Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Latias Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon BDSP Latias Best Build

Latias a fast and bulky Dragon Pokemon that can support its team. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Latias in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

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Latias Best Build and Moveset

Support Latias

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP LatiasLatias Levitate Haban Berry Dragon Pulse
Thunder Wave
Ice Beam
Nature / EVsTimid 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Final Stats187 HP / 110 Def / 131 SpA / 150 SpD / 178 Spe

This set maximizes bulk and speed with a Timid Nature. Dragon Pulse is chosen for this set over Draco Meteor because it is more consistent damage without Latias needing to switch out. We run Haban Berry to survive Draco Meteor from her brother Latios, but Leftovers is also a good choice for passive recovery and offsetting Sand damage from Sandstorm.

The main objective of this set is to spread paralysis with Thunder Wave. Ice Beam is included in the set so that Latias is able to hit Ground-types that would attempt to switch into our Thunder Waves.

Calm Mind Latias

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP LatiasLatias Levitate Leftovers Dragon Pulse
Calm Mind
Nature / EVsTimid 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Final Stats187 HP / 111 Def / 130 SpA / 150 SpD / 178 Spe

Also maximizing bulk and speed, this Latias can turn itself into a tank with mulitple Calm Minds. With incremental recovery in Leftovers, Latias can slowly heal itself of the damage it incurs while it sets up. We run Dragon Pulse and Surf so that Latias isn't easily walled and is able to hit most types for neutral damage.

Be wary of Azumarill though, as this set has no ways of touching it and it can OHKO with a Huge Power-boosted Play Rough.

Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Energy Ball are also good options for Latias' coverage move of choice. You can also opt to use Psychic as another STAB move.

Using Latias

While Latios can be a straightforward Pokemon, Latias must be played creatively. One of the key differences between the two besides Latias' all-important bulk is Latias' access to support moves. Latias is able to carve a niche for herself as a bulky Dragon-type support Pokemon. If your team needs a fast offensive Dragon-type Pokemon, her brother Latios might be a better option. Which does not mean Latias can't fulfill that role. It is also good at nuking things with Draco Meteor albeit a little bit weaker than Latios.

Latias' bulk and resistances allow it to be a good defensive switch option. Teammates that match up favorably against Tyranitar are great to have for Latias.

Other Viable Moves

Healing Wish Because of Latias' decent defenses, it is a good user of Healing Wish, which it can use to completely heal a teammate in exchange for Latias fainting.
Roar Roar is a good counter to other Calm Mind users such as Suicune. It is also a good move to use against Pokemon that would want to set up.
Recover Recover replenishes Latias' HP, increasing its survivability.

Latias Basic Information

Latias - Type

Eon Pokemon
Pokemon - Latias
Type 1 Type 2
Dragon Type Pokemon Psychic Type Pokemon

Latias Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage

Latias Abilities

Name Description
Levitate Gives immunity to Ground type moves.

Latias Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Latias Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Excellent support move pool.
✔︎ Very good bulk.
✔︎ Good offensive type coverage.
✖︎ Is outclassed by Latios in terms of offense.
✖︎ Loses against Special Walls.

Latias' Support

Latias' movepool is filled with plenty of viable support moves. Its typing coupled with its Levitate Ability lets it resist a lot of different offensive types. These allow Latias to stick around longer, getting more chances to use these support moves without getting knocked out or without needing to switch.

Latias' Underrated Offense

Latias is still perfectly capable of threatening important KO's because of its above-average Special Attack Stat. She may not be as powerful as her brother, Latios, but Latias can be an offensive tank if positioned correctly. The type coverage afforded by Ice Beam and Thunderbolt can hit most relevant Pokemon in the format for super-effective damage.

Counter Latias by Walling It

Tyranitar can comfortably switch into any of Latias' offensive moves and threaten to knock it out with a super-effective Dark-type move. Tyranitar can boost its own Special Defense in a Sandstorm, and Blissey has massive HP and Special Defense. These Pokemon can take Latias' offensive moves and favorably exchange damage against Latias. Metagross has naturally decent defenses and an impressive Attack stat, which lets it absorb a hit from Latias and hit back with a huge Meteor Mash.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP TyranitarTyranitar Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists Latias' offense because it can boost its own Special Defense in Sandstorm.
・Can deal super-effective damage with a STAB Dark-type move.
Pokemon BDSP BlisseyBlissey Ranking:★★★★★
・Completely walls Latias with its massive HP and Special Defense.
・Can whittle down Latias' HP with Seismic Toss.
Pokemon BDSP MetagrossMetagross Ranking:★★★★
・Naturally has decent bulk and can take neutral hits comfortably.
・Can deal massive damage with Meteor Mash.

Best Natures for Latias

Best Natures
(Spe↑ Atk↓)
(Sp. Atk↑ Atk↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Latias


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ScizorScizor Technician Lum Berry Bullet Punch
Swords Dance
Nature / EVsAdamant 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Final Stats177 HP / 200 Atk / 120 Def / 101 SpD / 85 Spe

Scizor is a good matchup against Tyranitar because it can threaten it with a super-effective X-Scissor. Scizor is also immune to Sandstorm's residual damage because of its Steel typing. This Pokemon matches up favorably against Dark-types in general, which Latias may not want to face off against.

A Fairy-type like Togekiss may try to switch in on a Dragon-type move from Latias, and Scizor can handily take care of them.


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ArcanineArcanine Intimidate Mago Berry Flare Blitz
Close Combat
Nature / EVsJolly 252 HP / 4 Atk / 4 Def / 108 SpD / 140 Spe
Final Stats197 HP / 131 Atk / 101 Def / 108 SpA / 114 SpD / 146 Spe

Arcanine can switch in on a Tyranitar and knock it out with Close Combat. It is also not in danger of immediately getting knocked out itself due to its Intimidate Ability that can lower an opponent's Attack stat. Arcanine is bulky enough to be a good switch in for its teammates, and it can certainly switch into Ice-type moves meant for Latias. A Latias and Arcanine on the same team gives it very valuable bulk. The two Pokemon have very good synergy, as Latias can switch into a super-effective Ground-type attack meant for Arcanine.

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Trick can't be learned by latias


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