Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of Key Items

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Key Items are items that hold more importance to the story more so than others in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the list of Key Items and their effects in the remakes!

List of Key Items

Item How to Obtain
Bicycle ImageBicycle Effect
A folding Bicycle that enables much faster movement than the running Shoes.
Eterna City
Catching Charm ImageCatching Charm Effect
Holding it is said to increase the chance of getting a critical catch. Curiously, the charm doesn't shake much.
Valor Lakefront
Currently UnavailableCoupon 1 Effect
A coupon to be exchanged for a Pokemon Watch (Poketch for short). Three coupons are needed
Jubilife City
Currently UnavailableCoupon 2 Effect
A coupon to be exchanged for a Pokemon Watch (Poketch for short). Three coupons are needed
Jubilife City
Currently UnavailableCoupon 3 Effect
A coupon to be exchanged for a Pokemon Watch (Poketch for short). Three coupons are needed
Jubilife City
DS Sounds ImageDS Sounds Effect
A music player that allows you to listen to nostalgic songs. It's operated with the flip of a single switch.
Valor Lakefront
Explorer Kit ImageExplorer Kit Effect
A bag filled with convenient tools for exploring. It provides access to the Underground.
Eterna City
Galactic Key ImageGalactic Key Effect
A card key for disengaging security systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it can result in punishment, apparently.
Galactic HQ
Good Rod ImageGood Rod Effect
A new, good-quality fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokemon.
Route 209
Lunar Feather ImageLunar Feather Effect
A feather that glows like the moon. It's said to possess the power to dispel nightmares.
Fullmoon Island
Member Card ImageMember Card Effect
A card needed for entering the inn in Canalave City. Oddly, the last date marked on it was 50 years ago.
Odd Keystone ImageOdd Keystone Effect
A vital item that is needed to keep a stone tower from collapsing. Voices can be heard from it occasionally.
Grand Underground / Route 208 / Twinleaf Town
Currently UnavailableOld Charm Effect
An ancient good-luck charm made of Pokemon bones to be taken to the elder of Celestic Town.
Route 210 South
Old Rod ImageOld Rod Effect
An old and beat-up fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokemon.
Jubilife City
Oval Charm ImageOval Charm Effect
An oval charm said to increase the chance of Pokemon Eggs being found at the Nursery.
Valor Lakefront
Parcel ImageParcel Effect
A parcel entrusted in your care. You are supposed to deliver it to your childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town.
Twinleaf Town
Poffin Case ImagePoffin Case Effect
A case for storing Poffin cooked from Berries.
Hearthome City
Point Card ImagePoint Card Effect
A card that lists the Battle Points you have earned.
Battle Park
Poke Radar ImagePoke Radar Effect
A tool that can search out Pokemon that are hiding in grass. Its battery is recharged as you walk.
Sandgem Town
Secret Key ImageSecret Key Effect
A high-tech key that has to be used at a specific location. It emits a special electronic signal to open a door.
Old Chateau 2F 2nd Room (Night)
Secret Medicine ImageSecret Medicine Effect
A fantastic medicine dispensed by the pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully heals a Pokemon of any ailment.
Valor Lakefront
Shiny Charm ImageShiny Charm Effect
A shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon.
Valor Lakefront
Spray Duck ImageSpray Duck Effect
A watering can shaped like a PSYDUCK. It helps promote healthy growth of Berries planted in soft soil.
Floaroma Town
Currently UnavailableStorage Key Effect
The key to Team Galactic's sinister warehouse located at the edge of Veilstone City.
Veilstone City
Suite Key ImageSuite Key Effect
A key to one of the suites at the luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd reason, it often disappears.
Valor Lakefront
Super Rod ImageSuper Rod Effect
An awesome, high-tech fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokemon.
Fight Area
Vs Seeker ImageVs Seeker Effect
A device that indicates Trainers who want to battle. Its battery charges while you walk.
Route 207
Works Key ImageWorks Key Effect
A large key for operating the doors of the Valley Windworks in the canyon. It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt.
Floaroma Meadow

What are Key Items?

Items that Help you Progress

Key Items are items that are often reusable and hold a key part in the game's main story. These items help you progress through various points in the story or at least helps make it easier to do so.

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Items

List of All Items and Effects

All Item Types

Item Categories
Poke BallsPoke Balls TMsTMs BerriesBerries Battle ItemsBattle Items
Evolutionary StonesEvolutionary Stones Recovery ItemsRecovery Items FossilsFossils Training ItemsTraining Items
Evo Held ItemsEvolutionary Held Items Held ItemsHeld Items VitaminsVitamins Valuable ItemsValuable Items
Mints.pngMints Key ItemsKey Items SlatesSlates -


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