Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Will Dynamax and Gigantamax Return?

Pokemon BDSP Dynamax

Dynamax and Gigantamax do not appear in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes. Read on for a guide on the Dynamax and Gigantamax features not returning in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

What Features are Returning?
Gyarados Mega EvolutionMega Evolutions Giratina Origin FormePlatinum Content Giratina Origin FormeGigantamax Giratina Origin FormeRegional Variants

Will Dynamax and Gigantamax Return?

Does Not Return in D&P Remakes

Pokemon SWSH Dynamax

The Dynamax and Gigantamax features does not carry over from Pokemon Sword and Shield to Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, due to the features being directly tied to Sword and Shield's Galar region and story.

Unique to Sword and Shield

Pokemon Sword and Shield Gigantamax

Dynamax and Gigantamax are rare phenomena even within the Galar region, with only specific locations that have Power Spots allowing Pokemon to Dynamax or Gigantamax. Additionally, trainers require a Dynamax Band to take advantage of Power Spots to safely Dynamax their Pokemon.

What is Dynamax and Gigantamax?

Boosts HP and Adds Max Moves

Dynamax Gyarados

Dynamaxing phenomenom introduced in Pokemon Sword and Shield that causes Pokemon to take on gigantic forms. Dynamax Pokemon get a massive boost to their HP and can use powerful Max Moves.

Gigantamax Adds G-Max Moves

Gigantamax Butterfree G-Max Befuddle

Almost all Pokemon can Dynamax in Sword and Shield, but only some can Gigantamax. On top of getting an HP boost, these Pokemon also change their appearance to reflect their massive size. Gigantamax Pokemon trigger G-Max Moves if using a move that is their same type.

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