Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of Treasures and Appearance Rates

Pokemon BDSP All Treasures

This is a list of all discoverable treasures that can be dug up in the Grand Underground! Read on for a list of all shards, fossils, their appearance rate, and how many spheres you can trade them for in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

List of Underground Treasures


Spheres are the main currency used in the Grand Underground and are traded with Sphere Traders for different items. These include Pedestals, TMs, and even other Spheres!

Sphere Digging Discovery Rate
Red Sphere Very Common
Blue Sphere Very Common
Green Sphere Common
Pale Sphere Uncommon
Prism Sphere Very Uncommon

List of Spheres


Collect 10 shards of the same color to trade them for a weather effect TM at the shard collector's house in the south side of Route 212. You can also collect Mysterious Shards and use them in Ramanas Park after getting the National Dex and beating the Elite Four.

Treasure Discovery Rate Sphere Trade
Blue Shard ImageBlue Shard Common Blue Sphere
Green Shard ImageGreen Shard Common Green Sphere
Red Shard ImageRed Shard Common Red Sphere
Yellow Shard ImageYellow Shard Common Prism Sphere
Mysterious Shard Uncommon -

Pokemon Fossils

While not a Fossil that you can turn into a Pokemon, the Rare Bone counts toward your tally of discovered Fossils.

Treasure Discovery Rate
Armor Fossil ImageArmor Fossil Common
(Shining Pearl Only)
Skull Fossil ImageSkull Fossil Common
(Brilliant Diamond Only)
Helix Fossil ImageHelix Fossil Uncommon (BD)
Rare (SP)
Dome Fossil ImageDome Fossil Rare (BD)
Uncommon (SP)
Root Fossil ImageRoot Fossil Rare (BD)
Uncommon (SP)
Claw Fossil ImageClaw Fossil Uncommon (BD)
Rare (SP)
Old Amber ImageOld Amber Rare
Rare Bone ImageRare Bone Uncommon

Fossil type depends on version

You can turn Fossils into Pokemon at the museum in Oreburgh City. The Armor Fossil turns into Shieldon, while the Skull Fossil turns into Cranidos. The type of Sinnoh Fossil you'll be able to get will depend on the version of the game, since Shieldon and Cranidos are version exclusive Pokemon.

How to Get and Revive Fossil Pokemon

Evolution Stones

You can find the stones that trigger the evolution of certain Pokemon, as well as the Everstone, which stops evolution. The appearance rate of most of these stones will depend on the version of your game.

Treasure Discovery Rate Sphere Trade
Everstone ImageEverstone Common Pale Sphere
Fire Stone ImageFire Stone Uncommon (BD)
Rare (SP)
Red Sphere
Leaf Stone ImageLeaf Stone Rare (BD)
Uncommon (SP)
Green Sphere
Moon Stone ImageMoon Stone Rare (BD)
Uncommon (SP)
Pale Sphere
Sun Stone ImageSun Stone Uncommon (BD)
Rare (SP)
Red Sphere
Thunder Stone ImageThunder Stone Uncommon (BD)
Rare (SP)
Prism Sphere
Water Stone ImageWater Stone Rare (BD)
Uncommon (SP)
Blue Sphere

Battle Items

In the Underground, you can find several items that provide various in-battle effects. These items include held items such as Plates and Rocks and healing items like Revives.

Treasure Discovery Rate Sphere Trade
Draco Plate ImageDraco Plate Rare Red Sphere
Dread Plate ImageDread Plate Rare Red Sphere
Earth Plate ImageEarth Plate Rare Green Sphere
Fist Plate ImageFist Plate Rare Prism Sphere
Flame Plate ImageFlame Plate Rare Red Sphere
Insect Plate ImageInsect Plate Rare Green Sphere
Icicle Plate ImageIcicle Plate Rare Blue Sphere
Iron Plate ImageIron Plate Rare Prism Sphere
Meadow Plate ImageMeadow Plate Rare Green Sphere
Mind Plate ImageMind Plate Rare Pale Sphere
Sky Plate ImageSky Plate Rare Blue Sphere
Splash Plate ImageSplash Plate Rare Blue Sphere
Spooky Plate ImageSpooky Plate Rare Pale Sphere
Stone Plate ImageStone Plate Rare Prism Sphere
Toxic Plate ImageToxic Plate Rare Pale Sphere
Zap Plate ImageZap Plate Rare Prism Sphere
Max Revive ImageMax Revive Uncommon Pale Sphere
Revive ImageRevive Uncommon Pale Sphere
Heat Rock ImageHeat Rock Common (BD)
Uncommon (SP)
Red Sphere
Icy Rock ImageIcy Rock Common (BD)
Uncommon (SP)
Pale Sphere
Smooth Rock ImageSmooth Rock Uncommon (BD)
Common (SP)
Prism Sphere
Damp Rock ImageDamp Rock Uncommon (BD)
Common (SP)
Blue Sphere (6-16)
Hard Stone ImageHard Stone Common Red Sphere
Iron Ball ImageIron Ball Uncommon Prism Sphere
Light Clay ImageLight Clay Uncommon Pale Sphere

Other Rare Treasures

Heart Scales are used to acquire the services of the Move Reminder, while Star Pieces sell for a good amount to help you get money fast. The Odd Keystone is needed to capture Spiritomb.

Treasure Discovery Rate Sphere Trade
Heart Scale ImageHeart Scale Common Red Sphere
Star Piece ImageStar Piece Uncommon Pale Sphere
Odd Keystone ImageOdd Keystone Uncommon -

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground

Grand Underground Features

Grand Underground Guides

Grand Underground Maps & Data
All Underground Pokemon Grand Underground Map: Items & NPC Locations
Grand Underground Guides
Pokemon Hideaways Underground Man Missions
List of Statues and Effects How to Get Shiny Statues
Digging for Treasure All Treasures and Appearance Rates
How to Make a Secret Base How to Find Diglett
Sphere Trader Locations List of Spheres
List of Pedestals
Removed Features
Capture the Flag Traps

Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Hideaways and List of Pokemon
Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Stargleam CavernStargleam Cavern
(Various types)
Dazzling Cave IconDazzling Cave
(Various types)
Grassland Cave IconGrassland Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Bug Type Icon
Spacious Cave IconSpacious Cave
(Various types)
Big Bluff Cavern Icon
Big Bluff Cavern

Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave
(Various types)
Volcanic Cave IconVolcanic Cave
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sandsear Cave IconSandsear Cave
Pokemon Fire Type IconPokemon Ground Type Icon
Rocky Cave IconRocky Cave
Pokemon Ground Type IconPokemon Rock Type Icon
Bogsunk Cavern IconBogsunk Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Still-Water Cavern IconStill-Water Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Whiteout Cave IconWhiteout Cave
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Icy Cave IconIcy Cave
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Glacial Cavern IconGlacial Cavern
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Swampy Cave IconSwampy Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Typhlo Cavern IconTyphlo Cavern
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sunlit Cavern IconSunlit Cavern
(Various types)

All Grand Underground Pokemon Locations


6 Anonymousalmost 2 years

GOD im having zero luck finding any sun stones in Shining Pearl, I'm trying to complete my dex (just need Sunflora and Spinda) but my luck for a sun stone is so bad, is there any entrance that can at least increase my odds??

5 Anonymousabout 3 years

Finally a renewable source of max revives


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