Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Scizor Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon BDSP Scizor Best Build
Scizor can fit into any team and is one of the best Physical Attackers for competitive play. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Scizor in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Scizor - Related Guides
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Scizor Best Build and Moveset

Choice Band Scizor

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ScizorScizor Technician Choice Band Bullet Punch
Aerial Ace
Nature / EVsAdamant 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Final Stats177 HP / 200 Atk / 120 Def / 101 SpD / 85 Spe

Choice Band ensures that Scizor is hitting as hard as possible. At the cost of being able to choose moves for future turns, Choice Band boosts Scizor's already impressive damage output. A Choice Banded U-Turn will deal respectable damage on neutral hit to anything that does not resist it, and you'll be free to choose moves when Scizor switches back in.

Lum Berry Scizor

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ScizorScizor Technician Lum Berry Bullet Punch
Swords Dance
Nature / EVsAdamant 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Final Stats177 HP / 200 Atk / 120 Def / 101 SpD / 85 Spe

Lum Berry Scizor is a strong lead option especially against an opposing lead that would want to inflict status conditions. Consider using Bullet Punch twice against an opposing Breloom, breaking its Focus Sash and having Lum Berry cure Scizor of sleep after Breloom uses Spore.

This same strategy will not work against opposing Arcanine, who will not be knocked out in two hits.

Using Scizor

This Pokemon can be equipped with Life Orb for extra firepower, or Sitrus Berry for extra survivability. Opting to use Lum Berry is a good choice if you're expecting status conditions like Burn or Paralysis. Leftovers is also a decent choice especially when running a set with Roost.

We would always want to position Scizor so it can sweep, so eliminating Pokemon that threaten Scizor so that it can sweep is key to using Scizor effectively. Knowing when to pivot out with U-Turn is also crucial for being successful in using Scizor.

Other Viable Moves

Sand Tomb This move offers Scizor a Ground-type coverage move. This move is also boosted by Technician, and is able to prevent your opponent from switching.
Brick Break Brick Break is good for nullifying screens like Reflect and Light Screen.

Scizor Basic Information

Scizor - Type

Pincer Pokémon
Pokemon - Scizor
Type 1 Type 2
Bug Type Pokemon Steel Type Pokemon

Scizor Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Takes 2x damage
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Grass Type Icon
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Poison Type Icon

Scizor Abilities

Name Description
Swarm Powers up Bug-type moves in a pinch.
Technician Powers up the Pokemon's weaker moves.

Scizor Hidden Ability

Name Description
Light Metal Halves the Pokemon's weight.

Scizor Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Scizor's Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Has a very good attack stat, Ability and Priority Move.
✔︎ Has good resistances and natural bulk
✔︎ Has a good matchup against Cresselia
✖︎x4 weakness to Fire-type moves
✖︎ Is walled by bulky Water type Pokemon

Set Up Swords Dance

If an opponent isn't immediately threatening Scizor, setting up a Swords Dance is not a bad play. There are not too many Pokemon that would want to take a +2 Bullet Punch.

Bullet Punch's Priority

Technican boosted STAB Bullet Punch is nothing to scoff at, dealing huge chunks of damage on neutral hits. It is also a Priority move that lets Scizor attack first even in Trick Room.

Cresselia Check

Cresselia is one of the most defensive Pokemon in any format that it is legal in, so being able to hit it for super-effective is a big deal for any team that runs Scizor.

Counter Scizor by Walling or Outspeeding It

Fast Pokemon with Fire-type moves will knock Scizor out before it gets to shine. Bulky Water-type Pokemon also stop Scizor from getting offensive momentum. Scizor also won't like its Attack stat getting lowered by Intimidate.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP AzelfAzelf Ranking:★★★★★
・Outspeeds Scizor and can threaten it with Flamethrower.
Pokemon BDSP ArcanineArcanine Ranking:★★★★★
・Can lower Scizor's Attack stat with Intimidate and knock it out with a Fire-type move.
Pokemon BDSP HeatranHeatran Ranking:★★★★★
・Can wall most of Scizor's offense and threaten it with a super-effective Fire-type move.
Pokemon BDSP Wash RotomWash Rotom Ranking:★★★★
・Walls Scizor's offense and can lower Scizor's attack with Will-O-Wisp.

Best Natures for Scizor

Best Natures
(Speed↑ Sp. Atk↓)
(Atk↑Sp. Atk↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Scizor

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP PolitoedPolitoed Drizzle Sitrus Berry Scald
Ice Beam
Perish Song
Nature / EVsCalm 244 HP / 180 Def / 4 SpA / 76 SpD / 4 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Final Stats196 HP / 118 Def / 111 SpA / 143 SpD / 91 Spe

Politoed setting up the Rain weakens Fire-type moves that could hurt Scizor. Politoed is also a good defensive switch-in because of its sizeable bulk and resistance to Scizor's Fire weakness.

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ArcanineArcanine Intimidate Mago Berry Flare Blitz
Extreme Speed
Nature / EVsJolly 252 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 108 SpD / 140 Spe
Final Stats197 HP / 131 Atk / 101 Def / 108 SpA / 114 SpD / 146 Spe

Arcanine can lower opposing Pokemon's Attack stats with its Intimidate Ability, letting Scizor come in and take hits more comfortably. This Pokemon can also switch into a Fire-type move intended for Scizor.

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Wash RotomWash Rotom Levitate Sitrus Berry Thunderbolt
Hydro Pump
Volt Switch
Nature / EVsCalm 252 HP / 168 SpD / 88 Spe
Final Stats157 HP / 76 Atk / 127 Def / 125 SpA / 162 SpD / 117 Spe

Wash Rotom can comfortably switch into Fire-type moves that threaten Scizor.

This Pokemon can Volt Switch out of the active spot into Scizor, while Scizor can U-Turn into Wash Rotom.

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