Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Latios Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon BDSP Latios Best Build

Latios' great Speed and Special Attack make it one of the most consistent Special Attackers in the game. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Latios in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Latios - Related Guides
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Latios Best Build and Moveset

Life Orb Latios

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios Levitate Life Orb Draco Meteor
Ice Beam
Energy Ball
Nature / EVsTimid 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Final Stats154 HP / 101 Def / 182 SpA / 130 SpD / 178 Spe

This set aims to make use of Latios' impressive movepool. Giving it Life Orb lets Latios deal as much damage as possible, without being Choice locked into a move.

Choice Specs Latios

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios Levitate Choice Specs Draco Meteor
Ice Beam
Dragon Pulse
Nature / EVsTimid 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Final Stats154 HP / 100 Def / 182 SpA / 131 SpD / 178 Spe

Choice Specs gives Latios even more power at the cost of versatility. This is a very straightforward set, aiming to drop a Draco Meteor on an opposing Pokemon that does not resist it and switch out.

Using Latios

Maxing out Speed EVs and a Timid Nature are important for Latios so that it does not just give up the Speed tie to Gengar. It is also important to maximize its Special Attack stat so that it always hits as hard as possible.

Draco Meteor is Latios' most powerful move, able to severely damage anything that does not resist it, or even dealing sizeable chunks to Pokemon that do resist it. Latios should always be in mind when deliberating team composition, as it will always want to switch out after using Draco Meteor.

Consider using Latios as a late-game sweeper or a revenge killer, as it can consistently deal more than 50% to most Pokemon. It would always want to get clean knock outs. Another benefit to using Latios is forcing an opponent to switch their active Pokemon in attempts of mitigating damage. So even something like Tyranitar would not want to take a Draco Meteor because it will be in range to get knocked out by Latios' teammates.

Before battle, check your opponent's team if it has any Fairy-type switch-ins, and see if Latios can Draco Meteor safely.

Move Coverage

Pokemon listed with a symbol are important targets for Latios' coverage Moves. Knocking them out should be a priority.

Latios' Coverage Moves
Ice Beam Garchomp Gliscor
Salamence Dragonite
Breloom Togekiss
Latios Crobat
Venusaur Torterra
Staraptor Roserade
Victreebel Drifblim
Thunderbolt Gyarados Suicune
Skarmory Azumarill
Milotic Staraptor
Energy Ball Gastrodon Azumarill
Quagsire Swampert
Wash Rotom Tyranitar
Rhyperior Mamoswine
Suicune Rampardos
Surf Heatran Tyranitar
Typhlosion Aggron
Bastiodon Rampardos

Other Viable Moves

Tailwind Tailwind lets Latios get the upper hand on Speed, no longer tying with the likes of Espeon, Tauros, Raichu and more importantly, Gengar.
Substitute Using Substitute increases Latios' survivability.
Surf Surf lets Latios pressure opposing Heatran or other Fire-type Pokemon without Draco Meteor forcing Latios to switch out because of its Special Attack drop.

Latios Basic Information

Latios - Type

Eon Pokemon
Pokemon - Latios
Type 1 Type 2
Dragon Type Pokemon Psychic Type Pokemon

Latios Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage

Latios Abilities

Name Description
Levitate Gives immunity to Ground type moves.

Latios Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Latios' Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Incredible Special Attack and Speed Stats
✔︎ Has a good movepool.
✔︎Does not have x4 Weaknesses.
✖︎ Speed ties with Gengar, a Pokemon that can threaten Latios.
✖︎ Needs a team to be built around it, because Draco Meteor frequently forces it to switch.

Draco Meteor Wins Games

Very few Pokemon can survive a boosted Draco Meteor. It is rarely a bad idea to just throw this out. But be wary of Fairy-type switch-ins.

Latios' Strong Offense

Latios boasts a good offensive movepool. Opponents who like to take risks might accidentally switch into a super-effective move.

Wall Latios with Defensive Switches

Latios naturally forces plenty of switches in a match because of its offensive movepool, as well as switching out itself because of Draco Meteor's Special Attack drop. Switching defensively as well as predicting your opponent's switches are key to beating a team constructed around Latios.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP GengarGengar Ranking:★★★★★
・Unpredictable matchup because Latios Speed ties with Gengar.
・Gengar is able deal massive damage with Shadow Ball.
・Gengar can survive a STAB Psychic because it may be holding Focus Sash.
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss Ranking:★★★★★
・Togekiss is immune to Draco Meteor, and is able to survive a super-effective Ice Beam even without Special Defense investment.
・Togekiss can hit back with a Critical Hit Dazzling Gleam thanks to its Super Luck Ability.
Pokemon BDSP TyranitarTyranitar Ranking:★★★★★
・Resists most of Latios' offense, and is even able to withstand a Surf or Energy Ball.
・Can knock out Latios with a powerful Crunch.
・Tyranitar is able to boost its own Special Defense in a Sandstorm that it naturally sets up with Sand Stream.

Best Natures for Latios

Best Natures
(Spe↑ Atk↓)
(Sp. Atk↑ Atk↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Latios

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SuicuneSuicune Pressure Chesto Berry Scald
Ice Beam
Calm Mind
Nature / EVsCalm 252 HP / 204 SpD / 52 Spe
Final Stats207 HP / 135 Def / 110 SpA / 177 SpD / 112 Spe

Suicune is an excellent switch in to Ice-type moves, especially when Latios has to switch out because it had just used Draco Meteor.

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TyranitarTyranitar Sand Stream Chople Berry Rock Slide
Stomping Tantrum
Dragon Dance
Nature / EVsAdamant 252 HP / 200 Atk / 20 SpD / 36 Spe
Final Stats207 HP / 196 Atk / 130 Def / 123 SpD / 86 Spe

Tyranitar can boost its own Special Defense with its Sand Stream Ability as well as break Focus Sashes. Tyranitar can switch into Ghost-type or Dark-type moves that may knock out Latios.

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TogekissTogekiss Serene Grace Sitrus Berry Dazzling Gleam
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Nature / EVsTimid 116 HP / 52 Def / 156 SpA / 4 SpD / 180 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Final Stats175 HP / 122 Def / 160 SpA / 136 SpD / 135 Spe

While Togekiss cannot switch into an Ice Beam, it can switch into an incoming Dragon-type move and follow up with its own offense.

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