Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Cloyster Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) - Cloyster Best Moveset and Build
Cloyster is one of the most fearsome attackers in the current competitive battling scene thanks to its Skill Link Ability and Shell Smash. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Cloyster in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Cloyster - Related Guides
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Cloyster Best Build and Moveset

Shell Smash Sweeper

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP CloysterCloyster Skill Link Focus Sash Icicle Spear
Rock Blast
Ice Shard
Shell Smash
Nature / EVsAdamant Atk 252 / 4 Sp.Def / 252 Spd
Final Stats125 HP / 161 Atk / 200 Def / 66 Sp.Def / 122 Spd

Using Cloyster

Shell Smash gives Cloyster +2 Attack, Special Attack, and Speed at the cost of -1 Defense and Special Defense, with the latter easily covered by Focus Sash. This one move turns Cloyster into a powerful sweeper capable of KO'ing some of the most common Pokemon in the current metagame.

Cloyster's Skill Link Ability makes multi-hit moves such as Icicle Spear and Rock Blast always hit five times, making it a good choice to use against Pokemon who use Focus Sash or rely on Abilities such as Sturdy and Multiscale. Finally, Ice Shard lets it bypass the Speed of faster attackers thanks to its increased priority.

Skill Link Flinch

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP CloysterCloyster Skill Link Razor Fang Icicle Spear
Rock Blast
Ice Shard
Shell Smash
Nature / EVsAdamant Atk 252 / 4 Sp.Def / 252 Spd
Final Stats125 HP / 161 Atk / 200 Def / 66 Sp.Def / 122 Spd

Using Cloyster

Since each hit from Icicle Spear and Rock Blast has a separate chance to trigger Razor Fang, Cloyster has a 40% chance to always cause flinching with its multi-hit moves! This allows it to beat defensive Pokemon that would otherwise check it, essentially preventing moving on their turn due to the high flinch rate chance.

Ice Shard is used to hit faster opponents when Cloyster still doesn't have its Shell Smash boosts. This build has a tougher time setting up Shell Smash, and it's best to take care of entry hazards and faster Pokemon before switching it in.

Cloyster Basic Information

Cloyster - Type

Bivalve Pokemon
Pokemon - Cloyster
Type 1 Type 2
Water Type Pokemon Ice Type Pokemon

Cloyster Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Rock Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Water Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Takes 0x damage

Cloyster Abilities

Name Description
Shell Armor The Pokemon is protected against critical hits.
Skill Link Increases the frequency of multi-strike moves.

Cloyster Hidden Ability

Name Description
Overcoat Protects the Pokemon from weather damage.

Cloyster Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Cloyster Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Skill Link makes all multi-hit moves hit five times
✔︎ Ice-type STAB allows it to check and threaten the very common Dragon-types in the current metagame
✖︎ Low Special Defense
✖︎ Shell Smash leaves it vulnerable to faster priority moves or Pokemon that can shrug off its attacks

A Powerful Attacker with Shell Smash

Shell Smash gives Cloyster a massive boost to its offenses and speed, allowing it to take on some of the most common Pokemon in the current metagame with its Ice-type STAB alone.

This makes it an invaluable part in both balanced and offensive teams as it's often used as a deterent against powerful setup sweepers such as Salamence, Garchomp, and even Breloom.

Skill Link Gives it Offensive Utility

Cloyster's Skill Link Ability makes all of its multi-hit moves hit five times. This means Icicle Spear and Rock Blast becomes an effective 125 Base Power move that can severely damage or even outright KO most Pokemon in the current metagame.

Since Cloyster primarily uses multi-hit moves, it has great offensive utility against Pokemon that rely on Abilities such as Sturdy and Multiscale, or held items such as Focus Sash.

Check it with Unaware Pokemon

Cloyster relies on Shell Smash's boost to become a powerful threat, but this gets shut down when facing against a Pokemon with the Unaware Ability. These Pokemon completely ignore Cloyster boosts, allowing them to take on weak and unboosted attacks and retaliate with

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists Rock Blast and easily shrugs off unboosted Icicle Speer
・Can cripple Cloyster with burns from Scald or Toxic
・Reliable recovery with Recover
Pokemon BDSP ClefableClefable Ranking:★★★★
・Shrugs off unboosted Rock Blast and Icicle Spear and can retaliate with Thunderbolt
・Can cripple Cloyster with Thunder Wave
Reliable recovery with Moonlight

Take Advantage of its Many Weaknesses

While Cloyster has a great offensive dual-typing, this also leaves it with weaknesses to the very common Fighting, Rock. Grass, and Electric-type moves. Special Attackers, in particular, can easily take out Cloyster due to its lower Special Defense.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists all of Cloyster's attacks and can retaliate with STAB Close Combat
Inner Focus gives it immunity to flinching
・Special attacking variants can take advantage of Cloyster's lower Special Defense with Vacuum Wave and Aura Sphere
Pokemon BDSP StarmieStarmie Ranking:★★★★★
・Naturally outspeeds Cloyster and resists Icicle Spear and Ice Shard
・Can threaten and potentially KO Cloyster with Thunderbolt
Pokemon BDSP MetagrossMetagross Ranking:★★★★
・Resists both Icicle Spear and Rock Blast
・Can threaten Cloyster with STAB Meteor Mash or Hammer Arm

Best Natures for Cloyster

Best Natures
(Atk ↑ Sp.Atk ↓)
(Spd ↑ Sp.Atk ↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Cloyster


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP WobbuffetWobbuffet Shadow Tag Sitrus Berry Counter
Mirror Coat
Destiny Bond
Nature / EVsBold 20 HP / Def 252 / 136 Sp.Def
Final Stats268 HP / 121 Def / 108 Sp.Def / 52 Spd

Wobbuffet makes a great defensive switch in against physical attackers that Cloyster struggles against, particularly set up sweepers are they are susceptible to Encore. Wobbuffet can then bait them into attacking, blocking their escape with Shadow Tag, and retaliating with Counter or Mirror Coat


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BlazikenBlaziken Speed Boost Focus Sash Blaze Kick
Close Combat
Swords Dance
Nature / EVsAdamant 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Final Stats155 HP / 189 Atk / 91 Def / 90 Sp.Def / 132 Spd

Blaziken is a good offensive partner as it easily handles the Steel-type Pokemon that Cloyster struggles against. Lucario, in particular, struggles against Blaziken once it accumulates enough Speed Boosts.

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