Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Getting the 7th Badge: Walkthrough Part 7

Getting the 7th Badge Pokemon BDSP
This guide shows the objectives list for obtaining the 7th Badge in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to know how to proceed through each area, learn which Pokemon the Gym Leader has, as well as other helpful walkthrough information.

Getting the 6th Badge Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge

Getting the 7th Badge: Video Walkthrough

Things to Do Before Getting the 7th Badge

Catch an Ice-Type Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Snover

Ice-type Pokemon can be encountered at Routes 216 and 217. Ice-type moves can be useful and are great to use as you can use it against Cynthia's Garchomp.

Snover and Abomasnow are great choices as it resists attacks from the Champion's Roserade, Gastrodon, Milotic, and Garchomp.

How to Beat Champion Cynthia

Getting the 7th Badge Objectives

Jump to a Location in this Section
Canalave City Lake Valor Route 211
Mt. Coronet North Route 216 Route 217
Snowpoint City

Canalave City

BDSP - Meetup at the Canalave Library.png

1 When you exit the Pokemon Gym, your rival will arrive and invite you to the Canalave Library.
2 Head to the 3rd floor of the library and join the others. After the earthquake, head to Lake Valor.
The fastest way to get there is to fly to Pastoria City then, pass through Route 213 and Valor Lakefront.

Lake Valor

BDSP - Lake Valor Blown Up

3 Go to the center of the dried up lake. Then, go inside the Valor Cavern and talk to Commander Saturn.
You'll encounter Galactic Grunt battles along the way.
4 Travel to Lake Verity.
Fly to Twinleaf Town and go northwest of Route 201 to reach the entrance to the lake.

Comander Saturn's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP KadabraKadabra
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Inner Focus
Damp Rock
Rain Dance
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 35)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Pokemon BDSP ToxicroakToxicroak
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Dry Skin Mud-Slap

Lake Verity

Pokemon BDSP - Commander Mars in Lake Verity

3 Defeat Commander Mars in Lake Verity.
You'll have to do a Doubles battle against Galactic Grunts to reach her.
4 Travel to Lake Acuity
To get to Lake Acuity, fly to Eterna City and head to Route 211.

Commander Mars' Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP GolbatGolbat
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Astonish
Poison Fang
Pokemon BDSP BronzorBronzor
(Lvl. 37)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate Confuse Ray
Gyro Ball
Iron Defense
Pokemon BDSP PuruglyPurugly
(Lvl. 39)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat
Sitrus Berry
Aerial Ace

Get Fire Blast (TM38)

BDSP - Obtain Fire Blast TM

Surf across the lake to reach the other side where you will find a patch of grass. Hidden in the grass patch and behind the trees is a TM for Fire Blast.

Route 211

BDSP - Route 211

5 Travel west until you reach the entrance to Mt. Coronet North.

Route 211 Pokemon List and Map

Get Taunt (TM12)

BDSP - Obtain Taunt TM

In Route 211, you can find a TM for Taunt at the bottom of the canyon. You first need to destroy the breakable rocks with Rock Smash and fight the Birdkeeper to get it.

Mt. Coronet North

6 Move the boulder blocking the path north using Strength and continue through the path until you reach the stairs to the basement.
7 Use Defog to clear the fog in the area. Go north and climb the stairs on the east to reach the next section.
8 Go northwest to reach the entrance to Route 216.
Mount Coronet North Map

Mt. Coronet North Pokemon List and Map

Get Rock Polish (TM69)

BDSP - Obtain Rock Polish TM

Upon entering the cave, you'll find an item blocked off by a ledge, further in you can use Strength to push a boulder and get a TM for Rock Polish.

Route 216

BDSP - Route 216

9 Travel west and head north to reach Route 217.
If you need to heal your Pokemon, visit the small house near the end of the Route. Interact with the bed to rest.
Route 216 Map

Recover inside the lodge

Rest House Route 216

Near the path leading to Route 217 is a lodge where you can restore your party's health. It is recommended to heal your Pokemon inside as it will still be a long way to Snowpoint City.

Route 217 and Acuity Lakefront

BDSP - Obtain Rock Climb TM

10 Travel north, until you reach a small house on the western side of the Route. Behind the house, you can find a TM for Rock Climb.
After picking up the TM, the Rock Climb Hidden Move will also be added to your Poketch.
11 Talk to the Hiker inside the small house to obtain an Icicle Plate after finding the TM.
Do not use the TM until you talk to the hiker as this will trigger a glitch in the game.
12 Continue walking northwest and enter the small path at the end.
13 Keep travelling north, and you will eventually reach Acuity Lakefront.
The path to the lake will be blocked so walk east to enter Snowpoint City.

Get Rock Climb (TM100)

Pokemon BDSP - Rock Climb Location

Rock Climb is buried behind one of the houses in Route 217, and you will not progress through the story as you need Rock Climb to reach certain places. Head inside the house and speak to the NPC to spawn the item behind the house.

Get Hail (TM07)

BDSP - Obtain Hail TM

A TM for Hail can be found in front of the small house to the west. The TM for Rock Climb can also be found nearby.

Snowpoint City

BDSP - Snowpoint City

14 Visit the Snowpoint City Pokemon Gym and solve the Gym Puzzle to reach Gym Leader Candice's location. Travel to Lake Acuity after beating her.
▶︎ How to Beat Candice
To destroy snowballs around, you need to slide fast and hit the snowball.
Snowpoint City Map

Trade Medicham for a Haunter

BDSP - Trade Medicham for Haunter

Inside the house to the northwest of the city, you can talk to Mindy, the woman beside the Torchic, to trade a Medicham for a Haunter. Gaspar the Haunter will be holding an Everstone, so the trade will not make the Pokemon to evolve.

Access Snowpoint Temple after getting the National Pokedex

Lady Outside of Snowpoint Temple

North of Snowpoint City is Snowpoint Temple, where you can catch Regigigas. You will not be able to enter the area until you get the National Pokedex.

Furthermore, Regigigas can only be encountered after obtaining Regirock, Regice, and Registeel at the Ramanas Park.

How to Unlock the National Dex and Complete the Sinnoh Pokedex

Snowpoint City Gym Puzzle

Snowpoint City Gym Puzzle Solution

When you slide through the ice with enough momentum, you can destroy the giant snowballs blocking the straight path to Candice. Follow the steps shown in the image above to destroy all the snowballs and clear the way to her platform.

7th Gym Leader: Candice's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SnoverSnover
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Snow Warning
Icy Rock
Razor Leaf
Water Pulse
Pokemon BDSP SneaselSneasel
(Lvl. 38)
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pickpocket
Chople Berry
Metal Claw
Hone Claws
Pokemon BDSP MedichamMedicham
(Lvl. 40)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Expert Belt
Ice Punch
Bulk Up
Brick Break
Rock Slide
Pokemon BDSP AbomasnowAbomasnow
(Lvl. 42)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ice Type Icon Snow Warning
Sitrus Berry
Aurora Veil
Giga Drain

How to Beat Candice: Snowpoint City Gym Guide

Previous and Next Guides

Getting the 6th Badge Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge

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Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge
Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge
Getting the 5th Badge Getting the 6th Badge
Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge
Becoming the Champion

Important Battles

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All Barry Rival Battles All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon
All Elite Four Types and Pokemon All Team Galactic Locations and Pokemon

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How to Unlock the National Dex Ramanas Park Guide
How to Get to the Battle Zone All Gym Leader Rematch Teams
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