Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Heatran Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - Heatran Best Moverset and Build
Heatran is a versatile Pokemon in competitive play, with the ability to run both offensive and defensive sets for the team. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Heatran in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Heatran - Related Guides
Evolution and Learnset Build for Ranked Battle

Heatran Best Build and Moveset

Choice Specs Attacker

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP HeatranHeatran Flash Fire Choice Specs Overheat
Flash Cannon
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse
Nature / EVs Modest 244 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp.Atk / 4 Sp.Def / 4 Spd
Final Stats197 HP / 127 Def / 200 Sp.Atk / 127 Sp.Def / 98 Spd

Using Heatran

Offensive Heatran has enough natural bulk that with just enough HP and defensive EVs, it can comfortably switch into powerful attackers such as Latios and Scizor and hit back with its powerful STAB moves.

Overheat and Flash Cannon are its strongest STAB moves and provides Heatran great neutral coverage against commonly used Pokemon such as Breloom and Togekiss. Earth Power rounds off its moves and allows Heatran to deal with opposing Fire-types or other Heatran.

Dragon Pulse is its last move and while it has relatively poor coverage, is very useful against Dragon-types such as Salamence and Dragonite that Heatran can easily wall thanks to its great dual-typing.

Other Viable Moves

Flamethrower A weaker Fire-type move but doesn't lower Heatran's Sp.Atk, letting it stay in fights without switching out.
Lava Plume A moderate-hitting Fire-type attack that has a 30% chance to inflict burns.
Dark Pulse An alternative to Dragon Pulse that has better coverage and still hits Latios for super effective damage.

Bulky Trapper

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP HeatranHeatran Flash Fire Leftovers Magma Storm
Earth Power
Nature / EVsTimid 212 HP / 92 Sp.Def / Spd 204
Final Stats193 HP / 126 Def / Sp.Atk 150 / 138 Sp.Def / 135 Spd

Using Heatran

Heatran's respectable bulk and key resistances to common attacking types make it a good support Pokemon for any team, with this build functioning as a trapper with its signature move Magma Storm. Earth Power gives it some neutral coverage and is handy at threatening opposing Fire, Rock, and Steel-types that it can also trap.

Although Heatran has no recovery move, it can reliably heal damage with careful use of Substitute and Protect to maximize Leftovers recovery.

Other Viable Moves

Taunt This move can replace Substitute and is handy at checking defensive Pokemon such as Blissey who rely on status moves.
Lava Plume A good alternative to Magma Storm. Instead of trapping opponents, Heatran can instead attempt to spread burns.
Will-O-Wisp Can replace any of Heatran's support moves for a guaranteed burn, but this also leaves it susceptible to Taunt.

Heatran Basic Information

Heatran - Type

Lava Dome Pokémon
Pokemon - Heatran
Type 1 Type 2
Fire Type Pokemon Steel Type Pokemon

Heatran Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Poison Type Icon

Heatran Abilities

Name Description
Flash Fire It powers up Fire-type moves if it's hit by one.

Heatran Hidden Ability

Name Description
Flame Body Contact with the Pokemon may burn the attacker.

Heatran Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Heatran Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Great dual-typing gives it important resistances
✔︎ Doesn't lose offensive presence even when built defensively
✖︎ Easily walled by Bulky Water-types
✖︎ Easily checked by common Physical Attackers

Heatran's Great Defensive Typing

Heatran has a great defensive typing that lets it easily handle special attacks from common attacking types with minimal defensive investment.

A team that's in need of a Fire, Grass, Dragon, Steel, and Fairy resist will appreciate having Heatran round off the resistances of the team with its typing alone.

A Powerful Special Attacker

While Heatran's defensive prowess is often its most attractive feature, it doesn't slouch as an offensive Pokemon. With 130 Base Special Attack, it's a powerful special attacker in its own right and its Fire and Steel-type STAB gives it great neutral coverage, letting it deal super effective damage with just two moves.

Even when not trained as an attacker, Heatran still hits hard with its special attacks and is what separates it from the likes of Blissey. Unlike other static defensive Pokemon, Heatran can still deal respectable damage even with no Sp.Atk investment!

Check it with a Bulky Water-type

Despite Heatran's great defensive typing and offensive presence, it struggles against Bulky Water-type Pokmon that resists both of its STAB moves and take little damage from its other attacks.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists Heatran's STAB moves and takes little damage from its coverage moves
・Can outstall defensive Heatran with Recover
・Can threaten and potentially lower Heatran's Special Defense with STAB Earth Power
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic Ranking:★★★★★
Resists Heatran's STAB moves and takes little damage from its coverage moves
・Can outstall defensive Heatran with Recover
・Milotic can benefit from burns with Marvel Scale
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados Ranking:★★★★
・Relatively high Special Defense lets it shrug off Heatran's STAB moves
Dragon Dance variants can use Heatran as setup fodder
・Can threaten Heatran with STAB Waterfall

Use a Faster Attacker

Heatran is relatively slow and even with Speed EV investment, there are many faster Pokemon that can easily outspeed it and potentially KO the Lava Dome Pokemon before it can set up.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp Ranking:★★★★★
・Easily outspeeds Heatran and KOs with STAB Earthquake
・Can use Heatran as setup fodder if it decides to switch
Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape Ranking:★★★★★
・Easily outspeeds Heatran and KOs with STAB Close Combat
・Resists both of Heatran's STAB moves and is immune to burns
Pokemon BDSP MamoswineMamoswine Ranking:★★★★
・Can outspeed Heatran with full Speed invesetment and KOs with STAB Earthquake
・Mamoswine has difficulty switching into due to its weakness to Heatran's Fire-type moves

Best Natures for Heatran

Best Natures
(Sp.Atk ↑ Atk ↓)
(Spd ↑ Atk↓)
(Sp.Def ↑ Atk↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Heatran


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GliscorGliscor Poison Heal Toxic Orb Earthquake
Ice Fang
Swords Dance
Nature / EVsJolly 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Final Stats151 HP / 147 Atk / 145 Def / 95 SpD / 161 Spe

Gliscor is a good partner as it's immune to Ground-type moves such as Earthquake that Heatran is weak against, and is especially great at walling physical setup sweepers such as Garchomp.

Gliscor's physical walling capabilities are very useful in particular against Breloom which, although Heatran has a type advantage, struggles against due to its mediocre speed.


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow Snow Warning Leftovers Blizzard
Giga Drain
Ice Shard
Leech Seed
Nature / EVsSassy 252 HP / 4 Sp.Atk / 252 Sp.Def
Final Stats197 HP / 112 Atk / 95 Def / 113 Sp.Atk / 150 Sp.Def / 72 Spe

Heatran struggles against bulky Water-types that resists both of its STAB moves and can take advantage of its 2x weakness to Water-type moves. This makes a Specially Defensive Abomasnow a good partner since it resists Water-types and can threaten with its Grass-type moves or stall them with Leech Seed.

Abomasnow is also a great check against Ground-types that may try to switch into Heatran. Even with minimal Sp.Atk investment, a 100% accurate Blizzard from Abomasnow can still do significant damage to Ground-types switching in!


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP DragoniteDragonite Multiscale Lum Berry Dragon Dance
Extreme Speed
Thunder Punch
Nature / EVsJolly Atk 252 / 4 Sp.Def / 252 Spd
Final Stats166 HP / 186 Atk / 115 Def / 121 Sp.Def / 145 Spe

Heatran's defensive typing synergizes well with Dragon-types, particularly bulky ones like Dragonite. Heatran covers Dragonite's Ice and Fairy-type weakness, while Dragonite's Multiscale Ability and natural bulk lets it easily shrug off Water and Fighting-type moves directed at Heatran.

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