Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Veilstone City Pokemon List and Map

Veilstone City.png
This is a map and walkthrough for Veilstone City in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn what Pokemon are found on Veilstone City, and what trainers, items, and events are encountered here.

Galactic HQ
Route 215 Veilstone City -
Route 214

Veilstone City Map and Items

Veilstone City Map

View Full Map Image

Connected Maps

Galactic HQ
Route 215 Veilstone City -
Route 214

Obtainable Items

Veilstone City Items
Drain Punch Dusk Stone Fly
Full Incense Metronome Nasty Plot
PP Up Revive Silk Scarf
Sticky Barb Storage Key Tiny Mushroom
Wide Lens Zoom Lens Stickers

How to Get Zoom Lens and Wide Lens

Zoom Lens.png

You can get the Zoom Lens and Wide Lens by talking to the couple and their Stunky south of the gym. You'll get the Zoom Lens first and the woman will give you the Wide Lens afterwards.

Veilstone City Walkthrough

Veilstone City Objectives (1st Time)

Steps to proceed through Veilstone City (1st Time)
1 Travel southwest, and climb the stairs at the end. Lucas/Dawn will approach you.
Upon climbing the stairs to the Pokemon Gym, you'll find a man on the right side. Talk to him to receive Nasty Plot (TM63).
2 Enter the Pokemon Gym.
3 Defeat all four trainers.
4 Solve the Gym Puzzle to pass through and reach the Gym Leader's location.
5 Challenge Gym Leader Maylene.
Gym Leader Maylene's Pokemon are all Fighting-type, and they are weak to Flying and Psychic Pokemon. Having those types of Pokemon in your team will greatly help you in battle. She will also use Hyper Potion once her Pokemon's health is too low.
6 Exit the gym, and you'll encounter Prof. Rowan's assistant. Travel to Galactic Warehouse and help the assistant retrieve the Pokedex.
Team Galactic will challenge you, make sure to heal your Pokemon before proceeding to this step.
7 Go inside the Galactic Warehouse, and get the Fly (HM02) near the blue crate.
8 Pass through Hearthome City to reach Route 212.

Veilstone City Gym Puzzle Solution

How to Solve the Gym Puzzle
1 In the 1st Karate Ring at the center, move the bag to the left. Then, pass through the path between the west and center Karate Ring.
2 Move the bag that is blocking the way to the left. Head to the pathway on the west and walk north until you reach the end of the path.
3 Move the bag at the end of the path to the right. Then, move the bag between the 1st and 2nd Karate Ring at the center to the left.
4 Move the next bag to the left to unblock the stairs on the 2nd Karate Ring on the west. Then, go to the 1st Karate Ring on the west and push back the bag to the right.
5 Pass through the two Karate Rings on the west until you reach the end of the path, and move the last bag to the right. Find your way out, and travel to the 1st Karate Ring on the east.
6 Move the 1st bag to the right. Then, go to the 2nd Karate Ring on the east, and push the bag to the right.
7 Enter the pathway on the east until you reach the end of the path. Move the bag to the left.
8 Enter the pathway between the center and east Karate Ring. Then, move the 2nd and the 4th bag to the right.
9 Move back the 2nd bag to the left, and pass through the Karate Rings. Then, move the 2nd to the last bag at the center to the left.
10 Find your way out and pass through the Karate Rings at the center to reach Gym Leader Maylene.

Veilstone City Gym Leader: Maylene's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MedititeMeditite
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Light Clay
Drain Punch
Light Screen
Bulk Up
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts
Expert Belt
Low Sweep
Knock Off
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 30)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Steadfast
Big Root
Drain Punch
Metal Claw
Bulk Up

How to Beat Maylene

Use Flying and Psychic-type Pokemon at Veilstone Gym

Flying and Psychic-type Pokemon like Staraptor and Kadabra takes the center stage in Maylene's Gym. Use these Pokemon to deal super-effective hits against the local Fighting-type Pokemon.

It would also be a great help if you can find a Staraptor with the ability Intimidate. This ability lowers the attack of the opposing Pokemon whenever you send a Pokemon with this ability out to battle.

Watch out for Lucario

Maylene's signature Pokemon Lucario has a Fighting and Steel-typing, allowing it to take neutral damage from Flying and Psychic-type moves. Try to add either Fighting, Fire, or Ground-type moves on your Pokemon to effectively deal with Lucario!

Veilstone City Gym Battle Rewards

Defeating Gym Leader Maylene will reward you with the items below and unlock Fly (HM02). Once Fly (HM02) is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Cobble Badge Drain Punch (TM60)
₽ 3,600 -

Veilstone City Objectives (2nd Time)

Steps to proceed through Veilstone City Objectives (2nd Time)
1 Visit the Galactic HQ, and talk to the Galactic Grunt near the satellite.
2 The Galactic Grunt will run away, pick up the Storage Key.
3 Travel to the Galactic Warehouse, and use the Storage Key to unlock the rust-encrusted door.
4 Go east, and a Galactic Grunt will challenge you. Keep heading east until you reach the stairs. Then, climb the stairs on the next floor.
5 Go west, and step on the left warp. Then, take the available warp on the next area.
6 Walk to the west, and take the warp at the end. Then, go down the stairs.
7 After defeating Scientist Fredrick, go down the stairs. Then, walk to the west.
8 Pick up the Galactic Key on the ground near the wooden crates. Then, use the Galactic Key to open the door at the end.
Use the Galactic Key to open any door inside the Galactic HQ.
9 Travel back to Galactic HQ.

Veilstone City Trainers

Black Belt Darren

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts Leer
Scary Face
Vital Throw
Poison Jab
Pokemon BDSP MachopMachop
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts Low Kick
Vital Throw
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts Low Kick
Vital Throw
Poison Jab
₽ 600

Black Belt Jeffery

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 26)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts Leer
Low Sweep
Knock Off
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP MedititeMeditite
(Lvl. 26)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power Detect
Force Palm
Rock Slide
₽ 624

Black Belt Rafael

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MedititeMeditite
(Lvl. 28)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power Low Kick
Force Palm
Mind Reader
High Jump Kick
₽ 672

Black Belt Colby

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts Leer
Knock Off
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts Leer
Bulk Up
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts Leer
Bulk Up
₽ 600

Galactic Grunt & Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BeautiflyBeautifly
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Swarm Gust
Air Cutter
Mega Drain
Leech Life
Pokemon BDSP StunkyStunky
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Stench Poison Gas
Fury Swipes
Focus Energy
Pokemon BDSP DustoxDustox
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Shield Dust Gust
Poison Powder
Leech Life
Pokemon BDSP CroagunkCroagunk
(Lvl. 25)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Anticipation Poison Sting
₽ 2,000

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Screech
Poison Fang
Air Cutter
₽ 1,480

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP DustoxDustox
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Shield Dust Venoshock
Leech Life
Bug Buzz
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Heatproof Confuse Ray
Heavy Slam
₽ 1,400

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GlameowGlameow
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Own Tempo Aerial Ace
₽ 1,480

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP WurmpleWurmple
(Lvl. 32)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shield Dust Tackle
String Shot
Poison Sting
Bug Bite
Pokemon BDSP CascoonCascoon
(Lvl. 34)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Shed Skin String Shot
Poison Sting
Bug Bite
Pokemon BDSP DustoxDustox
(Lvl. 36)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Shield Dust Psybeam
Leech Life
Bug Buzz
₽ 1,440

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StunkyStunky
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Aftermath Smokescreen
Night Slash
₽ 1,480

Galactic Grunt

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 36)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Heatproof Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Iron Defense
Pokemon BDSP StunkyStunky
(Lvl. 36)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Aftermath Bite
Night Slash
₽ 1,440

Scientist Fredrick

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Inner Focus Kinesis
Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Synchronize Reflect
₽ 1,680

Veilstone City Shop

Veilstone City Department Store 1F

Left Cashier

Items Price
Poke Ball ImagePoke Ball ₽ 200
Great Ball ImageGreat Ball ₽ 600
Ultra Ball ImageUltra Ball ₽ 1,200
Escape Rope ImageEscape Rope ₽ 550
Poke Doll ImagePoke Doll ₽ 1,000
Repel ImageRepel ₽ 350
Super Repel ImageSuper Repel ₽ 500
Max Repel ImageMax Repel ₽ 700

Right Cashier

Items Price
Potion ImagePotion ₽ 300
Super Potion ImageSuper Potion ₽ 700
Hyper Potion ImageHyper Potion ₽ 1,200
Max Potion ImageMax Potion ₽ 2,500
Revive ImageRevive ₽ 1,500
Antidote ImageAntidote ₽ 100
Paralyze Heal ImageParalyze Heal ₽ 200
Burn Heal ImageBurn Heal ₽ 250
Ice Heal ImageIce Heal ₽ 250
Awakening ImageAwakening ₽ 250
Full Heal ImageFull Heal ₽ 600

Veilstone City Department Store 2F

Top Cashier

Items Price
X Speed ImageX Speed ₽ 350
X Attack ImageX Attack ₽ 500
X Defense ImageX Defense ₽ 550
Guard Spec. ImageGuard Spec. ₽ 700
Dire Hit ImageDire Hit ₽ 650
X Accuracy ImageX Accuracy ₽ 950
X Sp. Atk ImageX Sp. Atk ₽ 350
X Sp. Def ImageX Sp. Def ₽ 350

Bottom Cashier

Items Price
Protein ImageProtein ₽ 9,800
Iron ImageIron ₽ 9,800
Calcium ImageCalcium ₽ 9,800
Zinc ImageZinc ₽ 9,800
Carbos ImageCarbos ₽ 9,800
HP Up ImageHP Up ₽ 9,800

Veilstone City Department Store 3F

Top Cashier

Items Price
Low Sweep (TM27) ₽ 3,000
Bulldoze (TM83) ₽ 3,000
U-turn (TM89) ₽ 3,000
False Swipe (TM54) ₽ 2,000
Rest (TM44) ₽ 3,000
Protect (TM17) ₽ 2,000
Safeguard (TM20) ₽ 2,000
Reflect (TM33) ₽ 2,000
Light Screen (TM16) ₽ 2,000
Substitute (TM90) ₽ 2,000
Endure (TM58) ₽ 2,000
Work Up (TM10) ₽ 1,500
Swords Dance (TM75) ₽ 1,500
Double Team (TM32) ₽ 1,000
Flash (TM70) ₽ 1,000

Bottom Cashier

Items Price
Fire Blast (TM38) ₽ 5,500
Thunder (TM25) ₽ 5,500
Blizzard (TM14) ₽ 5,500
Focus Blast (TM52) ₽ 5,500
Flamethrower (TM35) ₽ 3,000
Thunderbolt (TM24) ₽ 3,000
Ice Beam (TM13) ₽ 3,000
Solar Beam (TM22) ₽ 3,000
Psychic (TM29) ₽ 3,000
Dazzling Gleam (TM21) ₽ 3,000
Gyro Ball (TM74) ₽ 3,000
Giga Impact (TM68) ₽ 7,500
Hyper Beam (TM15) ₽ 7,500

Veilstone City Department Store 4F

Top Cashier

Items Price
Square Pedestal XS ₽ 1,000
Round Pedestal XS ₽ 1,000
Sturdy Pedestal XS ₽ 1,000
Clear Pedestal XS ₽ 1,000

Bottom Cashier

Items Price
Square Pedestal M ₽ 1,000
Round Pedestal M ₽ 1,000

Veilstone City Department Store 5F

Vending Machines

Items Price
Fresh Water ImageFresh Water ₽ 200
Soda Pop ImageSoda Pop ₽ 300
Lemonade ImageLemonade ₽ 350

Veilstone City Tips & Strategies

Buy Powerful TMs at the Department Store

Veilstone City Department Store.png

Head to the 3rd floor of the Veilstone City Department Store to purchase powerful TMs like Flamethrower and Ice Beam. These TMs will be very helpful in your journey to becoming a champion so don't forget to buy them.

Buy Different Kinds of Outfits

Metronome Style Shop.png

Travel across the Sinnoh Region in style by buying different outfits at the Metronome Style Shop. You can also change your character's style here by talking to the saleslady.

Use Vitamins to Raise EVs

Vitamins which can be purchased in the Veilstone Department Store are used to raise a Pokemon's EV by 10.

Vitamin Stat Boosted
ProteinProtein Attack
IronIron Defense
CalciumCalcium Special Attack
ZincZinc Special Defense
CarbosCarbos Speed

Effort Values, or EVs, are hidden stats that are essential in building viable Pokemon. These are extra points added to the base value of a Pokemon's six main stats, namely its HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.

How to EV Train Fast and Reset EVs

Massage for Pokemon

Massage Girl.png

Enter the house near the man who gave you Nasty Plot (TM63), and talk to the girl inside. Let the girl massage your Pokemon, and you'll receive a Sticker after.

Massage Girl: How to Get Massages

How to Use Sticky Barb

Sticky Barb damages its holder by 1/8 of its maximum health per turn. This item is transferred to an attacker if it lands a contact move on the original holder.

Most of the Pokemon used by NPCs that you will battle in the game do not hold items, so Sticky Barb has some use that should ease some of these trainer battles!

Dusk Stone Evolutions

You can obtain a Dusk Stone in the Galactic Warehouse. Using it on these Pokemon will cause it to evolve.

Dusk Stone Evolutions
Pokemon BDSP MurkrowMurkrow Pokemon BDSP HonchkrowHonchkrow
Pokemon BDSP MisdreavusMisdreavus Pokemon BDSP MismagiusMismagius

Veilstone City Meteorites

If you check out the southeastern part of Veilstone City, you will be seeing four meteorites nestled at three separate craters.

These meteorites are used to change Deoxy's Forme. Interacting with one of them will change the DNA Pokemon's Forme and adjust its stats accordingly.

Meteorite Location Deoxy's Forme Stat Change
Top Crater Speed Forme High Speed stat
Middle Crater Normal Forme Balanced stats
Bottom Crater, Left Meteorite Defense Forme High Defense and Special Defense stats
Bottom Crater, Right Meteorite Attack Forme High Attack and Special Attack stats

Veilstone City Connected Maps

Connected Maps

Galactic HQ
Route 215 Veilstone City -
Route 214

Pokemon BDSP Related Links

Pokemon BDSP Maps and Locations

All Maps and Locations

Towns and Cities
Twinleaf Town Sandgem Town
Jubilife City Oreburgh City
Floaroma Town Eterna City
Veilstone City Celestic Town
Pastoria City Hearthome City
Solaceon Town Canalave City
Snowpoint City Sunyshore City
Pokemon League -
Route 201 Route 202
Route 203 Route 204
Route 205 Route 206
Route 207 Route 208
Route 209 Route 210
Route 211 Route 212
Route 213 Route 214
Route 215 Route 216
Route 217 Route 218
Route 219 Route 220
Route 221 Route 222
Route 223 Route 224
Route 225 Route 226
Route 227 Route 228
Route 229 Route 230
Lakes and Lakefront
Valor Lakefront Lake Valor
Acuity Lakefront Lake Acuity
Lake Verity -
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh Mine
Ravaged Path Valley Windworks
Mt. Coronet Eterna Forest
Wayward Cave Lost Tower
Trophy Garden Great Marsh
Solaceon Ruins Mt. Coronet North
Galactic HQ Spear Pillar
Victory Road Stark Mountain
Iron Island Sendoff Spring
Snowpoint Temple Old Chateau
Fuego Ironworks Fullmoon Island
Turnback Cave Ruin Maniac's Cave (Maniac Tunnel)
Floaroma Meadow New Moon Island
Seabreak Path Flower Paradise
Battle Zone
Fight Area Survival Area
Resort Area Battle Park


3 2 Anonymousover 3 years

oh my god. wide lens and *zoom lens*. my bad

2 Anonymousover 3 years

Talking to a young couple south of the gym (down the stairs) will give you a wide lens and scope lens (talk to their stunky first -- then the girl)


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