Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Dawn Stone Effect and How to Get

Dawn Stone is one of the Evolutionary Stones found in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the effects of Dawn Stone as well as how to find and get it.

Dawn Stone Effect

Dawn Stone ImageDawn Stone
Effect A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It sparkles like a glittering eye.

How to Get Dawn Stone

Available on the Map

Route 225 Mt. Coronet Route 207 Entrance
Northwestern Zone (Grand Underground)

Whiteout Cave at Northwestern Zone

Grand Underground - Northwestern Map Dawn Stone

A Dawn Stone can be picked up at the Whiteout Cave in the Northwestern Zone of the Grand Underground. This can be accessed by going underground while in Snowpoint City.

Grand Underground Map: All Items & NPC Locations

Route 225

▶ Full map preview here

You can find the Dawn Stone on a ledge at the northern part of the route. You need to use Rock Climb to reach the area.

Route 225 Pokemon List and Map

Mt. Coronet 1F

A Dawn Stone is located on the first floor of Mt. Coronet and requires Surf for you to obtain. You need to beat Fantina at the Hearthome City Gym to be able to use Surf!

Mt. Coronet Pokemon List and Map

Obtained by Pokemon with Pickup

Pokemon BDSP- MeowthMeowth Pokemon BDSP- AipomAipom Pokemon BDSP- TeddiursaTeddiursa Pokemon BDSP- PhanpyPhanpy
Pokemon BDSP- ZigzagoonZigzagoon Pokemon BDSP- LinooneLinoone Pokemon BDSP- PachirisuPachirisu Pokemon BDSP- AmbipomAmbipom
Pokemon BDSP- MunchlaxMunchlax

Pokemon in your party with the Ability Pickup have a chance to obtain Dawn Stone after a battle.

Do remember that only Pokemon in your party has a chance of obtaining an item. Additionally, you have to make sure that the Pokemon has no held item for it to have a chance of picking up the item.
Pickup Ability and Items List

Pokemon that Evolve Using Dawn Stone

Kirlia into Gallade

Pokemon BDSP RaltsRalts Lvl 20
Pokemon BDSP KirliaKirlia Dawn Stone
Pokemon BDSP GalladeGallade

Female Snorunt into Froslass

Pokemon BDSP SnoruntSnorunt Dawn Stone
Pokemon BDSP FroslassFroslass

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Items.png
List of All Items and Effects

List of All Evolutionary Stones

Dawn Stone Dusk Stone Fire Stone
Leaf Stone Moon Stone Shiny Stone
Sun Stone Thunder Stone Water Stone

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
Poke BallsPoke Balls TMsTMs BerriesBerries Battle ItemsBattle Items
Evolutionary StonesEvolutionary Stones Recovery ItemsRecovery Items FossilsFossils Training ItemsTraining Items
Evo Held ItemsEvolutionary Held Items Held ItemsHeld Items VitaminsVitamins Valuable ItemsValuable Items
Mints.pngMints Key ItemsKey Items SlatesSlates -


2 Anonymousabout 3 years

You need Fantina's Gym Badge from Hearthome City to use Surf, not Pastoria.

1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Male kirlia into galade


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