Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Sunyshore City Pokemon List and Map

sunyshore city.png
This is a map and walkthrough for Sunyshore City in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn what Pokemon are found on Sunyshore City, and what trainers, items, and events are encountered here.

Route 223
Route 222 Sunyshore City -

Sunyshore City Map and Items

Sunyshore City Map

View Full Map Image

Connected Maps

Route 223
Route 222 Sunyshore City -

Obtainable Items

Sunyshore City Items
Charge Beam Pearl Thunder Stone
Waterfall Zap Plate

Sunyshore City Walkthrough

Sunyshore City Objectives

Steps to proceed through Sunyshore City
1 Upon entering Sunyshore City, you'll encounter Flint. Go to the lighthouse, and talk to Volkner.
The lighthouse is in the southeast part of the city.
2 Heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, and visit the Pokemon Gym to challenge the last Gym Leader.
3 Solve the puzzle to reach Gym Leader Volkner's location.
Gym Leader Volkner will use Hyper Potion and Full Restore once his Pokemon is low on health.
5 After defeating Volkner, go north of the city to meet Jasmine of the Johto Region. She will give you Waterfall (TM99).
6 Travel to Pokemon League to find Victory Road's entrance.
To reach Pokemon League, surf through Route 223.

Sunyshore City Gym Puzzle Solution

How to Solve the Gym Puzzle
1 Step on the green button on the east side first. Then, step on the button on the west.
2 Step on the blue button three times. It will turn the cogwheel on the left into a stair. Pass through it to reach the other side.
3 Step on the blue button near the trainer, and then the green button after.
4 Step on the red button on the east once, and step on the red button on the west.
5 Climb the stairs until you reach the top. Then, go down and step on the green button twice.
6 Step on the blue button, and go south using the stairs on the east.
7 Step on the red button on the east, and climb back to the top. Use the bridge to reach Gym Leader Volkner's location.

Sunyshore City Gym Leader: Volkner's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RaichuRaichu
(Lvl. 46)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static
Shuca Berry
Volt Switch
Charge Beam
Pokemon BDSP AmbipomAmbipom
(Lvl. 47)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Technician
Chople Berry
Fake Out
Double Hit
Last Resort
Pokemon BDSP OctilleryOctillery
(Lvl. 47)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Sniper
Expert Belt
Focus Energy
Aurora Beam
Charge Beam
Pokemon BDSP LuxrayLuxray
(Lvl. 49)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Intimidate
Sitrus Berry
Thunder Fang
Ice Fang
Iron Tail

Use Ground Type Pokemon Effectively

Although Volkner is an electric type gym leader, he also uses water type Pokemon such as Octillery. Ground type moves and Pokemon are super effective against his electric type Pokemon but not so much on his water type ones.

Ground types are at a huge disadvantage against water types so be careful!

How to Beat Volkner

Snowpoint City Gym Battle Rewards

Defeating Gym Leader Volkner will reward you with the items below and unlock Waterfall (TM99). Once Waterfall is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Beacon Badge Charge Beam (TM57)

Sunyshore City Trainers

School Kid Tiera

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP PachirisuPachirisu
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pickup Charm
₽ 880

School Kid Forrest

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Mr. MimeMr. Mime
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Filter Reflect
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
₽ 880

Guitarist Jerry

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP LuxioLuxio
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Intimidate Leer
Iron Tail
₽ 1,056

Poke Kid Meghan

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP PikachuPikachu
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static Nuzzle
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP PikachuPikachu
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static Charm
Double Team
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP PikachuPikachu
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static Charm
Electro Ball
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP PikachuPikachu
(Lvl. 41)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static Charm
Nasty Plot
Light Screen
₽ 328

Guitarist Lonnie

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RaichuRaichu
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave
Quick Attack
₽ 1,056

Ace Trainer Destiny

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Inner Focus Reflect
Shock Wave
Energy Ball
Pokemon BDSP RaichuRaichu
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Static Thunder Punch
Light Screen
Quick Attack
₽ 2,640

Guitarist Preston

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP LuxioLuxio
(Lvl. 42)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Intimidate Bite
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave
Iron Tail
Pokemon BDSP BibarelBibarel
(Lvl. 42)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon Simple Yawn
₽ 1,008

Ace Trainer Zachery

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SteelixSteelix
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sturdy Thunder Fang
Iron Tail
Pokemon BDSP MedichamMedicham
(Lvl. 44)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power Zen Headbutt
Thunder Punch
Rock Tomb
₽ 2,640

Sunyshore City Shop

Sunyshore City Poke Mart

Items Available in Sunyshore City Only

Items Price # of Badges Required
₽1,000 0

Items Available in All Poke Marts

Items Price # of Badges Required
₽350 1
₽550 1
₽250 1
₽250 1
₽250 1
₽100 0
₽700 1
₽300 0
₽200 0
₽600 3
₽1,200 5
₽500 3
₽700 5
₽1,200 5
₽2,500 7
₽1,500 3
₽600 5
Free 0
₽200 0
₽3000 8

Sunyshore Market

Day Stickers Price
Monday Heart Sticker A 50
Star Sticker B 50
Fire Sticker A 50
Song Sticker A 50
Ribbon Sticker C 100
Electricity Sticker B 100
Party Sticker D 100
Tuesday Heart Sticker B 50
Star Sticker C 50
Ribbon Sticker D 100
Electricity Sticker C 100
Fire Sticker B 50
Flora Sticker A 50
Song Sticker B 50
Wednesday Heart Sticker C 50
Star Sticker D 50
Smoke Sticker A 100
Electricity Sticker D 100
Fire Sticker C 50
Flora Sticker B 50
Song Sticker C 50
Thursday Heart Sticker D 50
Star Sticker E 100
Smoke Sticker B 100
Bubble Sticker A 50
Fire Sticker D 50
Flora Sticker C 50
Song Sticker D 50
Friday Heart Sticker E 100
Star Sticker F 100
Smoke Sticker C 100
Bubble Sticker B 50
Party Sticker A 50
Flora Sticker D 50
Song Sticker E 50
Saturday Heart Sticker F 100
Ribbon Sticker A 100
Smoke Sticker D 100
Bubble Sticker C 50
Party Sticker B 50
Flora Sticker E 50
Song Sticker F 50
Sunday Star Sticker A 50
Ribbon Sticker B 100
Electricity Sticker A 100
Bubble Sticker D 50
Party Sticker C 100
Flora Sticker F 50
Song Sticker G 50

Daily and Weekly Events

Sunyshore City Tips & Strategies

Get Waterfall from Jasmine

BDSP - Get Waterfall from Jasmine.png

Before you leave Sunyshore, make sure to get TM99 Waterfall from Jasmine - the girl standing by the beach leading to Route 223.

This TM is essential to get to the Pokemon League so don't forget to get it.

Collect the Zap Plate

The Zap Plate is hidden in front of the lighthouse. Collect the Zap Plate, if you have an Electric-type Pokemon or a Pokemon that you use for Electric-type moves, as the Zap Plate boosts its power.

Strong Electric-type offense will come in handy in the next route, Route 223, which is filled with Water-type Pokemon in the wild and in trainer parties.

Buy Daily Stickers From Sunyshore Market

Sunyshore Market.png

You can buy stickers from the Sunyshore Market just north of the Pokemon Center. Just talk to the blonde guy with sunglasses at the back of the market to buy the stickers.

Do note that the stickers he sell change every day so be sure to check them daily!

How to Use Stickers

Get Effort Ribbon from the Woman

Effort Ribbon.png

When the Pokemon at the top of your party list has reached its maximum effort value, the woman inside Sunyshore Market will give you the Effort Ribbon when you talk to her.

How to Get All Ribbons

Get Ribbons from Julia Every Day of the Week

BDSP - Julia Gives Player a Ribbon.png

If you wish to enter the Ribbon Syndicate in the Resort Area, you'll need plenty of ribbons first.

Luckily, you can get 7 different kinds of ribbon from Julia for every day of the week. Simply head northeast to Julia's house and talk to her. Do this every day until you get all 7 types of ribbons.

Ribbon Day Received
Alert Ribbon Monday
Shock Ribbon Tuesday
Downcast Ribbon Wednesday
Careless Ribbon Thursday
Relax Ribbon Friday
Snooze Ribbon Saturday
Smile Ribbon Sunday

Get 3 Poketch Apps

Poketch App.png

You can get 3 kinds of Poketch Apps in Sunyshore City by talking to the scientist living in a house that can only be accessed with Rock Climb.

The scientist will ask you to show him any Pokemon with a specific nature. Showing him all three of those Pokemon will earn you the Calendar, Dot Art, and Spinner Apps!

# Nature App
1 Serious Calendar.png
Calendar App
2 Naive Dot Art.png
Dot Art App
3 Quirky Spinner.png
Spinner App

Sunyshore City Connected Maps

Route 223
Route 222 Sunyshore City -

Pokemon BDSP Related Links

Pokemon BDSP Maps and Locations

All Maps and Locations

Towns and Cities
Twinleaf Town Sandgem Town
Jubilife City Oreburgh City
Floaroma Town Eterna City
Veilstone City Celestic Town
Pastoria City Hearthome City
Solaceon Town Canalave City
Snowpoint City Sunyshore City
Pokemon League -
Route 201 Route 202
Route 203 Route 204
Route 205 Route 206
Route 207 Route 208
Route 209 Route 210
Route 211 Route 212
Route 213 Route 214
Route 215 Route 216
Route 217 Route 218
Route 219 Route 220
Route 221 Route 222
Route 223 Route 224
Route 225 Route 226
Route 227 Route 228
Route 229 Route 230
Lakes and Lakefront
Valor Lakefront Lake Valor
Acuity Lakefront Lake Acuity
Lake Verity -
Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh Mine
Ravaged Path Valley Windworks
Mt. Coronet Eterna Forest
Wayward Cave Lost Tower
Trophy Garden Great Marsh
Solaceon Ruins Mt. Coronet North
Galactic HQ Spear Pillar
Victory Road Stark Mountain
Iron Island Sendoff Spring
Snowpoint Temple Old Chateau
Fuego Ironworks Fullmoon Island
Turnback Cave Ruin Maniac's Cave (Maniac Tunnel)
Floaroma Meadow New Moon Island
Seabreak Path Flower Paradise
Battle Zone
Fight Area Survival Area
Resort Area Battle Park


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