Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Secret Base Guide: How to Make a Secret Base

Pokemon BDSP Make Secret Base

Use a Digger Drill to make a Secret Base in the Grand Underground. Read on to learn how to make more Secret Bases, how to decorate the Secret Base, where to get Digger Drill, and how to find your Secret Base in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

How to Make a Secret Base

Video Walkthrough

Use Digger Drill on Wall

Pokemon BDSP Make Secret Base

To create a Secret Base, face any wall in the Grand Underground while you have a Digger Drill in your inventory and Press A to burrow a hole into it.

You can only have 1 Secret Base; building another in a different area will dismantle the existing base and consume your digging drill.

Get Digger Drill for Free from Underground Man

Pokemon BDSP - Digger Drill
The Underground Man in the house next to the Pokemon Center in Eterna City awards you the Digger Drill after completing his 3rd mission, which involves digging for treasures.

Underground Man Missions and Rewards

Purchase More Drills from Sphere Traders

Pokemon BDSP - Sphere Trader Digger Drill
You can get more drills by purchasing them from Sphere Traders in the Grand Underground. These traders look like Hikers and will sell you Digger Drills for a random amount of Small Spheres.

All Sphere Trader Locations

Expand Your Secret Base

Pokemon BDSP - Secret Base Expansion
Some Sphere Traders in the Grand Underground can expand your secret base, which increases the amount of statues you can place! These services require a lot of spheres so make sure to dig up as many as you can if you want to display all your statues!

How to Decorate the Secret Base

Place Pokemon Statues

Pokemon BDSP Secret Base Statues

Decorate your Secret Base with Pokemon Statues which will increase your encounter rate of the Pokemon you'll find in the Pokemon Hideaways.

Pokemon Hideaways Guide

Use Pedestals to Customize Statues

Pokemon BDSP - Pedestal Statue size:440x248

You can use Pedestals purchased from Sphere Traders to customize your displayed statues depending on their size. For example, larger statues will require bigger pedestals to display.

Display Shiny Statues

Pokemon BDSP - Shiny Gengar Statue.png

Shiny Statues are rare shiny versions of Pokemon Statues that are color green instead of the usual gray.

These statues also increase encounter rate of Pokemon, though it's currently unknown if they affect shiny encounter chance. We'll keep you up-to-date as we uncover more information!

How to Get Shiny Statues

Enter Photo Mode with Y

Pokemon BDSP - Photo Mode.png

Press the Y Button while inside your Secret Base to enter Photo Mode and use the Left Thumbstick the pan or zoom around. Take pictures of your statue collection and share it with your friends!

How to Find Your Secret Base

Pokemon BDSP How to Find Secret Base

Once you have made your secret base, you can find it by looking for the red diamond icon in the Grand Underground Map. You must be in the same zone as your Secret Base to see the red diamond icon.

If you have lost your Secret Base, enter each zone of the Grand Undergrand and check your map to see if the icon appears.

Grand Underground Map

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Grand Underground

Grand Underground Features

Grand Underground Guides

Grand Underground Maps & Data
All Underground Pokemon Grand Underground Map: Items & NPC Locations
Grand Underground Guides
Pokemon Hideaways Underground Man Missions
List of Statues and Effects How to Get Shiny Statues
Digging for Treasure All Treasures and Appearance Rates
How to Make a Secret Base How to Find Diglett
Sphere Trader Locations List of Spheres
List of Pedestals
Removed Features
Capture the Flag Traps

Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Hideaways and List of Pokemon
Fountainspring CaveFountainspring Cave
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Stargleam CavernStargleam Cavern
(Various types)
Dazzling Cave IconDazzling Cave
(Various types)
Grassland Cave IconGrassland Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Bug Type Icon
Spacious Cave IconSpacious Cave
(Various types)
Big Bluff Cavern Icon
Big Bluff Cavern

Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Riverbank CaveRiverbank Cave
(Various types)
Volcanic Cave IconVolcanic Cave
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sandsear Cave IconSandsear Cave
Pokemon Fire Type IconPokemon Ground Type Icon
Rocky Cave IconRocky Cave
Pokemon Ground Type IconPokemon Rock Type Icon
Bogsunk Cavern IconBogsunk Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Still-Water Cavern IconStill-Water Cavern
Pokemon Water Type IconPokemon Grass Type Icon
Whiteout Cave IconWhiteout Cave
Pokemon Ice Type Icon
Icy Cave IconIcy Cave
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Glacial Cavern IconGlacial Cavern
Pokemon Ice Type IconPokemon Water Type Icon
Swampy Cave IconSwampy Cave
Pokemon Grass Type IconPokemon Poison Type Icon
Typhlo Cavern IconTyphlo Cavern
Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Sunlit Cavern IconSunlit Cavern
(Various types)

All Grand Underground Pokemon Locations


4 Anonymousabout 3 years

Highly recommend building your base just beneath whatever Pokémon center you fly to most. Just fly to the center, dig down, and make the base. Hard to lose it that way!

3 Anonymousover 3 years

I forgot my secret base location and I couldn't find it on the map. How do I find it?


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