Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

All Confirmed Moves

Pokemon BDSP All Confirmed Moves

This is a list of all confirmed moves in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn all returning moves, Hidden Moves, and TMs in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes.

All Confirmed Moves

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is now released! See the list of all moves here.

Fairy Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Disarming Voice 40 - 15
Charm - 100 20

Is the Fairy Type in the Game?

Normal Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Protect - - 10
Hyper Beam 150 90 5
Headbutt 70 100 15
Tri Attack 80 100 10
Soft-Boiled - - 10
Fake Out 40 100 10
Scratch 40 100 35
Defense Curl - - 40
Switft 60 - 20
Guillotine - 30 5
Focus Energy - - 30
Reflect Type - - 15
Wish - - 10
Return - 100 20
Horn Drill - 30 5
Encore - 100 5
Growl - 100 40
Minimize - - 10
Sing - 55 5
Attract - 100 15

The Return move makes its return in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, after being non-usable in the previous Generation 8 games, Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Water Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Water Gun 40 100 25
Water Pulse 60 100 20
Hydro Pump 110 80 5
Bubble Beam 65 100 20

Piplup looks to be able to use the move Water Gun, which it previously could not learn.

Fire Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Ember 40 100 25
Flamethrower 90 100 15
Fire Spin 35 85 15
Flare Blitz 120 100 15

Grass Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Razor Leaf 55 95 25
Grass Knot - 100 20
Stun Spore - 75 30
Power Whip 120 85 10
Solar Beam 120 100 10
Leafage 40 100 40
Leaf Storm 130 90 5
Magical Leaf 60 - 20
Leaf Tornado 65 90 10

Turtwig is shown to know the move Leafage by Level 13. Turtwig hasn't been known to learn Leafage yet, as Leafage was only introduced in Generation 7.

Bug Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Bug Buzz 90 100 10

Poison Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Sludge Bomb 90 100 10
Toxic - 90 10

Fighting Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Aura Sphere 80 - 20
Mach Punch 40 100 30
Detect - - 5
Force Palm 60 100 10
Revenge 60 100 10
Close Combat 120 100 5
Seismic Toss - 100 20

Flying Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Brave Bird 120 100 15
Wing Attack 60 100 35
Gust 40 100 35

Electric Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Shockwave 60 - 20
Thunder Shock 40 100 10
Spark 65 100 20
Discharge 80 100 15
Thunder 110 70 10
Zap Cannon 120 50 5
Volt Switch 70 100 20
Thunderbolt 90 100 15
Spark 65 100 20

Ice Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Blizzard 110 70 5
Icy Wind 55 95 15

Ghost Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Astonish 30 100 15

Rock Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Rollout 30 90 20
Ancient Power 60 100 5
Rock Wrecker 150 90 5

Psychic Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Light Screen - - 30
Heart Swap - - 10
Extrasensory 80 100 20
Trick Room - - 5
Psystrike 100 100 10
Psychic 90 100 10
Psybeam 65 100 20
Psycho Cut 70 100 20
Role Play - - 10
Future Sight 120 100 10

Dark Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Crunch 80 100 15
Snarl 55 95 15
Night Slash 70 100 15
Parting Shot - 100 20
Nasty Plot - - 20
Feint Attack 60 - 20

Feint Attack returns in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, after being non-usable in the previous Generation 8 games, Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Steel Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Meteor Mash 90 90 10
Metal Claw 50 95 35

Dragon Type Moves

Move Power Accuracy PP
Dragon Pulse 85 100 10
Roar of Time 150 90 5
Spacial Rend 100 95 5

All Confirmed Hidden Moves

All HMs Returning as Hidden Moves

The same 8 HMs in the original Diamond and Pearl are now Hidden Moves in the remakes. Below are the list of Hidden Moves and the obstacles they help overcome.

Hidden Move Purpose
Rock Smash Smashes a breakable rock
Cut Cuts down a small tree
Fly Fast travel to towns and landmarks
Defog Clears the fog in areas
Surf Travels over deep blue water
Strength Pushes big boulders
Rock Climb For ascending or descending rocky walls
Waterfall For ascending or descending waterfalls

Likely to be unlocked by defeating Gym Leaders

Pokemon BDSP Gym Leader

In the originals, you acquired HMs at various points throughout the story but unlocked use of them by acquiring each Gym Badge. The method could be the same in the remakes, but instead of acquiring HMs to teach your Pokemon, you unlock the feature directly onto your Poketch app.

How to Learn and Use HM Moves

Are TM Moves Returning?

Pokemon BDSP Grass Knot

TM (Technical Machine) moves are likely to return, just as they have in all previous mainline games. It's still unclear whether TMs will be single-use (like in the originals) or if there's no limit to how many times you can use them, as the latter has been a feature of TMs since the generation after Diamond and Pearl.

If TMs are single use, it might be difficult to acquire multiple TMs during the main storyline, given the removal of the Game Corner. The player would have to wait until gaining access to the prizes of the Battle Tower, before being able to purchase a lot of TMs repeatedly.

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