Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Becoming the Champion: Walkthrough Part 9

becoming the champion.png
This guide shows the objectives list for becoming the Champion in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to know how to proceed through each area, learn which Pokemon the Elite Four has, as well as other helpful walkthrough information.

Getting the 8th Badge Becoming the Champion Post Game Content

Becoming the Champion Video Walkthrough

Things to Do Before Challenging Pokemon League

Raise the Level of Your Team

Pokemon BDSP Wild Pokemon

The Pokemon of the Elite 4 and the Champion are some of the strongest that you'll face in the game. It is recommended to raise the level of your party in order to match theirs.

You can train your party inside Victory Road or at the Grand Underground.

How to Level Up Fast: EXP Farming Guide

Buy Recovery Items

BDSP - Buy Full Restores at Pokemon League

Once you enter the Pokemon League and start the challenge, you will not be able to exit and heal your party at a Pokemon Center. Therefore, it is highly recommended to stock up on recovery items before battling the Elite 4 to keep your Pokemon's health afloat.

List of Recovery Items

Becoming the Champion Objectives

Sunyshore City

BDSP - Get Waterfall from Jasmine.png

1 Go north of the city to meet Jasmine, a Gym Leader from the Johto Region. She will give you Waterfall TMs and add the Waterfall Hidden Move to your Poketch.
Note: You can only receive these items when you talk to her after defeating Volkner.
2 Travel to the Pokemon League and challenge the Elite Four.
To reach Pokemon League, surf through Route 223 and pass through Victory Road.

Route 223

BDSP - Route 223.png

3 Travel north until you reach the area where you meet trainer Sailor Zachariah. To reach the other side, walk west and use Surf.
4 Keep travelling north until you reach the waterfall. Then, use Waterfall to reach the southern area of the Pokemon League.
Make sure to heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center before entering the Victory Road!
5 Enter Victory Road.

Victory Road

BDSP - Entrance to Vicotry Road.png

6 After entering Victory Road, cross the first 3 bridges that lead you northeast.
If you climb down the rock wall by the first bridge and head west, you can find a TM for Torment north of the Ghost-type trainer.
7 Climb down the wall beside the bridge with Rock Climb and travel west.
8 Climb the stairs and head north. Then, take the stairs and exit on the left.
9 Go south. Use Rock Smash to destroy the rocks, and Strength to move the boulders.
To pass through the three boulders, first, move the boulder on the right. Then, move the next boulder to the left and the center boulder to the south.
10 Move the left boulder forward and destroy the rock below it. Then, push the same boulder back.
11 Destroy the rock to pass through and head east.
12 Push the top middle boulder to the right, and go north. Then, take the entrance on the right.
If you head back into the room, the three boulders will be reset. You can push the middle boulder down to access the east path which leads to a TM for Stone Edge
13 In the next area, cross the bridge and climb down the wall using Rock Climb.
Be careful not to jump down the ledge as this will bring you back to the start.
14 Head to the northeast, and exit down the stairs on the right. Use Surf to reach the trainer on the other side of the water.
15 Continue surfing north through the water until you reach the waterfall at the end. Then, use Waterfall to climb up.
After climbing up the waterfall, you can descend down the waterfall right beside it to get a TM for Dragon Pulse.
16 Surf west until you reach the other side, and continue walking through the path. Climb up the stairs to your left to enter the next area.
17 Head south when you encounter the first trainer and walk to the east.
If you head west and climb up the rock wall, this path will eventually lead you to the Dark Pulse TM (TM79)
18 Climb up the rock wall and cross the bridge. Continue heading north until you reach the exit.
Best Route for Victory Road

▶︎ Full image preview

Pokemon League

BDSP - Pokemon League Building.png

20 Use Surf and Waterfall to climb up to the Pokemon League building.
21 Enter the building, and approach the trainer in front of the doorway. Your rival will arrive and he will challenge you to a battle.
Heal your Pokemon and buy the things you need in battle before approaching the trainer. Additionally, heal your Pokemon after defeating your rival!
22 Talk to the trainer in front of the doorway and enter.
23 Challenge the Elite Four and defeat the Champion.
24 BDSP - Welcome to the Hall of Fame.png
You are now in the Hall of Fame. Congratulations!

Pokemon League Rival Battle: Rival's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StaraptorStaraptor
(Lvl. 49)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Intimidate
Focus Sash
Close Combat
Sunny Day
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross
(Lvl. 51)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Swarm Pin Missile
Swords Dance
Rock Slide
Pokemon BDSP SnorlaxSnorlax
(Lvl. 52)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat Covet
High Horsepower

Pokemon League Elite Four

The final challenge against the Elite Four will have you facing off against four powerful trainers, followed immediately by Cynthia, the Sinnoh Champion.

Since you will not be able to switch Pokemon in between fights, it is very important to bring a team that is capable of handling all of the different Pokemon types that each trainer has in their party.

All Elite Four Types and Pokemon

Elite Four: Aaron's Pokemon

BDSP - Elite Four Aaron

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP DustoxDustox
(Lvl. 53)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Shield Dust
Black Sludge
Bug Buzz
Light Screen
Pokemon BDSP BeautiflyBeautifly
(Lvl. 53)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Swarm
Wise Glasses
Bug Buzz
Shadow Ball
Quiver Dance
Pokemon BDSP VespiquenVespiquen
(Lvl. 54)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Unnerve
Sitrus Berry
Attack Order
Aerial Ace
Defend Order
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross
(Lvl. 54)
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts
Flame Orb
Rock Slide
Brick Break
Pokemon BDSP DrapionDrapion
(Lvl. 57)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Sniper
Scope Lens
Cross Poison
Night Slash

How to Beat Elite Four: Aaron Guide

Elite Four: Bertha's Pokemon

BDSP - Elite Four Bertha

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP QuagsireQuagsire
(Lvl. 55)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Water Absorb
Pokemon BDSP SudowoodoSudowoodo
(Lvl. 56)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Rock Head
Sitrus Berry
Head Smash
Sucker Punch
Low Kick
Pokemon BDSP GolemGolem
(Lvl. 56)
Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sturdy
Soft Sand
Rock Polish
Heavy Slam
Stone Edge
Pokemon BDSP WhiscashWhiscash
(Lvl. 55)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Hydration
Rindo Berry
Ice Beam
Hydro Pump
Pokemon BDSP HippowdonHippowdon
(Lvl. 59)
Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sand Stream
Chesto Berry
Ice Fang

How to Beat Elite Four: Bertha Guide

Elite Four: Flint's Pokemon

BDSP - Elite 4 Flint

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP RapidashRapidash
(Lvl. 58)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Flame Body
Wide Lens
Flame Charge
Iron Tail
Poison Jab
Pokemon BDSP SteelixSteelix
(Lvl. 57)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sheer Force
Life Orb
Thunder Fang
Fire Fang
Iron Tail
Pokemon BDSP DrifblimDrifblim
(Lvl. 58)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Unburden
Sitrus Berry
Strength Sap
Baton Pass
Pokemon BDSP LopunnyLopunny
(Lvl. 57)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Cute Charm
Mirror Coat
High Jump Kick
Quick Attack
Fire Punch
Pokemon BDSP InfernapeInfernape
(Lvl. 61)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Iron Fist
Focus Sash
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Close Combat
Mach Punch

How to Beat Elite Four: Flint Guide

Elite Four: Lucian's Pokemon

BDSP - Elite 4 Lucian

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP Mr. MimeMr. Mime
(Lvl. 59)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Filter
Light Clay
Light Screen
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP GirafarigGirafarig
(Lvl. 59)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Sap Sipper
Mental Herb
Light Screen
Trick Room
Pokemon BDSP MedichamMedicham
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Muscle Band
Zen Headbutt
High Jump Kick
Thunder Punch
Ice Punch
Pokemon BDSP AlakazamAlakazam
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Magic Guard
Life Orb
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
Shock Wave
Pokemon BDSP BronzongBronzong
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Levitate
Sitrus Berry
Gyro Ball
Trick Room

How to Beat Elite Four: Lucian Guide

Elite Four: Champion Cynthia's Pokemon

BDSP - Champion Cynthia

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
(Lvl. 61)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pressure
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Sucker Punch
Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Poison Point
Expert Belt
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball
Pokemon BDSP GastrodonGastrodon
(Lvl. 60)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Storm Drain
Sludge Bomb
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Inner Focus
Wise Glasses
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse
Flash Cannon
Nasty Plot
Pokemon BDSP MiloticMilotic
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Marvel Scale
Flame Orb
Mirror Coat
Ice Beam
Pokemon BDSP GarchompGarchomp
(Lvl. 66)
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Rough Skin
Yache Berry
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Poison Jab

How to Beat Champion: Cynthia Guide

Post-Game Activities

There are still much to do in the Sinnoh region after beating the Champion and completing the main story. Here are several things you can do after watching the credits roll.

・Visit the Battle Zone by taking the ferry in Snowpoint City
・Complete the Sinnoh Pokedex to unlock the National Pokedex
・Visit Ramanas Park and dig up Mysterious Shards
・Participate in Super Contests
・Rebattle Gym Leaders and the Pokemon League

Post Game Content and 100 Percent Guide

Previous and Next Guides

Getting the 8th Badge Becoming the Champion Post Game Content

Pokemon BDSP Related Links

Pokemon BDSP Story Walkthrough

Complete Story Walkthrough

Main Story Walkthrough

All Story Walkthroughs
Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge
Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge
Getting the 5th Badge Getting the 6th Badge
Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge
Becoming the Champion

Important Battles

All Important Battles
All Barry Rival Battles All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon
All Elite Four Types and Pokemon All Team Galactic Locations and Pokemon

Post Game Content

All Post Game Content
How to Unlock the National Dex Ramanas Park Guide
How to Get to the Battle Zone All Gym Leader Rematch Teams
All Elite 4 Rematch Teams

Post Game Content Guide


2 Anonymousalmost 3 years

I completed the playthrough in 38hrs and honestly Cynthia was a bitch to get past. The team i had was p decent tbh. Torterra Staraptor Luxray Floatzel Rampardos Garchomp They were all great in beating the elite 4. When taking the champion i didn't use Rampardos as much as I had wanted but he was able to support at least. I lost a lot of affection with my pokemon bc of them fainting a lot but we pulled through

1 Anonymousabout 3 years

You missed a hidden pearl in a rock southeast near the twin ace trainers


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