Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

All Confirmed Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Confirmed Pokemon.png

This is a list of all confirmed Pokemon that will appear in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes! Read on to learn about all the returning Pokemon, new additions to the Sinnoh Pokedex, and Platinum Dex inclusions in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Pokemon Lists
Pokemon BDSP ArceusAll Pokemon (National Dex) Pokemon BDSP TurtwigSinnoh Pokedex

All Confirmed Pokemon

Confirmed Returning Pokemon

Below are the Pokemon that were confirmed to be in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl before release via gameplay trailers, official images, and artwork featured on the official websites. The game and list of all Pokemon has already been released!

Sinnoh Starter Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP Turtwig ArtTurtwig Pokemon BDSP Chimchar ArtChimchar Pokemon BDSP Piplup ArtPiplup
Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP Dialga ArtDialga Pokemon BDSP Palkia ArtPalkia Pokemon BDSP MespritMesprit
Pokemon BDSP AzelfAzelf Pokemon BDSP UxieUxie Pokemon BDSP MewtwoMewtwo
Pokemon BDSP ArticunoArticuno Pokemon BDSP ZapdosZapdos Pokemon BDSP MoltresMoltres
Pokemon BDSP RaikouRaikou Pokemon BDSP EnteiEntei Pokemon BDSP SuicuneSuicune
Pokemon BDSP LugiaLugia Pokemon BDSP Ho-ohHo-oh Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza
Mythical Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP Manaphy ArtManaphy Pokemon BDSP PhionePhione Pokemon BDSP MewMew
Pokemon BDSP JirachiJirachi - -
Various Sinnoh Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP GrotleGrotle Pokemon BDSP TorterraTorterra Pokemon BDSP MonfernoMonferno
Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape Pokemon BDSP PrinplupPrinplup Pokemon BDSP EmpoleonEmpoleon
Pokemon BDSP StarlyStarly Pokemon BDSP Staravia.pngStaravia Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor
Pokemon BDSP Bidoof.pngBidoof Pokemon BDSP Bibarel.pngBibarel Pokemon BDSP KricketotKricketot
Pokemon BDSP KricketuneKricketune Pokemon BDSP Shinx ArtShinx Pokemon BDSP LuxioLuxio
Pokemon BDSP LuxrayLuxray Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon BDSP BudewBudew Pokemon BDSP RoseliaRoselia Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat Pokemon BDSP GeodudeGeodude Pokemon BDSP Graveler.pngGraveler
Pokemon BDSP OnixOnix Pokemon BDSP SteelixSteelix Pokemon BDSP Cranidos.pngCranidos
Pokemon BDSP RampardosRampardos Pokemon BDSP Shieldon.pngShieldon Pokemon BDSP MachopMachop
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke Pokemon BDSP Psyduck.pngPsyduck Pokemon BDSP GolduckGolduck
Pokemon BDSP CascoonCascoon Pokemon BDSP BeautiflyBeautifly Pokemon BDSP DustoxDustox
Pokemon BDSP CombeeCombee Pokemon BDSP VespiquenVespiquen Pokemon BDSP Pachirisu.pngPachirisu
Pokemon BDSP BuizelBuizel Pokemon BDSP FloatzelFloatzel Pokemon BDSP CherubiCherubi
Pokemon BDSP Cherrim.pngCherrim Pokemon BDSP ShellosShellos Pokemon BDSP Gastradon.pngGastrodon
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross Pokemon BDSP AmbipomAmbipom Pokemon BDSP DrifloonDrifloon
Pokemon BDSP Drifblim.pngDrifblim Pokemon BDSP BunearyBuneary Pokemon BDSP Lopunny.pngLopunny
Pokemon BDSP GastlyGastly Pokemon BDSP Misdreavous.pngMisdreavus Pokemon BDSP MismagiusMismagius
Pokemon BDSP MurkrowMurkrow Pokemon BDSP HonchkrowHonchkrow Pokemon BDSP Glameow.pngGlameow
Pokemon BDSP Purugly.pngPurugly Pokemon BDSP BarboachBarboach Pokemon BDSP ChinglingChingling
Pokemon BDSP Stunky.pngStunky Pokemon BDSP SkuntankSkuntank Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
Pokemon BDSP BronzongBronzong Pokemon BDSP MedititeMeditite Pokemon BDSP PonytaPonyta
Pokemon BDSP BonslyBonsly Pokemon BDSP Mime JrMime Jr. Pokemon BDSP Chatot.pngChatot
Pokemon BDSP Pikachu ArtPikachu Pokemon BDSP RaichuRaichu Pokemon BDSP Hoothoot.pngHoothoot
Pokemon BDSP CleffaHappiny Pokemon BDSP ChanseyChansey Pokemon BDSP ClefairyClefairy
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp Pokemon BDSP MunchlaxMunchlax Pokemon BDSP RioluRiolu
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario Pokemon BDSP WooperWooper Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire
Pokemon BDSP PelipperPelipper Pokemon BDSP GirafarigGirafarig Pokemon BDSP HippopotasHippopotas
Pokemon BDSP SkorupiSkorupi Pokemon BDSP DrapionDrapion Pokemon BDSP CroagunkCroagunk
Pokemon BDSP ToxicroakToxicroak Pokemon BDSP CarnivineCarnivine Pokemon BDSP FinneonFinneon
Pokemon BDSP LumineonLumineon Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic Pokemon BDSP SnoverSnover
Pokemon BDSP Abomasnow.pngAbomasnow Pokemon BDSP SneaselSneasel Pokemon BDSP WeavileWeavile
Platinum Dex Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP RotomRotom Pokemon BDSP GliscorGliscor Pokemon BDSP ProbopassProbopass
Pokemon BDSP GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon BDSP GalladeGallade Pokemon BDSP LickilickyLickilicky
Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Pokemon BDSP EspeonEspeon Pokemon BDSP Leafeon ArtLeafeon
Pokemon BDSP GlaceonGlaceon Pokemon BDSP AltariaAltaria Pokemon BDSP TogepiTogepi
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss Pokemon BDSP HoundoomHoundoom Pokemon BDSP MagnetonMagneton
Pokemon BDSP MagnezoneMagnezone Pokemon BDSP TangrowthTangrowth Pokemon BDSP YanmegaYanmega
Pokemon BDSP RhyperiorRhyperior Pokemon BDSP DusknoirDusknoir Pokemon BDSP Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
Pokemon BDSP ScizorScizor Pokemon BDSP ElectivireElectivire Pokemon BDSP Magby.pngMagby
Pokemon BDSP MagmortarMagmortar Pokemon BDSP FroslassFroslass Pokemon BDSP AbsolAbsol

New Additions to Sinnoh Pokedex

Numel and Sentret

Pokemon BDSP New Additions.jpg

Numel and Sentret can be seen in the above photo. These 2 Pokemon were not previously in either original Diamond and Pearl games, nor the Platinum expansion.


Pokemon BDSP Teddiursa

Similarly, in the Japanese overview trailer released on November 5th, Teddiursa was revealed to be a Pokemon encountered in the underground Hideaways. The Teddiursa line was not previously a Pokemon native to the Sinnoh region.

November 5 Trailers: Everything We Learned


Pokemon BDSP Lanturn

During the August 18 Pokemon Presents, Lanturn can be spotted as part of a cinematic that plays when the commentator talks about the Sinnoh region's new features. The Lanturn appears to be climbing a waterfall. It's unknown whether this is in-game footage or just part of the presentation, but Lanturn is highly likely to be part of the new Pokedex.

August 18 Pokemon Presents: Everything We Learned

Raticate and Fearow

Pokemon BDSP RaticateRaticate Pokemo BDSP FearowFearow

The above images depict a Purugly and a Skuntank fighting a wild Raticate and Fearow, respectively. It's currently unknown if these Pokemon will be added to the Sinnoh Pokedex, or if this is a screenshot from the post game, where it was possible to encounter Raticate and Fearow in the Battle Zone.


Pokemon BDSP Weepinbell

Similarly, the above photo features a wild Weepinbell, who could also only be encountered in the Battle Zone, during the post game. It's currently unknown if Weepinbell is solely a National Dex inclusion or if it's a new addition to the Sinnoh Pokedex.

National Dex Inclusions

Pokemon BDSP Amity Square New
In the above promotion for Amity Square, Torchic, Skitty, and Shroomish are featured. Additionally, Jigglypuff can be seen in the Amity Square segment of the September 28 trailer. In the originals, these Pokemon could only be brought into Amity Square once you've obtained the National Dex.

Is the National Dex in the Game?

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