Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

How to Increase IVs

Pokemon BDSP Increase IVs

To increase IVs, breed Pokemon with high IV Dittos in order to get offspring with high IVs. Read on to learn how to increase IVs, how to breed Pokemon with perfect IVs, and what are IVs in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

How to Increase IVs

How to Increase IVs
  1. Catch high IV Dittos
  2. Breed a Pokemon with the high IV Ditto (holding a Destiny Knot)
  3. Replace parents with offspring that has higher IVs
  4. Replace Ditto with another Ditto that has high IVs in other stats

Breed Pokemon to Pass On IVs

Use Pokemon Breeding to pass on the parents' IVs to a child Pokemon. We recommend getting a high IV Ditto. This will help make the breeding process a lot easier since Ditto can breed with any Pokemon that can produce offspring and pass down its high IVs to its eggs.

To breed them, leave the Ditto and the other parent Pokemon in the Pokemon Nursery in Solaceon Town.

High IV Pokemon Trading Board

Use Destiny Knot to pass down more IVs

Destiny Knot ImageDestiny Knot When a Pokemon holding Destiny Knot lays an egg, 5 out of 12 of the parent Pokemon's IVs will be passed down to the child Pokemon.

If one parent holds the Destiny Knot, 5 of their 12 IVs will be passed down to their offspring. Without it, only 3 of the 6 IVs of the parents will be passed down. Let the Ditto with high IVs hold the Destiny Knot while breeding.

You can obtain the Destiny Knot on Route 224, accessed by the blocked area of Victory Road that opens up after getting the National Dex.

Replace parents with offspring that has higher IVs

Pokemon BDSP Judge Function

Check the IVs of the newly hatched Pokemon to see if they have better IVs. You can unlock the ability to check IVs via the Judge Function at the Battle Tower.

If the IVs are better than that of the parent's, replace the parent with the newly hatched Pokemon, so that you can continue to get better offspring. You're free to do this until you produce the Pokemon you want with your desired IVs.

How to Check IVs

Replace Dittos until you get perfect IVs

To acheive perfect IVs, you'll need to have Dittos that have perfect IVs in each of the 6 stats and swap them into the Nursery (make sure they have the Destiny Knot) to achieve the perfect IV spread.

For example, you can breed using a Ditto with perfect IVs in Defense, Special Attack, and HP, to pass it onto the offspring. You would next breed the offspring with a Ditto with perfect IVs in Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, to pass on the remaining IVs that aren't perfect.

What are IVs?

Determines Pokemon Stat Potential

IVs (Individual Values) are a hidden and randomly determined value generated for each individual Pokemon, in order for each Pokemon to have unique stats/stat potential, even if they're from the same species. IVs calculate a combination of base stats, EVs, and Nature to show the stats, which are visible to players and used in battle.

Randomly Generated Upon Acquisition

Unlike EVs, IVs are determined randomly for each Pokemon upon acquisition (catching in the wild, hatching from an egg, or receiving from an NPC). They are generally uncontrollable by the player. IVs are valued at 0 to 31 for each stat. Pokemon with high IVs in a stat will have a higher than normal value in that stat.

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9 Anonymous2 months

AWE you sound mad butt hurt. Grow up, get up, pull your skirt down, and stop crying like a little bitch/

8 Anonymous8 months

Again, the guppies that run this site don’t do their research. IV’s are determined when the pokemon is generated (ie at the beginning of a wild encounter; when you GET the egg, not when it hatches). Fucktard


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