Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Rayquaza Location, Learnset, and Evolution

Rayquaza in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP

Rayquaza is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Learn about how to get Rayquaza with detailed locations, its full learnset with all learnable moves, and evolution data and how to evolve. Read on for information on its abilities, type advantages, and more.

National Dex
Pokemon BDSP GroudonGroudon
Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza
Pokemon BDSP JirachiJirachi

How to Get Rayquaza

Use the Stratospheric Slate in the Stratospheric Room in Ramanas Park

Stratospheric Room.png
Rayquaza may be found in Ramanas Park by using the Stratospheric Slate. Be sure to save your game directly in front of the pedestal if you plan on soft-resetting for a good nature.

Ramanas Park Guide and All Legendary Pokemon

How to Catch and Best Pokemon to Use

Rayquaza Encounter in Ramanas Park
Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Lv.: 70 Ability:
Air Lock
Dragon Pulse
Hyper Voice

Like Groudon, Rayquaza is one of the harder Pokemon to lock down due to its capability to restore its HP with Rest. Having a quick way to whittle it back down can be just as useful as preventing it from resting.

Having a two-turn move in Fly also limits when you can hit it with a move or throw a ball at it.

Best Catcher Pokemon

Best Catcher Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP BlastoiseBlastoise
Pokemon Water Type Icon
Pokemon BDSP AbsolAbsol
Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Recommended Lv.
Recommended Lv.
Recommended Moves: Recommended Moves:
False Swipe
False Swipe
Thunder Wave

When facing Rayquaza, we recommend using either Blastoise with Yawn and False Swipe, or Absol with Thunder Wave and False Swipe. These Pokemon give you a reliable way to whittle down the opponent's HP as low as possible, and access to a status-inflicting move to improve catch rates.

Blastoise can be the best choice here thanks to its bulk. Keeping it asleep with Yawn can help keep it from using Fly every other turn. We also recommend making it drowsy before False Swiping it down to 1 HP. If you're lucky you can catch it before it wakes up and potentially restores HP with Rest.

Alternatively, bringing in a Pokemon like Absol and using Taunt to prevent Rayquaza from falling asleep is also a viable strategy to maximize your chances of catching it.

Best Balls to Use

In case a Quick Ball on turn 1 did not succeed, the Ultra Ball is a reliable go-to ball to use instead. If you are facing Rayquaza at night, Dusk Balls become the better option.

If about a dozen turns have passed, you may also rely on the Timer Ball for higher success rates of capture.

Best Pokemon For Catching

Best Nature for Rayquaza

Adamant or Jolly Natures are Best

List of Recommended Natures
Attack Special Attack
SpeedSpecial Attack

For players who intend to use Rayquaza to its full potential, we recommend looking for one with an Adamant or Jolly Nature. As a Physical Attacker, It would appreciate the increase to either its Attack or Speed and not mind the drop in its Special Attack stat.

How to Train and Breed Pokemon

Rayquaza Type and Abilities

Rayquaza - Type and Basic Info

Sky High Pokemon
Pokemon - Rayquaza
Type 1 Type 2
Dragon Type Pokemon Flying Type Pokemon
Hatch Steps Weight
- 455.3 lbs.

Rayquaza Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Grass Type Icon
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Ground Type Icon

Rayquaza Abilities

Name Description
Air Lock Eliminates the effects of weather.

Rayquaza Egg Group

Egg Groups
Pokemon - Undiscovered Egg GroupUndiscovered

Effort Values (EV) Earned

Effort Values (EV) Earned
HP EVs Attack EVs Defense EVs SpAtk EVs SpDef EVs Speed EVs
0 2 0 1 0 0

Held Item on Wild Encounter

No held item on wild encounter.

Rayquaza Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Rayquaza Evolution Chart

Evolution Line
Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza
This Pokemon does not evolve.

Rayquaza Learnset

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. Move Type Power Acc. PP
Base Dragon Ascent Flying Type Move 120 100 5
Base Twister Dragon Type Move 40 100 20
Base Ancient Power Rock Type Move 60 100 5
Base Air Slash Flying Type Move 75 95 20
Base Scary Face Normal Type Move - 100 10
9 Crunch Dark Type Move 80 100 15
18 Dragon Dance Dragon Type Move - - 20
27 Extreme Speed Normal Type Move 80 100 5
36 Dragon Pulse Dragon Type Move 85 100 10
45 Hyper Voice Normal Type Move 90 100 10
54 Rest Psychic Type Move - - 10
63 Fly Flying Type Move 90 95 15
72 Hurricane Flying Type Move 110 70 10
81 Outrage Dragon Type Move 120 100 10
90 Hyper Beam Normal Type Move 150 90 5

Learnset by TM

No. Move Type Power Acc. PP
2 Dragon Claw Dragon Type Move 80 100 15
3 Water Pulse Water Type Move 60 100 20
5 Roar Normal Type Move - - 20
8 Bulk Up Fighting Type Move - - 20
11 Sunny Day Fire Type Move - - 5
13 Ice Beam Ice Type Move 90 100 10
14 Blizzard Ice Type Move 110 70 5
15 Hyper Beam Normal Type Move 150 90 5
17 Protect Normal Type Move - - 10
18 Rain Dance Water Type Move - - 5
22 Solar Beam Grass Type Move 120 100 10
23 Iron Tail Steel Type Move 100 75 15
24 Thunderbolt Electric Type Move 90 100 15
25 Thunder Electric Type Move 110 70 10
26 Earthquake Ground Type Move 100 100 10
31 Brick Break Fighting Type Move 75 100 15
32 Double Team Normal Type Move - - 15
34 Shock Wave Electric Type Move 60 - 20
35 Flamethrower Fire Type Move 90 100 15
37 Sandstorm Rock Type Move - - 10
38 Fire Blast Fire Type Move 110 85 5
39 Rock Tomb Rock Type Move 60 95 15
40 Aerial Ace Flying Type Move 60 - 20
42 Facade Normal Type Move 70 100 20
44 Rest Psychic Type Move - - 10
50 Overheat Fire Type Move 130 90 5
52 Focus Blast Fighting Type Move 120 70 5
53 Energy Ball Grass Type Move 90 100 10
56 Fling Dark Type Move - 100 10
58 Endure Normal Type Move - - 10
59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Type Move 85 100 10
65 Shadow Claw Ghost Type Move 70 100 15
68 Giga Impact Normal Type Move 150 90 5
71 Stone Edge Rock Type Move 100 80 5
72 Avalanche Ice Type Move 60 100 10
73 Thunder Wave Electric Type Move - 90 20
74 Gyro Ball Steel Type Move - 100 5
75 Swords Dance Normal Type Move - - 20
77 Psych Up Normal Type Move - - 10
80 Rock Slide Rock Type Move 75 90 10
82 Sleep Talk Normal Type Move - - 10
83 Bulldoze Ground Type Move 60 100 20
87 Swagger Normal Type Move - 85 15
90 Substitute Normal Type Move - - 10
94 Fly Flying Type Move 90 95 15
95 Surf Water Type Move 90 100 15
96 Strength Normal Type Move 80 100 15
98 Rock Smash Fighting Type Move 40 100 15
99 Waterfall Water Type Move 80 100 15

Learnset through a Move Tutor

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Draco Meteor Dragon Type Move 130 90 5

Learnset via Egg Moves

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Rayquaza Pokedex Number

National Dex
Pokemon BDSP GroudonGroudon
Pokemon BDSP RayquazaRayquaza
Pokemon BDSP JirachiJirachi

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Rayquaza in Other Pokemon Games

Rayquaza in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP

Pokedex Partial

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