Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Barry Character Profile


This article is about your rival, Barry, in the games Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to learn more about this character and the locations you'll encounter him throughout the story!

Rival Barry Guides
Rival Battles Barry Character Profile

Who is Barry?

Rival Since Childhood

Barry is your next door neighbor and childhood friend who also lives in Twinleaf Town.

Energetic and always in a hurry, Barry has a habit of crashing into other people as well as threatening to fine you an unrealistic amount of Pokedollars if you're late to meet him.

Has a Well-Balanced Team

Barry will challenge you repeatedly throughout the story and boasts a relatively balanced team, with his partner Pokemon being the one your starter is weak against.

You can also challenge Barry in the Fight Area during weekends after you become the SInnoh League Champion.

All Rival Barry Battle Locations and Pokemon

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Characters

List of All Characters

Main Characters
BDSP - LucasLucas BDSP - DawnDawn
BDSP - BarryBarry -
Supporting Characters
BDSP - Professor RowanProfessor Rowan BDSP - CynthiaCynthia Bebe
Team Galactic
BDSP - CyrusGalactic Boss Cyrus BDSP - MarsCommander Mars BDSP - JupiterCommander Jupiter BDSP - SaturnCommander Saturn
Doubles Partners
BDSP - CherylCheryl BDSP - RileyRiley Buck Mira
Marley - - -


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