Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Bebe Character Profile

This article is about Bebe, the Pokemon Storage System developer in the games Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn more about this character and where you'll encounter her in the game!

Who is Bebe?

Developer of PC System

Bebe is the local Pokemon Storage System developer in the SInnoh Region who lives in Hearthome City. She developed the system for storing Pokemon in PCs.

Like all other PC developers, she keeps close contact with her counterparts in other regions, particularly Bill and Lanette from the Johto and Hoenn Regions, respectively. Before encountering her, the PC will be called Someone's PC and will become Bebe's PC after encountering her.

Receive Box Link and Stickers From Her

You will meet Bebe after saving Professor Rowan and defeating Team Galactic during your second visit to Jubilife City, after getting Oreburgh City's Gym Badge.

Bebe will approach you and commend your skills. She will grant you access to Pokemon Box Link which allows you to open your PC Boxes almost anywhere. She will also give you access to Ball Capsules, where you can decorate Poke Balls with Stickers!

How to Access Pokemon Boxes on the Road

Receive Eevee from Bebe after obtaining the National Dex

Bebe rewards you with an Eevee after obtaining the National Dex and talking to her in Hearthome City.

How to Unlock the National Dex

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Characters

List of All Characters

Main Characters
BDSP - LucasLucas BDSP - DawnDawn
BDSP - BarryBarry -
Supporting Characters
BDSP - Professor RowanProfessor Rowan BDSP - CynthiaCynthia Bebe
Team Galactic
BDSP - CyrusGalactic Boss Cyrus BDSP - MarsCommander Mars BDSP - JupiterCommander Jupiter BDSP - SaturnCommander Saturn
Doubles Partners
BDSP - CherylCheryl BDSP - RileyRiley Buck Mira
Marley - - -


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