Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Getting the 8th Badge: Walkthrough Part 8

8th badge.png
This guide shows the objectives list for obtaining the 8th Badge in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to know how to proceed through each area, learn which Pokemon the Gym Leader has, as well as other helpful walkthrough information.

Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge Becoming the Champion

Getting the 8th Badge: Video Walkthrough

Getting the 8th Badge Objectives

Jump to a Location in this Section
Snowpoint City Lake Acuity Veilstone City
Galactic HQ Mt. Coronet Spear Pillar
Route 222 Sunyshore City

Snowpoint City

BDSP - After Defeating Candice.png

1 Travel to Lake Acuity.

Lake Acuity

BDSP - Commander Jupiter at Lake Acuity.png

2 Follow Commander Jupiter, and fly to Veilstone City.

Get Blizzard (TM14)

BDSP - Obtain the Blizzard TM

Surf across the lake to the other side and walk through the patch of grass. You can find a TM for Blizzard in the northwest corner of the grass patch.

Veilstone City

BDSP - Getting the Storage Key.png

3 Visit the Galactic HQ, and talk to the Galactic Grunt near the satellite. Then, pick up the Storage Key.
4 Travel to the Galactic Warehouse, and use the Storage Key to unlock the rust-encrusted door.
5 Go down the stairs and head east until you reach the stairs. Then, climb the stairs on the next floor.
6 Go west and step on the left warp panel. Then, take the available warp panel to the next area.
Taking the right warp panel will bring you to the location of the Scald TM.
7 Climb up the stairs and take the warp panel to the west. Go down the next two sets of stairs.
8 Pick up the Galactic Key on the ground near the wooden crates, and use it to open the door at the end.
Use the Galactic Key to open any door inside the Galactic HQ. The TM for Sludge Bomb can also be found here.
9 Travel back to Galactic HQ.

Galactic HQ

BDSP - Using the Galactic Key.png

10 With the Galactic Key, open the door and go up the stairs
11 Enter the room at the center and take the warp panel near the entrance.
12 Go up the stairs. Then, walk west.
If you need to heal your Pokemon before moving on, you can interact with the bed to rest.
13 Take the leftmost warp panel and head up the stairs. Open the door and challenge Galactic Boss Cyrus.
You will receive the Master Ball from Cyrus after defeating him.
14 Take the warp panel on the northeast to exit the area. Then, walk to the east and enter the door on the north.
15 Talk to Commander Saturn and defeat her.
16 BDSP - Freeing the Pokemon.pngFree the Pokemon, and leave the building by taking the green warp panel. Next stop is Mt. Coronet.
Fly to Oreburgh City and pass through Route 207 to reach Mt. Coronet.

Galactic HQ Best Route to Take

Galactic HQ Best Route
Warehouse Route
Galactic HQ Route

For a more detailed map of Galactic HQ building, check out the page below!

Galactic HQ Map and Items

Galactic Boss Cyrus' Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MurkrowMurkrow
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Insomnia Wing Attack
Night Shade
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Screech
Poison Fang
Air Cutter
Pokemon BDSP SneaselSneasel
(Lvl. 43)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Keen Eye
Sitrus Berry
Metal Claw
Icy Wind
Hone Claws
Beat Up

Commander Saturn's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Inner Focus
Damp Rock
Rain Dance
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Pokemon BDSP ToxicroakToxicroak
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Dry Skin Mud-Slap
Brick Break

Mt. Coronet

BDSP - Rock Climb Up Mt. Coronet.png

17 Surf through the water until you reach the other side. Then, use Rock Climb to reach the stairs on the northeast.
18 Climb the stairs, and make your way to the exit on the northwest. Then, take the stairs on the right.
19 On the 3rd floor, take the stairs in the middle. Then, go southwest to find the exit.
20 Go northeast, and climb the wall using Rock Climb.
You can avoid the wild area by using the stairs near the exit.
21 Walk to the left and move the boulder to the south to pass through, or you can take the path through the tall grass.
22 Enter the mountain again using the entrance to the north.
23 Climb up the wall and go to the east. Then, exit the mountain.
24 Go down the stairs and climb up the wall on the left.
25 Keep heading west until you reach the entrance to the mountain.
The entrance is on the wall on the right.
26 Enter the mountain and keep climbing up the stairs to reach the Spear Pillar.
Best Route to Spear Pillar

▶︎ Full image preview

For a more detailed map of Mt. Coronet, check out the link below!

Mt. Coronet Pokemon List and Map

Get Rock Slide (TM80)

BDSP - Obtain Rock Slide TM.png

You can find a TM for Rock Slide on the southwest corner of the 2nd Floor near the exit to Route 207. To get to the TM, travel slightly north and take the narrow path leading to it.

Spear Pillar

BDSP - Dialga in Spear Pillar.png

27 Head north until you reach Commander Mars, Commander Jupiter, and Galactic Boss Cyrus at the end.
28 Defeat Commander Jupiter and Comander Mars in a double battle with your rival.
29 Defeat Galactic Boss Cyrus.
Your rival will heal your Pokemon before the battle starts.
30 Face the Legendary Pokemon.
Note: This is your only chance to capture them. Make sure to save the game before starting the battle so you can reload the save in case you end up knocking it out.
31 Pick up the Adamant Orb or Lustrous Orb at the northern part of Spear Pillar. Leave Mt. Coronet after getting the item.
You can head back inside the mountain and use an Escape Rope to quickly leave.
32 Travel to Sunyshore City to face the last Gym Leader.
Fly to Pastoria City. Then, pass through Route 213 and Route 222 to reach Sunyshore City.

Commander Mars & Commander Jupiter's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Air Cutter
Giga Drain
Sludge Bomb
Pokemon BDSP SkuntankSkuntank
(Lvl. 46)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Aftermath
Sitrus Berry
Poison Gas
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 42)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Poison Fang
Pokemon BDSP PuruglyPurugly
(Lvl. 45)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat
Sitrus Berry
Aerial Ace
Body Slam

Galactic Boss Cyrus' Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP HonchkrowHonchkrow
(Lvl. 45)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Super Luck
Scope Lens
Air Cutter
Night Slash
Steel Wing
Pokemon BDSP CrobatCrobat
(Lvl. 46)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Infiltrator
Quick Claw
Cross Poison
Air Cutter
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados
(Lvl. 45)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Intimidate
Wacan Berry
Ice Fang
Pokemon BDSP WeavileWeavile
(Lvl. 48)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pickpocket
Chople Berry
Metal Claw
Aerial Ace

Legendary Pokemon: Dialga and Palkia

Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Pokemon Shining Pearl
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon
Pokemon BDSP - Dialga.png Dialga Lv. 47
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon
Pokemon BDSP - Palkia.png Palkia Lv. 47
Moves Moves
・Flash Cannon
・Ancient Power
・Roar of Time
Coming Soon

Get Adamant or Lustrous Orb

Adamant Orb

After capturing either Dialga or Palkia, head back inside Mt. Coronet and re-enter Spear Pillar. Walk to the edge of the map and pick up the item on the ground to obtain the Adamant Orb in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or the Lustrous Orb in Pokemon Shining Pearl.

These held items are useful to the Legendary Pokemon you just caught, so make sure to obtain immediately to avoid trekking the long path to the summit again.

Get Dragon Claw (TM02)

BDSP - Obtain Dragon Claw TM.png

Instead of using an Escape Rope, you can exit the cave through Mt. Coronet North by going back down the previous Rock Climb wall and taking the path through the cave entrance. You should encounter a TM for Dragon Claw on your way out.

Route 222

33 Head to the east, and you'll eventually reach Sunyshore City.

Route 222 Pokemon List and Map

Get Fling (TM56)

BDSP - Obtain Fling TMs.png

Talk to the purple-haired man standing by the cliff in Route 222 to receive three TMs for the move Fling.

Enter the Pokemon Size Contest

BDSP - Pokemon Size Contest.png

In the house east of Route 222, you can talk to a man who will ask you to show him a big Remoraid. Once you show him a big Remoraid, you will receive a Net Ball.

Sunyshore City

BDSP - Sunyshore City.png

34 Go to the lighthouse, and talk to Volkner. Then, visit the Pokemon Gym to challenge the last Gym Leader.
The lighthouse is in the southeast part of the city.
35 Solve the puzzle to reach Gym Leader Volkner's location.
▶︎ How to Beat Volkner
Gym Leader Volkner will use a Hyper Potion and Full Restore once his Pokemon is low on health.
Sunyshore City Map

Sunyshore City Gym Puzzle

Sunyshore City Gym Puzzle Solution

How to Solve the Gym Puzzle
1 Step on the green button on the east side first. Then, step on the button on the west.
2 Step on the blue button three times. It will turn the cogwheel on the left into a stair. Pass through it to reach the other side.
3 Step on the blue button near the trainer, and then the green button after.
4 Step on the red button on the east once, and step on the red button on the west.
5 Climb the stairs until you reach the top. Then, go down and step on the green button twice.
6 Step on the blue button, and go south using the stairs on the east.
7 Step on the red button in the east, and climb back to the top. Use the bridge to reach Gym Leader Volkner's location.

Buy Stickers from the Sticker Merchant

BDSP - Sticker Merchant in Sunyshore.png

Inside the Sunnyshore Market, you can talk to the man in the northwest corner to buy Stickers for your Ball Capsules.

How to Use Stickers (Pokeball Seals)

Get More Poketch Apps

BDSP - Man Requesting Serious Nature Pokemon.jpg

Near the lighthouse, you can find a house that you can only access with Rock Climb. Climb up to the house and talk to the man inside. He will request to see a Pokemon of a specific nature and reward you with a new Poketch app. To show him the Pokemon, it must be at the front of your party.

All Poketch App Locations

Nature Reward
Serious Calendar app
Naive Dot Artist app
Quirky Spinner App

8th Gym Leader: Volkner's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RaichuRaichu
(Lvl. 46)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static
Shuca Berry
Volt Switch
Charge Beam
Pokemon BDSP AmbipomAmbipom
(Lvl. 47)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Technician
Chople Berry
Fake Out
Double Hit
Last Resort
Pokemon BDSP OctilleryOctillery
(Lvl. 47)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Sniper
Expert Belt
Focus Energy
Aurora Beam
Charge Beam
Pokemon BDSP LuxrayLuxray
(Lvl. 49)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Intimidate
Sitrus Berry
Thunder Fang
Ice Fang
Iron Tail

How to Beat Volkner: Sunyshore City Gym Guide

Previous and Next Guides

Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge Becoming the Champion

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough

Complete Story Walkthrough

Main Story Walkthrough

All Story Walkthroughs
Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge
Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge
Getting the 5th Badge Getting the 6th Badge
Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge
Becoming the Champion

Important Battles

All Important Battles
All Barry Rival Battles All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon
All Elite Four Types and Pokemon All Team Galactic Locations and Pokemon

Post Game Content

All Post Game Content
How to Unlock the National Dex Ramanas Park Guide
How to Get to the Battle Zone All Gym Leader Rematch Teams
All Elite 4 Rematch Teams

Post Game Content Guide


2 Anonymousabout 3 years

To show him the Pokemon, it must be at the front of your party. Put mine in the second slot, was still awarded Calendar app!

1 Anonymousabout 3 years

The video skipped the whole GYM puzzle.. That is the only reason I came here


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