Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Get Gible: Evolution and Learnset

Gible Pokemon BDSP

Gible in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP Pokemon Legends Arceus LogoPLA

Gible is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn about how to get Gible location in Wayward Cave or Hideaways, its full learnset with all learnable moves, evolution data and how to evolve, along with its abilities, type advantages, and more.

Sinnoh Dex
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
Pokemon BDSP GabiteGabite
National Dex
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
Pokemon BDSP GabiteGabite

Where to Get Gible (Location)

How to Get Gible: Video Walkthrough

Catch in Wayward Cave B1 - Secret Entrance

BDSP - Gible Encounter.png
Wild Gible appear on the first basement floor of Wayward Cave. However, you can only reach that spot by entering Wayward Cave from it's secret entrance under Cycling Road on Route 206 .

Wayward Cave - Secret Entrance Location (Route 206)
BDSP - Wayward Cave Secret Entrance.png

Reaching the Secret Entrance is not enough though, as you'll need to use the HM Strength to move the boulders blocking your path. After earning the 6th Badge you will be able to use Strength and reach the B1 Floor of Wayward Cave.

Location Morning Day Night
Wayward Cave B1F Rare Rare Rare

Wayward Cave Pokemon Map

Catch in Hideaways

BDSP - Hideaway Gible Location.png
Additionally, Gible will appear in the following hideaways after obtaining the 7th badge. They have a relatively high appearance rate so you should be able to find them easily!

Hideaways with Gible

Location Requirement
Fountainspring Cave 7 Badges
Riverbank Cave 7 Badges
Still-Water Cavern 7 Badges

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

How to Catch and Best Pokemon to Use

Tips on How to Catch Gible
1 Start off by throwing a Quick Ball
2 Get Gible's HP as low as possible
3 Inflict a Status Condition
4 Best Balls to use

Start off by Throwing a Quick Ball

BDSP - Use Quick Ball.png
Quick Balls work the best when used at the first turn of battle. It's always worth it to just throw out a Quick Ball as soon as the encounter starts. Quick Balls may be obtained at the Pastoria City Mart, among other places.

Get the target's HP as Low as Possible

BDSP - False Swipe Location TM 54.png
The lower the target's health is, the better chances you'll have at capturing it! Be careful not to knock it out, though!

You may also want to use a strong Pokemon like Heracross with False Swipe to guarantee that the target will be brought down to 1 HP. The TM for False Swipe can be purchased at Veilstone City Department Store (3F).

Inflict a Status Condition

Inflicting the target with a Status Condition such as Burns, Paralysis, or Sleep will increase your chances for a successful capture. We recommend using status conditions that don't deal damage to avoid knocking the target out. Reliable Pokemon that can inflict status include Roselia with Stun Spore or Bibarel with Yawn.

Best Balls to Use

In case the Quick Ball on turn 1 did not succeed, the Ultra Ball is a reliable go-to ball to use instead.

Since Gible is found inside a cave, it's also a good idea to use Dusk Balls which work better in darker environments.

Best Pokemon For Catching

All Gible Locations

Wayward Cave B1 (Secret Entrance)

Location Morning Day Night
Wayward Cave B1F Rare Rare Rare

Hideaways with Gible

Location Requirement
Fountainspring Cave 7 Badges
Riverbank Cave 7 Badges
Still-Water Cavern 7 Badges

Best Nature for Gible

Adamant or Jolly Natures are Best

List of Recommended Natures
Attack Special Attack
SpeedSpecial Attack

For players who intend to use Gible to it's full potential, we recommend looking for one with an Adamant or Jolly Nature. As a Physical Attacker, It would appreciate the increase to either it's Attack or Speed and not mind the drop in it's Special Attack stat.

For Story Playthoughs, Attack and Speed Increasing Natures Should be Fine

When playing the main story, it isn't really necessary to have the best nature. Having any nature that boosts Attack or Speed should be fine. You will be able to change natures using Mints in the post-game so you can worry about that after clearing the main campaign.

How to Train and Breed Pokemon

Gible Type and Abilities

Gible - Type and Basic Info

Land Shark Pokémon
Pokemon - Gible
Type 1 Type 2
Dragon Type Pokemon Ground Type Pokemon
Hatch Steps Weight
10240 45.2 lbs.

Gible Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Rock Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Electric Type Icon

Gible Abilities

Name Description
Sand Veil Boosts the Pokemon's evasion in a sandstorm.

Gible Hidden Ability

Name Description
Rough Skin Inflicts damage to the attacker on contact.

Gible Egg Group

Egg Groups
Pokemon - Monster Egg GroupMonster Pokemon - Dragon Egg GroupDragon

Effort Values (EV) Earned

Effort Values (EV) Earned
HP EVs Attack EVs Defense EVs SpAtk EVs SpDef EVs Speed EVs
0 1 0 0 0 0

Held Item on Wild Encounter

No held item on wild encounter.

Gible Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Gible Evolution Chart

Evolution Line
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible Lvl 24
Pokemon BDSP GabiteGabite Lvl 48
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp

Gible Trainers

Trainer Location
Dragon Tamer Patrick Route 210
Dragon Tamer Clinton Victory Road

How to Unlock the National Dex

Gible Learnset

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. Move Type Power Acc. PP
Base Sand Tomb Ground Type Move 35 85 15
Base Tackle Normal Type Move 40 100 35
6 Sand Attack Ground Type Move - 100 15
12 Dragon Breath Dragon Type Move 60 100 20
18 Bulldoze Ground Type Move 60 100 20
25 Bite Dark Type Move 60 100 25
30 Slash Normal Type Move 70 100 20
36 Dragon Claw Dragon Type Move 80 100 15
42 Dig Ground Type Move 80 100 10
48 Sandstorm Rock Type Move - - 10
54 Take Down Normal Type Move 90 85 20
60 Dragon Rush Dragon Type Move 100 75 10

Learnset by TM

No. Move Type Power Acc. PP
2 Dragon Claw Dragon Type Move 80 100 15
5 Roar Normal Type Move - - 20
11 Sunny Day Fire Type Move - - 5
17 Protect Normal Type Move - - 10
18 Rain Dance Water Type Move - - 5
23 Iron Tail Steel Type Move 100 75 15
26 Earthquake Ground Type Move 100 100 10
28 Dig Ground Type Move 80 100 10
32 Double Team Normal Type Move - - 15
35 Flamethrower Fire Type Move 90 100 15
37 Sandstorm Rock Type Move - - 10
38 Fire Blast Fire Type Move 110 85 5
39 Rock Tomb Rock Type Move 60 95 15
40 Aerial Ace Flying Type Move 60 - 20
42 Facade Normal Type Move 70 100 20
44 Rest Psychic Type Move - - 10
45 Attract Normal Type Move - 100 15
58 Endure Normal Type Move - - 10
59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Type Move 85 100 10
65 Shadow Claw Ghost Type Move 70 100 15
71 Stone Edge Rock Type Move 100 80 5
76 Stealth Rock Rock Type Move - - 20
80 Rock Slide Rock Type Move 75 90 10
82 Sleep Talk Normal Type Move - - 10
83 Bulldoze Ground Type Move 60 100 20
87 Swagger Normal Type Move - 85 15
90 Substitute Normal Type Move - - 10
93 Cut Normal Type Move 50 95 30
96 Strength Normal Type Move 80 100 15
98 Rock Smash Fighting Type Move 40 100 15
100 Rock Climb Normal Type Move 90 85 20

Learnset through a Move Tutor

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Draco Meteor Dragon Type Move 130 90 5

Learnset via Egg Moves

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Twister Dragon Type Move 40 100 20
Thrash Normal Type Move 120 100 10
Scary Face Normal Type Move - 100 10
Sand Tomb Ground Type Move 35 85 15
Outrage Dragon Type Move 120 100 10
Mud Shot Ground Type Move 55 95 15
Metal Claw Steel Type Move 50 95 35
Iron Head Steel Type Move 80 100 15
Dragon Breath Dragon Type Move 60 100 20
Double-Edge Normal Type Move 120 100 15
Body Slam Normal Type Move 85 100 15

Gible Pokedex Number

Sinnoh Dex
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
Pokemon BDSP GabiteGabite
National Dex
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
Pokemon BDSP GibleGible
Pokemon BDSP GabiteGabite

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Gible in Other Pokemon Games

Gible in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP Pokemon Legends Arceus LogoPLA

Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokemon BDSP Pokedex

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

Pokemon by Pokedex

Pokemon Lists
Pokemon BDSP Bulbasaur.pngNational Pokedex Pokemon BDSP TurtwigSinnoh Pokedex Pokemon BDSP ArceusAll Legendaries

Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3 Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal

Pokemon by Egg Group

All Pokemon Egg Groups
Grass Egg GroupGrass Bug Egg GroupBug Flying Egg GroupFlying
Human-like Egg GroupHuman-like Monster Egg GroupMonster Fairy Egg GroupFairy
Dragon Egg GroupDragon Mineral Egg GroupMineral Field Egg GroupField
Amorphous Egg GroupAmorphous Water 1 Egg GroupWater 1 Water 2 Egg GroupWater 2
Water 3 Egg GroupWater 3 Undiscovered Egg GroupUndiscovered Ditto Egg GroupDitto

List of All Egg Groups

Pokemon by Stats

Pokemon by Stats
Pokemon BDSP MewAll Pokemon by Base Stats Pokemon BDSP DeoxysAll Pokemon by Speed Stat Pokemon BDSP SnorlaxAll Pokemon by Weight Stat
ToegpiList of Pokemon by Hatch Steps Pokemon BDSP BlazikenList of Pokemon by EV Yield

Other Pokemon Lists

Other Lists
Unobtainable Pokemon.pngList of Unobtainable Pokemon Item.pngList of Wild Pokemon by Held Item


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Dragon Tamer Patrick has Gible(lv.39) next to grandma Wilma’s house on the road 210. You need to have a bike and the hidden move rock climb to get to him


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