Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of All Characters

Pokemon BDSP All Characters.jpg

This is a list of all characters and trainers in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about all characters returning for the Sinnoh remakes, and their roles in the story.

List of All Characters

Full Character Roster

Main Characters
Pokemon BDSP Lucas Icon.pngLucas Pokemon BDSP Dawn Icon.pngDawn
Pokemon BDSP Barry Icon.pngBarry -
Supporting Characters
Pokemon BDSP Professor Rowan Icon.pngProfessor Rowan Pokemon BDSP Cynthia Icon.pngCynthia Bebe
Team Galactic
Pokemon BDSP Cyrus Icon.pngGalactic Boss Cyrus Pokemon BDSP Mars IconCommander Mars Pokemon BDSP Jupiter IconCommander Jupiter Pokemon BDSP Saturn IconCommander Saturn
Gym Leaders
Pokemon BDSP Roark Icon.pngRoark Gardenia Icon.pngGardenia Pokemon BDSP Maylene Maylene Pokemon BDSP Crasher Wake Crasher Wake
Pokemon BDSP Fantina Fantina Pokemon BDSP Byron Byron Pokemon BDSP Candice IconCandice Pokemon BDSP Volkner IconVolkner
Elite Four
Pokemon BDSP Elite Four Aaron Aaron Pokemon BDSP Elite Four Bertha Bertha Pokemon BDSP Elite Four Flint Flint Pokemon BDSP Elite Four Lucian Lucian
Doubles Partners
Cheryl Icon.pngCheryl Riley Icon.pngRiley Buck Mira
Marley - - -

Main Characters

Lucas and Dawn Icon.pngProtagonist The protagonist is a young resident of Twinleaf Town who attempts to catch a Legendary Pokemon at the nearby lake. The protagonist ends up saving Professor Rowan from a few Starly at the lake, which leads the professor to give them a Pokemon and Pokedex to explore the Sinnoh region with.
Either Lucas or Dawn can be chosen to be protagonist of the games.
Pokemon BDSP Barry Icon.pngBarry Barry is the impatient best friend and rival of the protagonist. He is also given a Pokemon by Professor Rowan but rushes off into adventure before receiving a Pokedex.
Lucas and Dawn Icon.pngProfessor's Assistant Professor Rowan's Assistant is a young resident of Sandgem Town, who works alongside their father to research and study Pokemon of the Sinnoh region.
The Professor's Assistant is either Lucas or Dawn, depending on who the player didn't choose as the protagonist.

Supporting Characters

Johanna is the protagonist's mom who resides in Twinleaf Town. She's a Super Contest Show enthusiast, as she frequents the contests in Hearthome City after she sends her child off on their own adventure.
Pokemon BDSP Professor Rowan Icon.pngProfessor Rowan Professor Rowan is the stern but kind professor of the Sinnoh region. Having recently returned from the Kanto region, he hopes to delve into the Sinnoh region's deep secrets.
Pokemon BDSP Cynthia Icon.pngCynthia Cynthia is the famously tough Champion of the Sinnoh League. She helps the protagonist overcome challenges along their journey to the Pokemon League.
Bebe Bebe is the admin of the Pokemon PC Boxes in the Sinnoh region. She's known to be sociable, as she talks about friends from the different regions, including Bill, the developer of the original PC Box in Kanto.

Team Galactic

Pokemon BDSP Cyrus Icon.pngGalactic Boss Cyrus The cold-blooded boss of Team Galactic, Cyrus plots to exact his revenge on the world that treated him awfully by summoning Sinnoh's legendary Pokemon to bring about destruction.
Pokemon BDSP Mars IconCommander Mars One of Team Galactic's Commanders, Mars seizes control of the Valley Windworks in order to further her boss' plan of creating a new world.
Pokemon BDSP Jupiter IconCommander Jupiter Jupiter is the Team Galactic Commander stationed at Eterna City, where Team Galactic is researching the legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh and also kidnapping the locals' Pokemon.
Pokemon BDSP Saturn IconCommander Saturn The protagonist encounters Saturn, one of Team Galactic's Commanders, as he detonates a bomb at Lake Valor in order to get to the legendary Pokemon residing in the middle of the lake.

Sinnoh Gym Leaders

Pokemon BDSP Roark Icon.pngRoark Specializing in Rock-type Pokemon, Roark is the Oreburgh City Gym Leader. He is very knowledgable in regards to the Grand Underground and is also the son of Gym Leader Byron.
Gardenia Icon.pngGardenia Gardenia is the Gym Leader of Eterna City who specializes in Grass-type Pokemon. She also frequently explores the nearby Eterna Forest, except she avoids the Old Chateau since she's afraid of ghosts.
Maylene The leader of the Veilstone Gym, the young Maylene is respected for her prowess with Fighting-type Pokemon. She puts herself through the same rigorous training as her Pokemon, even walking barefoot all the way to Snowpoint City.
Crasher Wake The theatrical Crasher Wake is the Water-type specializing Gym Leader of Pastoria City. He claims to be proficient in Pokemon battles, wrestling, and singing.
Fantina A Ghost-type specialist, Fantina can be battled as both the Hearthome Gym Leader or a Contest Show Master Rank contestant. After arriving in Sinnoh from a foreign country, the sophisticated Fantina challenged herself to excel at both Pokemon battles and contest shows.
Byron Byron is the Gym Leader of Canalave City who regularly trains his Steel-type Pokemon at Iron Island. Byron is enthused and motivated by the prowess of young trainers. Prior to the story, he even offered the Gym Leader position to Riley, who declined, as he thought Byron's son Roark should be considered.
Pokemon BDSP Candice IconCandice Candice is the Gym Leader of Snowpoint City. She's unlike other cold and distant Ice-type Gym Leaders, as she's very passionate and sociable. Candice is interested in Pokemon, fashion, and romance, and she completely puts her mind to whatever she's pursuing.
Pokemon BDSP Volkner IconVolkner As the Gym Leader of Sunyshore City, Volkner is disappointed with the lack of challenging opponents to face. He significantly renovates his gym to better suit his Electric-type Pokemon, which causes massive blackouts throughout the city.

Sinnoh Elite Four

Aaron Aaron chases after perfection with his Bug-type Pokemon, who he claims are both tough and beautiful.
Bertha The most senior member of the Elite Four, Bertha specializes in Ground-type Pokemon. When defeated by a younger trainer, she expresses joy instead of disappointment.
Flint Flint is the Fire-type specialist of the Sinnoh Elite Four. He's a good friend of Volkner and shows great concern for him when he loses enthusiasm for the Gym Leader position.
Lucian The final member of the Sinnoh Elite Four, Lucian is a Psychic-type specialist. He's an avid reader and wants to live up to people's expectations of him as the toughest member of the Elite Four.

Doubles Partners

Cheryl Icon.pngCheryl Cheryl is a trainer wandering around Eterna Forest with her Chancey. Due to her Chancey not being a fighter and nearby sightings of Team Galactic, she offers to tag along with the protagonist and heal their Pokemon, in exchange for their protection.
Riley Icon.pngRiley Riley is a trainer who is encountered training at Iron Island. Riley doesn't regularly train at Iron Island, as he finds the place odd, so offers to team up with the protagonist as they explore the island.
Buck Buck is a trainer searching Stark Mountain for the Magma Stone. After defeating the protagonist's rival, he teams up with the protagonist in order to more easily fend off the wild Pokemon in the area.
Mira Mira is a young trainer who gets lost in Wayward Cave while trying to catch Pokemon. She asks for the protagonist's help to find the exit.
Marley Marley is a timid trainer on Victory Road in search of the Pokemon that will help her convey her positive feelings accurately. She teams up with the protagonist in order to reach the stone tablet at the end of Route 224.

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

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Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Wiki

Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Guides
BDSP Pokedex PartialPokedex Pokemon BDSP Story WalkthroughStory Walkthrough
Pokemon BDSP Maps and Locations.pngMaps and Locations Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground.pngGrand Underground
Pokemon BDSP MovesMoves Pokemon BDSP ItemsItems
Pokemon BDSP AbilitiesAbilities Beginners Tips and GuidesBeginner's Tips & Guides
Pokemon BDSP Training and BreedingTraining and Breeding Pokemon BDSP Battle Tower Guides.pngBattle Tower
Pokemon BDSP - Tier List Focus BannerTier List & Movesets Pokemon BDSP Message BoardsMessage Boards
BDSP News and Game InfoNews and Game Info Pokemon BDSP CharactersCharacters


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