Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Nature and IV Breeding Guide

Pokemon BDSP Breed and Hatch

This article talks about how to breed for good natures and how to hatch high IV Pokemon for your adventure through Sinnoh! Make sure to read on to learn more about breeding and hatching in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

What You Need to Breed High IV Pokemon

Ditto With High IVs

Pokemon BDSP DittoDitto

Getting a Ditto with 6 high Individual Values will make breeding strong Pokemon a lot simpler, since Ditto can breed with any Pokemon and any gender, with the exception of Legendaries. Getting a Ditto with high IVs saves you from searching for Pokemon with high IVs from each Pokemon line.

Ditto Trading Board

Other High IV Parents

Searching for a High IV Ditto can be painstakingly difficult and require tremendous luck. As long as you aren't breeding for a Genderless Pokemon, you can also opt to use alternative High IV parents from the appropriate egg group.

Easiest High IV Parents for Breeding

Destiny Knot

Destiny Knot ImageDestiny Knot When a Pokemon holding Destiny Knot lays an egg, 5 out of 12 of the parent Pokemon's IVs will be passed down to the child Pokemon.

If one parent holds the Destiny Knot, 5 of the 12 IVs between both parents will be passed down to their offspring. Without it, only 3 of the 6 IVs of the parents will be passed down. Let the Ditto with high IVs hold the Destiny Knot while breeding.

You can obtain the Destiny Knot on Route 224, accessed by the blocked area of Victory Road that opens up after getting the National Dex


Everstone ImageEverstone An item to be held by a Pokemon. A Pokemon holding this peculiar stone is prevented from evolving.

When a Pokemon holds an Everstone while breeding, the Pokemon will pass on its Nature to its offspring. Normally, a hatched Pokemon's nature will be randomly selected among the different natures it can have.

You'd want to have complete control over what Nature the offspring will have, as you don't want to get a Nature that decreases its more prominent attack power (Physical or Special) or its Speed.

Natures Guide and How to Check Natures

How to Get an Everstone

The Everstone can be obtained via trade for a Haunter with an NPC in the north-west house in Snowpoint City (you need to trade a Medicham for it) , via digging in the Grand Underground, or as a held item on a wild Geodude.

How to Breed High IV Pokemon

Pokemon Breeding Guide
  1. Go to Pokemon Nursery in Solaceon Town
  2. Leave Ditto and 1 Pokemon of desired species to Breed
  3. Wait for the Egg to be ready
  4. Hatch the Egg quickly using Flame Body
  5. Repeat steps until getting desired stats

Go to Pokemon Nursery

Head to the Pokemon Nursery in Solaceon Town. Choose the Pokemon you want to breed and talk to the lady at the counter.

Pokemon Nursery Location

Leave Ditto With the Pokemon to Breed

Leave your desired Pokemon with the high IV Ditto holding a Destiny Knot to get a chance of the offspring having high Individual Values.

Make sure the parent Pokemon of the species you want also has the Nature you want to pass onto an offspring. Make the parent Pokemon hold an Everstone to pass on the desired Nature.

Wait for the Egg to be Ready

POkemon BDSP Egg Monitor Poketch App
Travel around Sinnoh or pass the time doing various activities until the egg is ready. You can check the Egg Monitor Poketch app to see if an Egg has been made between the Pokemon. When there's an Egg, talk to the lady at the counter to retrieve it. The Egg will be instantly take up 1 slot of your party.

You receive the Egg Monitor app from the man standing to the left, inside the Nursery, after first leaving a Pokemon with the lady at the counter.
All Poketch App Locations

Hatch the Egg Quickly

How to Hatch Eggs Quickly

To hatch the Egg, you need to walk a certain number of steps. Have a Pokemon with Flame Body in your party to greatly lessen the steps needed to hatch the Egg.

Pokemon That Can Have Flame Body Ability

Pokemon with Flame Body
Pokemon BDSP PonytaPonyta Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash Pokemon BDSP MagbyMagby
Pokemon BDSP MagmarMagmar Pokemon BDSP MagmortarMagmortar Pokemon BDSP MoltresMoltres
Pokemon BDSP SlugmaSlugma Pokemon BDSP MagcargoMagcargo Pokemon BDSP HeatranHeatran

Flame Body Effect and Pokemon

Pokemon That Can Have Magma Armor Ability

Pokemon with Magma Armor
Pokemon BDSP SlugmaSlugma Pokemon BDSP MagcargoMagcargo Pokemon BDSP CameruptCamerupt

When hatching multiple Eggs, make sure to remove unnecessary Pokemon in your party and only retain the Pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor ability and the Eggs.

Ride up and down Route 210, Solaceon Town, and Route 209

Pokemon BDSP Hatching Eggs

You can ride your bike up to Route 210 (just before the tall grass that can be biked across), then all the way down to Route 209 (just beside the Hallowed Tower). This is a long path that you can repeatedly ride up and down, without encountering any wild Pokemon.

Repeat Steps Until Desired Stats Obtained

After hatching the new Level 1 Pokemon, check its Nature and check its IVs. If the Pokemon has the desired Nature, your breeding has in part been a success.

Replace parents with offspring that has higher IVs

Check the IVs of the newly hatched Pokemon to see if they have better IVs. If they are better than that of the parent's, replace the parent with the newly hatched Pokemon, so that you can continue to get better offspring. You're free to do this until you produce the Pokemon you want with better IVs across the board.

How to Increase IVs

Breeding Pokemon Requirements

Opposite Genders from the Same Egg Group

Normally, without a Ditto, the 2 Pokemon need to be part of the same Egg Group in order to produce an Egg/offspring together at the Nursery. As of the current Generation 8, there are 15 Pokemon Egg Groups. Unfortunately, this means ungendered Pokemon cannot be bred without a Ditto.

All Egg Groups
Grass Bug Flying Human-like
Monster Fairy Dragon Mineral
Field Water 1 Water 2 Water 3
Amorphous Undiscovered Ditto -

How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs

Parents with Egg Moves

If you want to hatch a Pokemon with an egg move, you'll have to start with a parent that has the egg move.

Learn how to transfer Egg Moves between Pokemon of the same species and how to breed Egg Moves onto offspring.
How to Learn Egg Moves

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Training and Breeding

Training and Breeding

Training and Breeding Guides
How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs Nature and IV Breeding Guide
How to Level Up Fast How to EV Train Fast
How to Reroll for Best Nature and IVs How to Increase IVs
Pokerus Effects Shiny Hunting Guide
How to Learn Egg Moves How to Change a Pokemon's Nature
How to Check EVs How to Check Pokemon IVs
How to Hatch Eggs Faster How to Get Hidden Abilities
How to Catch High IV Pokemon How to Increase Friendship


12 Anonymousover 1 year

the pre IVs r passed down

4 Neilover 2 years

Is a hyper trained pokemon the same as max IVs or are the IVs pre-hyper training passed down?


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