia luxio lapras poliwag psyduck or Zangoose

8809 Anonymous20 daysReport

Looking for an electrizer im over trying to get an elekid with one, can trade a metal coat for it

8808 Anonymous22 daysReport

I need a spinda if you have one, i can give you a milotic

8807 Milotic hunter27 daysReport

Hello, please someone wants to trade his/ her BDSP evolved Milotic? It's the last one I need for completion of the dex.

8806 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

do you still have spinda to trade for

8805 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

do you still need a huntail

8804 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

it's all I need to complete my dex

8803 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Does anyone have a spinda they can trade me

8802 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

I can help I also need a Gengar Alakazam and a Golem if you are interested in trading them and trading them back

8801 luykkoabout 1 monthReport

I need help to evolve my haunter and kadabra

8800 Fishabout 1 monthReport

I need a Huntail, Alakazam, Machamp and Dialga can anyone help?

8799 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

I can help also, as I have BD exclusives. Let me know!

8798 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

I can assist. I need some trades also to complete my dex

8797 Raichuabout 1 monthReport

Anyone up for some touch trades? I also need to borrow a bdsp dialga for home x

8796 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

I need palkia and glameow to comlete home dex

8795 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

I can offer a Japanese-origin Shiny Phanpy. Would you be willing to trade it for a non-Japanese Ditto? I’d appreciate it if it has high IVs."

8794 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

LF Any trade evos or SP Exclusives. can offer BD Dialga and other BD exclusives

8793 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Need SP Palkia can offer BD Dialga

8792 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Anyone available to touch trade trade evos ?

8791 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Lf SP caught Palkia. Have BD caught milotic for trade

8790 Anonymous2 monthsReport

Please trade me raikou entei suicune ho oh celebi kecleon deoxys and dialga

8789 BD for SP2 monthsReport

I can help you if you help me evolve my Clamperls

8788 Anonymous3 monthsReport

I want to evolve my kadabra

8787 Anonymous3 monthsReport

i have version SP exclusives. i need spinda, what one do you need?

8786 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Hi i need spinda anyone able to help

8785 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Hello, I need Vespiquen or female combee (only female)

8784 Robert 3 monthsReport

Hi All, I am looking for someone to trade with. I would like to trade my BD only's for SP only's. I also have Spinda to trade for (other) interested parties.

8783 Robert3 monthsReport

Hi, I'm interested. I have all the SP exclusives

8782 Rotom-J4 monthsReport

Need a spinda to finish dex willing to touch trade.

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