Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

All Gameplay Features and Everything We Know

Pokemon BDSP Everything We Know

This page contains everything we know so far about all the confirmed gameplay features in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes. Read on for all features and game info confirmed via trailers or promotional materials of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)!

Everything We Know So Far

Everything We Know So Far

Ramanas Park: New Post-Game Area

Pokemon BDSP Ramanas Park.jpeg

Replacing the Pal Park from the original games, Ramanas Park is a new post-game area containing rooms where Legendary Pokemon can be encountered. It's not as easy as going there, though; players must dig for Mysterious Shards at the Grand Underground and exchange them for Slates in the park's lobby. The Slates can then be inserted in Rooms inside Ramanas Park to summon Legendary Pokemon.

Legendary Pokemon in Ramanas Park

Brilliant Diamond Only
Pokemon BDSP EnteiEntei Pokemon BDSP SuicuneSuicune Pokemon BDSP RaikouRaikou Pokemon BDSP Ho-OhHo-Oh
Shining Pearl Only
Pokemon BDSP ArticunoArticuno Pokemon BDSP ZapdosZapdos Pokemon BDSP MoltresMoltres Pokemon BDSP LugiaLugia
Both Versions
Pokemon BDSP MewtwoMewtwo Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios Pokemon BDSP LatiasLatias Pokemon BDSP RegirockRegirock
Pokemon BDSP RegiceRegice Pokemon BDSP RegisteelRegisteel Pokemon BDSP KyogreKyogre Pokemon BDSP GroudonGroudon
Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza Pokemon BDSP Giratina (Altered Forme)Giratina (Altered Forme)

Ramanas Park Guide

Jirachi and Mew Gifts

Pokemon BDSP Jirachi Gift.jpeg

Players with save data from previous Pokemon games for the Nintendo Switch can receive Jirachi and Mew for free in Floaroma Town.

If you have Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield save data, you can get a Jirachi Gift, and if you have Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu or Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee save data, you can get a Mew Gift.

No More HM Moves

Pokemon BDSP - Poketch HM

Moves that were once HM moves (such as Cut, Surf, Rock Climb) are now Hidden Moves that you summon wild Pokemon to use through an app on the Poketch. This way, you don't need to sacrifice a move slot of your party Pokemon or make use of an HM slave.

HMs (Hidden Machines) are moves that Pokemon had to learn and use outside of battle in order for you to clear obstacles and progress through the story. HMs could not be easily forgotten by Pokemon, so the player had to tailor their parties around them. Pokemon Sun & Moon (in Generation 7) saw the move away from HMs in gameplay, and that trend continues here.

Fairy-Type Included

Pokemon BDSP Fairy Disarming Voice

The September 28 trailer shows Chansey using the Fairy-type move Disarming Voice, which was introdued in Generation 6. Similarly, in the release date trailer, Buneary can be seen competing in a Super Contest with the move Charm, which is explicitly listed as a Fairy-type.

TMs for Fairy-type moves are also in the game.

Is the Fairy Type in the Game?

New Additions to Sinnoh Dex

Pokemon BDSP Sinnoh Dex

Numel and Sentret can be seen above in Pokemon Hideaways, which doesn't seem to be a feature only unlocked in the post-game. If that's the case, then Numel and Sentret will be additions to the native Sinnoh Dex, as these Pokemon were not present in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum until the player received the National Dex in the post-game.

Lanturn also a possible addition to Sinnoh Dex

Pokemon BDSP Lanturn

During the August 18 Pokemon Presents, Lanturn can be spotted as part of a cinematic that plays when the commentator talks about the Sinnoh region's new features. Lanturn was similarly not a Pokemon present on the native Sinnoh Dex. It's unknown whether this is in-game footage or just part of the presentation, but Lanturn is highly likely to be part of the new Pokedex.

National Dex Shown

While not explicitly confirmed, the National Dex was shown in promotions for the game. In the above photo, Bidoof's Pokedex number is listed as 399, which is its National Dex number. Bidoof's Sinnoh Dex number is 013, which is also seen in other promotions for the game.

Additionally, Torchic was featured in promotions for Amity Park. Torchic, being a starter Pokemon from Hoenn, only becomes available alongside the National Dex in previous non-Hoenn games.

Is the National Dex in the Game?

Pokemon Hideaways

Pokemon BDSP Hideaways

Pokemon Hideaways are an area in the Grand Underground where players can encounter and catch rare Pokemon. A number of the Pokemon found in the Sinnoh region can only be found in Pokemon Hideaways.

In relation to the overall Grand Underground feature, the Pokemon found in Hideaways are determined by the Statues you place in the Secret Base you build underground. You can collect statues by digging in the Grand Undeground.

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

Access Union Room Anywhere

Pokemon BDSP Union Room

You can access the Union Room from anywhere in the Sinnoh region now, simply by pressing the Y button. In the Union Room, you can trade and battle with players over a local network connection or with players around the world via Wi-Fi connection (and a Nintendo Online Subscription). You no longer need to go to the 2nd floor of a Pokemon center to access these features.

Online Multiplayer Features

Poketch Apps Returning

Pokemon BDSP Get Poketch

The trailer confirmed the return of the Poketch, a feature from the originals that utilized the Nintendo DS' dual screen and touch screen. The Poketch now appears on the top right corner of the Switch's screen. It's unclear if it will utilize the Switch's touch screen, as that may make it difficult for players who play with the Switch docked.

Poketch varied applications are returning

The Poketch had 25 different applications in the originals, including a digital clock, calculator, berry checker, friendship checker, and more. Below are the Poketch applications confirmed for the remakes:

Digital Clock Pedometer / Step Counter Party List
Dowsing Machine Friendship Checker Memo Pad
Hidden Moves Summon - -

All Poketch App Locations

Amity Square Expanded Upon

Pokemon BDSP Amity Square New

Amity Square now allows you to stroll around with up to 6 of your party Pokemon. In the previous games, you could only stroll around with 1 Pokemon and there were only about 10 Pokemon that were allowed as walking partners in Amity Square. There may be lighter restrictions on which Pokemon are allowed to enter, as the above promotional image shows in Amity Square an Eevee, who previously was not one of the allowed Pokemon.

Pokemon Allowed in Amity Square Guide and Map

Super Contest Shows Revised

Pokemon BDSP Super Contest New Features

The scoring of Super Contest Shows has been revised. The goal now is to work together to earn a set amount of Hype Points for the show to be a success, instead of competing against each other for the most points. Score is determined now by Hype Points rather than hearts.

Additionally, the evaluations have been revised. Below are the changes to the 3 categories:

  • The Visual Category now takes into account Capsule Decoration, rather than Accessories placed on Pokemon.
  • The Dance Category now tests your ability of matching the rhythm of the notes as they appear on your screen, as opposed to pressing the right button when prompted.
  • The Move Category now factors in Move Chains performed by the contestants working together.

Super Contest Show Guide and New Features

Stickers replace Seals

Pokemon BDSP Capsule Decoration.jpeg
For ball capsule decoration, Stickers now replace Seals but perform the same function of giving special effects to the animation of the Pokemon exiting the Pokeball. This, however, is now part of the Visual Evaluation of Super Contest Shows!

How to Use Stickers

Grand Underground Powered-Up

The Underground returns as the powered-up Grand Underground. The diggng, Secret Base, and online features have all been faithfully carried over to the Nintendo Switch generation. Additionally, Pokemon Hideaways have been introduced as part of the Grand Underground.

Grand Underground Guide and Available Features

Poffin Cooking Returning

Pokemon BDSP Poffin House

Poffin Cooking was confirmed to be a returning feature as well. Poffins are used to raise a Pokemon's conditions which include Beauty, Cool, Cute, Smart, and Tough for boosting the Pokemon's score in Super Contests. Also confirmed to return is the Poffin House in Hearthome City, where you could cook Poffins online with friends and other players.

Poffin Cooking could be available in more areas

Pokemon BDSP Poffin Amity Square

The September 28 trailer also showed a Poffin Cooking station available in Amity Square, where there previously was none. This could indicate that Poffin Cooking stations could appear in multiple places around the region.

Poffin Guide: How to Cook the Best Poffins

Battle Park Returning

Pokemon BDSP Battle Park

It appears that the Battle Park will appear instead of the Battle Frontier in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as the Battle Park appears on the official map instead of the Battle Frontier.

In Pokemon Platinum, the Battle Frontier replaced the Battle Park featured in Diamond and Pearl. It was a post-Pokémon League area where the player could challenge different facilities.

Battle Park Pokemon List and Map

Veilstone Gaming Corner Removed

Pokemon BDSP Metronome Style Shop

The Veilstone Gaming Corner from the original Sinnoh games has been removed and replaced with the Metronome Style Shop. In the gaming corner, the player could play slot machines in order to earn in-game money. Due to European ratings boards' guidelines on simulated gambling, the slot machine minigame was phased out of the mainline series of games.

Metronome Style Shop Location

Character and Outfit Customization

Character Customization

Outfit Customization

The player can also customize the appearance and outfit of their character! The player can purchase different outfits at the aforementioned Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City.

Character Creation and Customization

Walking Pokemon

BDSP Walking Pokemon Buizel

Walking Pokemon are Pokemon outside their Poke Ball that follow you around on your adventure. In the past, this used to be limited to Amity Square but the remakes confirm that you can walk your Pokemon around the map.

How to Get Walking Pokemon

Overworld Obstacles

Pokemon BDSP - Obstacles.png
Overworld obstacles are confirmed to make a return in Brilliand Diamond and Shining Pearl. These include the mud traps in the Great Marsh!

Pokemon BDSP News

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Game Features
Everything We Know New Features & Differences
Version Exclusive Pokemon Multiplayer and Online Features
National Dex Mega Evolutions
Platinum Content Fairy Type
Removed Features Pal Park
Battle Frontier Dynamax and Gigantamax
Sword and Shield Compatibility Sinnoh Regional Variants
Available Editions


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