Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Get Eevee: All Evolutions and Learnset

Eevee in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP Pokemon Legends Arceus LogoPLA

Eevee is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn about how to get Eevee in the Trophy Garden, its full learnset with all learnable moves, how to evolve it into its different evolutions, and the best nature for eevee, along with its abilities, type advantages, and more.

National Dex
Pokemon BDSP DittoDitto
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee
Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon

How to Get Eevee

Daily Pokemon in the Trophy Garden

Eevee can be found as a special Daily Pokemon in the Trophy Garden in the Pokemon Mansion on Route 212 after obtaining the National Pokedex.

The Daily Pokemon which appears in the garden is selected randomly from an available set, so talk to Mr. Backlot in the east room of the mansion to confirm which Pokemon will be available to catch that day.

Trophy Garden Daily Pokemon List

Receive Eevee Egg from Bebe

BDSP - Eevee from Bebe.png
After completing the National Dex, go to the Bebe's House, just to the right of the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City. Speak to her and she will gift you an Eevee!

How to Unlock the National Dex and Complete the Sinnoh Pokedex

How to Evolve Eevee

How to Evolve Eevee into Vaporeon

Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Water StoneWater Stone
Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon

Evolve by Using Water Stone

Eevee will evolve into Vaporeon if you use the item Water Stone on it.

Use the Water Stone from your bag and select Eevee in your party to make it evolve!

How to Evolve Eevee into Jolteon

Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Thunder StoneThunder Stone
Pokemon BDSP JolteonJolteon

Evolve by Using Thunder Stone

Eevee will evolve into Jolteon if you use the item Thunder Stone on it.

Use the Thunder Stone from your bag and select Eevee in your party to make it evolve!

How to Evolve Eevee into Flareon

Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Fire StoneFire Stone
Pokemon BDSP FlareonFlareon

Evolve by Using Fire Stone

Eevee will evolve into Flareon if you use the item Fire Stone on it.

Use the Fire Stone from your bag and select Eevee in your party to make it evolve!

How to Evolve Eevee into Espeon

Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Lvl Up (Day) + High Friendship
Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon

Level Up with High Friendship at Day

Eevee will evolve into Espeon once it levels up during the day while having a high Friendship stat.

Eevee will naturally grow closer with you as you travel and battle with it. You can also let it participate in Contests, letting it hold the Soothe Bell, or obtaining it in a Luxury Ball, among other methods.

You can see how high a Pokemon's Friendship stat is with the Poketch's Friendship Checker app. Having two hearts will mean that a Pokemon is very close to you and has reached max Friendship value.

How to Increase Friendship

How to Evolve Eevee into Umbreon

Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Lvl Up (Night) + High Friendship
Pokemon BDSP UmbreonUmbreon

Level Up with High Friendship at Night

Eevee will evolve into Umbreon once it levels up at night while having high a Friendship stat.

Eevee will naturally grow closer with you as you travel and battle with it. You can also let it participate in Contests, letting it hold the Soothe Bell, or obtaining it in a Luxury Ball, among other methods.

You can see how high a Pokemon's Friendship stat is with the Poketch's Friendship Checker app. Having two hearts will mean that a Pokemon is very close to you and has reached max Friendship value.

How to Increase Friendship

How to Evolve Eevee into Leafeon

Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Level Near Moss Rock or Leaf StoneLeaf Stone
Pokemon BDSP LeafeonLeafeon

Level Up Near Moss Rock in Eterna Forest

In order to evolve Eevee into Leafeon, you need to raise its level at the tall grass surrounding the Moss Rock at the Eterna Forest.

You can raise its level by battling or by simply using a Rare Candy.

Evolve Eevee by Using a Leaf Stone

Instead of leveling it up near the Moss Rock, Eevee will also evolve into Leafeon if you use the item Leaf Stone on it.

Use the Leaf Stone from your bag and select Eevee in your party to make it evolve!

How to Evolve Eevee into Glaceon

Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Level Near Ice Rock
Pokemon BDSP GlaceonGlaceon

Level Up Near Ice Rock at Route 217

In order to evolve Eevee into Glaceon, you need to raise its level at the tall grass surrounding the Ice Rock at Route 217.

You can raise its level by battling or by simply using a Rare Candy.

Can Eevee Evolve Into Sylveon?

In Pokemon BDSP, Eevee is not able to evolve into Sylveon, despite the Fairy Type being present in the game. Only Pokemon up until Generation 4 are in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and Sylveon was only introduced in Generation 6.

Best Natures for Eevee

Depends on Planned Eeveelution

List of Recommended Natures
Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon Bold
Defense Attack
Special Defense Attack
Pokemon BDSP JolteonJolteon Timid
Speed Attack
Special Attack Attack
Pokemon BDSP FlareonFlareon Adamant
Attack Special Attack
Speed Special Attack
Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon Timid
Speed Attack
Special Attack Attack
Pokemon BDSP UmbreonUmbreon Careful
Special Defense Special Attack
Defense Special Attack
Pokemon BDSP LeafeonLeafeon Adamant
Attack Special Attack
Defense Special Attack
Pokemon BDSP GlaceonGlaceon Modest
Special Attack Attack
Defense Attack

The many eeveelutions all have different stats and can excel in different areas of the team. It is recommended to keep in mind the evolution you want for your Eevee when selecting its nature.

Eevee Type and Abilities

Eevee - Type and Basic Info

Evolution Pokémon
Pokemon - Eevee
Type 1 Type 2
Normal Type Pokemon -
Hatch Steps Weight
8960 14.3 lbs.

Eevee Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon

Eevee Abilities

Name Description
Run Away Enables a sure getaway from wild Pokemon.
Adaptability Powers up moves of the same type.

Eevee Hidden Ability

Name Description
Anticipation Senses a foe's dangerous moves.

Eevee Egg Group

Egg Groups
Pokemon - Field Egg GroupField

Effort Values (EV) Earned

Effort Values (EV) Earned
HP EVs Attack EVs Defense EVs SpAtk EVs SpDef EVs Speed EVs
0 0 0 0 1 0

Held Item on Wild Encounter

No held item on wild encounter.

Eevee Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Eevee Evolution Chart

Evolution Line
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Water Stone ImageWater Stone
Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon
Thunder Stone ImageThunder Stone
Pokemon BDSP JolteonJolteon
Fire Stone ImageFire Stone
Pokemon BDSP FlareonFlareon
High Friendship (Day)
Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon
High Friendship (Night)
Pokemon BDSP UmbreonUmbreon
Level Up near Moss Rock
Pokemon BDSP LeafeonLeafeon
Level Up near Ice Rock
Pokemon BDSP GlaceonGlaceon

Eevee Learnset

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. Move Type Power Acc. PP
Base Covet Normal Type Move 60 100 25
Base Helping Hand Normal Type Move - - 20
Base Tackle Normal Type Move 40 100 35
Base Growl Normal Type Move - 100 40
Base Tail Whip Normal Type Move - 100 30
5 Sand Attack Ground Type Move - 100 15
10 Quick Attack Normal Type Move 40 100 30
15 Baby-Doll Eyes Fairy Type Move - 100 30
20 Swift Normal Type Move 60 - 20
25 Bite Dark Type Move 60 100 25
30 Copycat Normal Type Move - - 20
35 Baton Pass Normal Type Move - - 40
40 Take Down Normal Type Move 90 85 20
45 Charm Fairy Type Move - 100 20
50 Double-Edge Normal Type Move 120 100 15
55 Last Resort Normal Type Move 140 100 5

Learnset by TM

No. Move Type Power Acc. PP
10 Work Up Normal Type Move - - 30
11 Sunny Day Fire Type Move - - 5
17 Protect Normal Type Move - - 10
18 Rain Dance Water Type Move - - 5
23 Iron Tail Steel Type Move 100 75 15
28 Dig Ground Type Move 80 100 10
30 Shadow Ball Ghost Type Move 80 100 15
32 Double Team Normal Type Move - - 15
42 Facade Normal Type Move 70 100 20
44 Rest Psychic Type Move - - 10
45 Attract Normal Type Move - 100 15
58 Endure Normal Type Move - - 10
82 Sleep Talk Normal Type Move - - 10
87 Swagger Normal Type Move - 85 15
90 Substitute Normal Type Move - - 10

Learnset through a Move Tutor

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset via Egg Moves

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Yawn Normal Type Move - - 10
Wish Normal Type Move - - 10
Tickle Normal Type Move - 100 20
Stored Power Psychic Type Move 20 100 10
Mud-Slap Ground Type Move 20 100 10
Flail Normal Type Move - 100 15
Fake Tears Dark Type Move - 100 20
Double Kick Fighting Type Move 30 100 30
Detect Fighting Type Move - - 5
Curse Ghost Type Move - - 10
Covet Normal Type Move 60 100 25
Charm Fairy Type Move - 100 20

Eevee Pokedex Number

National Dex
Pokemon BDSP DittoDitto
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee
Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Eevee in Other Pokemon Games

Eevee in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP Pokemon Legends Arceus LogoPLA

Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

Pokemon by Pokedex

Pokemon Lists
Pokemon BDSP Bulbasaur.pngNational Pokedex Pokemon BDSP TurtwigSinnoh Pokedex Pokemon BDSP ArceusAll Legendaries

Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3 Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal

Pokemon by Egg Group

All Pokemon Egg Groups
Grass Egg GroupGrass Bug Egg GroupBug Flying Egg GroupFlying
Human-like Egg GroupHuman-like Monster Egg GroupMonster Fairy Egg GroupFairy
Dragon Egg GroupDragon Mineral Egg GroupMineral Field Egg GroupField
Amorphous Egg GroupAmorphous Water 1 Egg GroupWater 1 Water 2 Egg GroupWater 2
Water 3 Egg GroupWater 3 Undiscovered Egg GroupUndiscovered Ditto Egg GroupDitto

List of All Egg Groups

Pokemon by Stats

Pokemon by Stats
Pokemon BDSP MewAll Pokemon by Base Stats Pokemon BDSP DeoxysAll Pokemon by Speed Stat Pokemon BDSP SnorlaxAll Pokemon by Weight Stat
ToegpiList of Pokemon by Hatch Steps Pokemon BDSP BlazikenList of Pokemon by EV Yield

Other Pokemon Lists

Other Lists
Unobtainable Pokemon.pngList of Unobtainable Pokemon Item.pngList of Wild Pokemon by Held Item


2 Anonymousabout 3 years

Eevee becomes Sylveon with max friendship and one fairy moveset

1 Anonymousover 3 years

You can get a leafeon with a leaf stone as well


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