Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Post Game Content and 100 Percent Guide

Pokemon BDSP Post Game Content

The post game content of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) includes new areas such as Ramanas Park, the Battle Zone, Stark Mountain, and Snowpoint Temple. You can also capture Legendary Pokemon such as Giratina, Heatran, and Cresselia. Read on for a post game checklist and a guide to 100% clearing the Sinnoh remakes!

List of Post Game Content

Once you have the National Dex and become Champion, you will now also be free to explore new areas and revisit old areas with new things to do!

Post Game Content
Rematch Gym Trainers and Elite Four Battle Zone Marley and Route 224
Battle Tower IV Judge Function Ribbon Syndicate
Fight Rival on Weekends Battle GAME FREAK's Morimoto

Rematch Gym Trainers and Elite Four

Gym Leader Rematches.jpeg

As soon as you receive the National Dex and leave Professor Rowan's lab, you'll immediately be confronted by Roark, who challenges you to a rematch on behalf of all the Sinnoh Gym Leaders and the Elite Four.

Players can return to any of the Gyms around Sinnoh or the Elite Four to rematch any of them, who are all equipped with National Dex Pokemon with new, more competitive movesets, and of course, higher levels. You'll need to bring your best strategies to the table this time around!

Rematch Teams
All Gym Leader Rematch Teams All Elite Four Rematch Teams

Battle Zone

BDSP - Ride the Boat to Fight Area.png
After completing the main story, head to Snowpoint City then talk to the sailor at the dock in order to sail to the Battle Zone. The Battle Zone has 3 main areas; the Fight Area (where you first arrive), Survival Area (accessed from Route 225), and the Resort Area (accessed from Route 230).

How to Get to the Battle Zone

Battle Tower

BDSP - Battling Against Trainers.png
The Fight Area has an entrance to the Battle Park, which contains the Battle Tower. The Battle Tower is where you can challenge opponents (computer or other players online) in consecutive battles, which you earn Battle Points from. You earn more points the higher you build your win streak.

You can exchange Battle Points for sought after TMs and held items that boost a variety of stats in battle. You can challenge the Tower in Singles, Doubles (2 on 2), and Multi battles (with a partner). The Battle Tower has some of the strongest computer-controlled trainers in the game, so it's definitely the place to test your mettle as a trainer in the post-game.

Battle Tower Guide

Unlock the Judge Function

BDSP - Receive Judge Function.png
If you're planning on preparing the best and strongest Pokemon possible for your team unlocking the Judge Function to know your Pokemon's IVs will be very helpful. A Scientist in the Battle Tower will unlock the Judge Function for you which will allow you to see your Pokemon's potential from the PC or Boxes menu.

Ribbon Syndicate

The Ribbon Syndicate is located in the Resort Area and can only be accessed if you have obtained at least 10 ribbons. If you're going for 100%, you can purchase 3 more Ribbons at the Ribbon Syndicate, for a lofty price. Additionally, there is a Spa which you can use to increase friendship between you and your Pokemon or Egg once per day.

Ribbon Syndicate Features

Fight Rival on Weekends

In the Fight Area, in front of the entrance to the Battle Park, you can repeatedly fight your rival's team of Level ~60 Pokemon on weekends.

Marley and Route 224

Victory Road Route 224 Path

The entrance on the right side of Victory Road's main cavern becomes accessible once you become the Champion. Head through this area to reach a foggy cave, where you can meet and partner up with Marley. Escort Marley to the other side of the room, then you 2 will part ways.

After parting ways, head out the exit and you'll reach Route 224. You can explore Route 224, catch Pokemon, and battle the trainers there, but the route is a dead end. The route was previously used to access a one-time event that allowed players to catch Shaymin.

Battle GAME FREAK's Morimoto

BDSP - Battle Morimoto

Morimoto is a fairly strong trainer found at the swimming pool of the Hotel Grand Lake in Route 213. You can battle him once a day to earn a reward. After your first battle with him, he will reward you with an Oval Charm, which will increase the chance of getting an Egg from Pokemon in the Nursery.

Morimoto's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP SpiritombSpiritomb
(Lvl. 63)
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Infiltrator
Sitrus Berry
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Destiny Bond
Pokemon BDSP AmbipomAmbipom
(Lvl. 64)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Technician
King's Rock
Fake Out
Double Hit
Ice Punch
Pokemon BDSP HippowdonHippowdon
(Lvl. 64)
Pokemon Ground Type Icon Sand Stream
Stealth Rock
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP VaporeonVaporeon
(Lvl. 65)
Pokemon Water Type Icon Water Absorb
Wiki Berry
Hydro Pump
Acid Armor
Ice Beam
Quick Attack
Pokemon BDSP JolteonJolteon
(Lvl. 65)
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Volt Absorb
Lum Berry
Shadow Ball
Thunder Wave
Volt Switch
Pokemon BDSP FlareonFlareon
(Lvl. 65)
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Flash Fire
Iapapa Berry
Flare Blitz
Quick Attack

How to 100% Clear the Game

BDSP 100% Completion Checklist

Catch All Sinnoh Pokemon

BDSP - Complete Sinnoh Dex.png

Catching all the Pokemon native to the Sinnoh region is a base requirement for 100% completing the games. There were 210 Pokemon on the Platinum Dex, but that number will increase with the inclusion of Pokemon Hideaways in the remakes.

Due to version exclusive Pokemon, you will need to trade with a second copy or someone with a copy of the version you don't have in order to fully obtain all Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex.

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

Achieve 5-Star Trainer Card

BDSP - 5 Star Trainer Card.png
To acquire a 5-star, black Trainer Card, you'll have to reach certain achievements in the game. These include beating the Pokemon League, obtaining all Pokemon on the National Dex, winning 1 Super Contest Show category on Master Rank, winning 100 consecutive single battles in the Battle Tower, and more!

How to Get Trainer Card Stars and Badges

Obtain all Pokemon on National Dex

BDSP - National Dex Certificate.png
Obtaining all the Pokemon on the National Dex will follow after catching all the Sinnoh Pokemon. All Pokemon needed to complete the National Dex can be found between Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Obtaining all Pokemon on the National Dex, excluding the ones listed below, rewards you with a star on your Trainer Card. You can also redeem the Shiny Charm and a Certificate of Completion from the Game Directors in Hotel Grand Lake.

Mew Lugia Ho-oh Celebi
Jirachi Deoxys Phione Manaphy
Darkrai Shaymin Arceus -

How to Get the National Dex

Clear 100 consecutive single battles in the Battle Tower

Achieving a 100 win streak in the Battle Tower to get a star on your Trainer Card. You can attempt this by talking to the middle counter of the Battle Tower and selecting the Single Battle room option. The battles faced here are 1-on-1 Pokemon battles, with each Trainer having teams of 3.

Collect All Ribbons

There are 39 ribbons that can be obtained in the games. Ribbons are primarily for commemorating certain achievements and are permanently placed on the Pokemon used to obtain them. You can obtain most Ribbons from winning Super Contest Shows, beating Battle Tower challenges, speaking to Julia in Sunyshore on each day of the week, and from the Ribbon Syndicate.

List of Ribbons

Collect Statues in the Grand Underground

Find all the Statues.png
With so many Pokemon available in the Grand Underground, it can be hard to find the specific Pokemon you want. Using Pokemon Statues of certain types will allow you to influence the odds of finding the Pokemon you want!

List of Statues and Effects

Collect All Unown Forms

BDSP - Unlock all Unown Forms.png
Another fun thing to collect would be all different forms of Unown. The Solaceon Ruins accessbile from Solaceon's side will have the first 26 forms available, but you'll have to catch them all before you can access the last 2 forms.

How to Get Unown: All 28 Letters and Forms

Acquire All Poketch Apps

Pokemon BDSP Poketch Friendship

While this does not give you any reward, completing the Poketch is one way of showing off game completion. Excluding the applications obtainable only through real-world events, there are 22 obtainable Poketch applications at various locations in the games.

All Poketch Applications

List of Post Game Pokemon

Once you have the National Dex and become Champion, a lot more Pokemon will now be available all over the Sinnoh Region and can be encountered via new methods.

New Post Game Pokemon Encounters
Poke Radar Swarms Ramanas Park
Pokemon Hideaways Trophy Garden Eevee from Bebe
Rotom in the Old Chateau Full Moon Island and Cresselia Snowpoint Temple and Regigigas
Capture Giratina Stark Mountain and Heatran -

Obtain the Poke Radar

BDSP - Obtain the Poke Radar.png
Shortly after receiving the National Dex. Professor Rowan will also gift you the Poke Radar. This handy device can be really useful for finding new Pokemon in Routes you've already been on, finding High IV Pokemon, or even hunting down wild Shiny Pokemon.

How to Use the Poke Radar

Encounter Rare Pokemon in Swarms (Massive Outbreaks)

Pokemon BDSP Swarm Pokemon Overworld
After getting the National Dex, you can unlock the ability to encounter Swarm Pokemon by talking to the sister of the Professor's Assisstant (Lucas/Dawn) in the house south of the lab in Sandgem Town.

BDSP - Cubone Swarm on Route 203.png
After talking to the sister, go to the route mentioned and you'll see the daily Swarm Pokemon species appear in the tall grass of the overworld! Run around the tall for a chance to trigger a wild encounter with the Swarm Pokemon. Running towards the overworld depiction of the Pokemon doesn't do anything, as they disappear when you go near.

List of Swarm Pokemon (Massive Outbreaks)

Ramanas Park

BDSP - Encountering Regice at Ramanas Park

After obtaining the National Dex and becoming Champion, you can head to Ramanas Park to catch Legendary Pokemon from different regions. You can find the entrance to Ramanas Park at the end of Route 221.

To encounter the Legendary Pokemon of Ramanas Park, you first need to collect Mysterious Shards from the Grand Underground and exchange them for Slates available at the Ramanas Park entrance. Place the Slates on the Pedestals around the park to encounter the Pokemon.

Ramanas Park Guide and All Legendary Pokemon

Find Rarer Pokemon in the Grand Underground

BDSP - Rarer Underground Encounters.png
After earning the National Dex. even more Pokemon can now be found in the Grand Underground's Pokemon Hideaways. This also includes all starter Pokemon from Generations 1 to 4. Check out the different Hideaways and you might just find a nice surprise!
All Grand Underground Pokemon Locations

Rarer Pokemon added to the Trophy Garden

Check Daily Pokemon
After earning the National Dex, a handful of Pokemon from outside the Sinnoh Dex will also get added to the Trophy Garden. Speak to Mr. Backlot in the Pokemon Mansion to learn about new Pokemon that can be found in his garden. These include Pokemon like Porygon, Eevee, and Castform,

All Trophy Garden Daily Pokemon
Pokemon BDSP ClefairyClefairy Pokemon BDSP JigglypuffJigglypuff Pokemon BDSP MeowthMeowth
Pokemon BDSP ChanseyChansey Pokemon BDSP EeveeEevee Pokemon BDSP PorygonPorygon
Pokemon BDSP CleffaCleffa Pokemon BDSP IgglybuffIgglybuff Pokemon BDSP MarillMarill
Pokemon BDSP AzurillAzurill Pokemon BDSP PluslePlusle Pokemon BDSP MinunMinun
Pokemon BDSP CastformCastform Pokemon BDSP BonslyBonsly Pokemon BDSP Mime Jr.Mime Jr.
Pokemon BDSP HappinyHappiny

Trophy Garden Daily Pokemon

Get Eevee from Bebe in Hearthome

BDSP - Eevee from Bebe.png
After earning the National Dex, pay the PC Box developer, Bebe a visit. Her home is next to the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City. She will gift you an Eevee.

Encounter Rotom in the Old Chateau

Rotom Encounter.png
Rotom can be encountered in the Old Chateau at night only after obtaining the National Pokedex. Enter the Old Chateau and find the room with a TV in it. Interacting with the TV will give you an option to thump the TV. Doing so will trigger the encounter with Rotom! Catching Rotom also gives you access to the Secret Key which is needed to change Rotom forms.

How to Change Rotom Forms

Full Moon Island and Cresselia

Wandering Cresselia.png

In Canalave City, the sailor's son will have strangely fallen into a sleep that he is unable to wake up from. Talk to the sailor right outside the house to head to Full Moon Island. There, you'll encounter Cresselia, who will vanish and become a roaming Pokemon around the Sinnoh region. Additionally, you will obtain the Lunar Wing, which you can use on the sailor's son when you return to Canalave City.

Use Marking Map to track Cresselia

After interacting with Cresselia, you will be able to encounter it as a wild Pokemon at random places in the Sinnoh region. Use the Marking Map Poketch app to track its location around the map. You can acquire the Marking Map app from the president of the Poketch Company in Jubilife City after obtaining 3 Gym Badges.

How to Get Cresselia

Snowpoint Temple and Regigigas

Regigigas Location

After defeating the Pokemon League and becoming Champion, you will be permitted to enter Snowpoint Temple (in the northern area of Snowpoint City). Note that in order for Regigigas to appear, you need to have Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in your party. You could only get these Pokemon in Diamond & Pearl via trade from another generation.

Once you have the 3 Regi's in your party, head 5 floors down to the bottom level of Snowpoint Temple and there you will be able to battle and capture Regigigas.

How to Get Regigigas

Capture Giratina

Turnback Cave.png

After obtaining the National Dex, the Spring Path on Route 214 will open. The Spring Path leads to Sendoff Spring, where you can enter Turnback Cave. Giratina is located in the room that comes after the 3rd pillar, however the layout of Turnback Cave is randomly generated, so it will take some RNG luck.

Just keep going through rooms until you pass the room with the 3rd pillar. You need to accomplish this in under 30 rooms, or else you'll be sent back to the entrance. If you head back into the previous room from which you entered, you will be sent back to the entrance.

How to Get Giratina

Stark Mountain and Heatran

BDSP - Heatran Location.png

After unlocking the National Dex and visiting the Battle Tower, the entrances to routes 225 and 230 are unlocked. Use either route to head to Route 227, where Stark Mountain is located. Inside the 2nd room, you will partner with Buck, who is searching for the Magma Stone. Accompany him to the 3rd inner room, where he will acquire the Magma Stone.

Afterward, head to the Survival Area in between Routes 225 and 226. Talk to Buck's grandfather in the house left of the Pokemon Center. After talking to him, the next time you return to the 3rd inner room in Stark Mountain, Heatran will be available for battle and capture.

How to Get Heatran

How to Unlock the Post Game

Obtain the National Pokedex

BDSP - Obtain the National Dex.png
To obtain the National Dex, you simply need to encounter all Pokemon on the native Sinnoh Dex then report back to Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town.

While not strictly limited to the post game, the National Dex can be easily completed after defeating the Elite Four and Champion Cynthia, as they own some of the more difficult Pokemon to encounter in the region (such as Vespiquen, Drapion, and Milotic).

How to Get the National Dex

Become Champion

BDSP - Champion Cynthia.png
While obtaining the National Dex will unlock a lot of new features, players will be able to access a lot more post-game content if they finish the main campaign first! Defeating Champion Cynthia at least once will earn you the Champion title, opening up more of the Post Game.

Full Story Walkthrough

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Beginner Partial

Beginner's Tips and Tricks

Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Tips and Tricks

Post Game Guides
Post Game Content and 100 Percent Guide How to Use the Poke Radar
How to Unlock the National Dex Ramanas Park Guide
List of Swarm Pokemon How to Get to the Battle Zone
How to Get Mysterious Shards Ribbon Syndicate Guide
How to Get Trainer Card Stars When Do Legendaries Respawn?
How to Complete the National Dex -
Beginner's Guides
Best Team Best Starter Pokemon
How to Trade Locally and Online Pokemon by Route: Best Pokemon to Catch
How to Have Pokemon Follow You and Walk With Pokemon How to Get Money Fast
Groups Guide: How to Join and Create Character Creation and Customization
Pokemon Allowed in Amity Square Guide and Map Daily and Weekly Events Guide
How to Battle Online How to Evolve Pokemon
Type Chart Language Settings
How to Add Friends How to Catch Pokemon: Best Pokemon for Catching
List of Settings and Best Settings What Happens When You Lose?
Should You Use TMs? -
Collectibles and Locations
Move Reminder: How to Relearn Moves All Poketch App Locations
Move Tutor Locations and Move List All Honey Tree Locations and Pokemon
List of Clothes and Styles Missables and One-Time Events
All HM Locations (Hidden Moves) Pokemon Nursery Location
How to Change Clothes and Metronome Shop Location List of Ribbons
Useful Characters and Their Locations Poketch Clowns Locations
Move Deleter Location List of Stickers
All In-Game Trades Pokemon News Press Guide and All Poke Ball Rewards
Poke Mart Items List and Unlock Conditions -
Game Mechanics
Poffin Guide: How to Cook the Best Poffins Super Contest Show Guide
How to Use Stickers (Pokeball Seals) Fishing and How to Get Each Rod
How to Make Traded Pokemon Obey You How to Grow Berries
How to Use Ball Capsules How to Use Vs. Seeker
How to Use Itemfinder and Find Hidden Items Nature Chart and How to Check Natures
How to Change the Date and Time How to Change Nicknames
Jubilife TV Lottery Prizes and How to Win Massage Girl: How to Get Massages
How to Delete Save Data How to Get More PC Boxes
How to Access Pokemon Boxes on the Road How to Transfer Save Data
How to Use the PC and Boxes Can You Nickname Traded Pokemon?
How to Stop Evolution Characteristics Guide and Meaning
How to Save Your Game How to Release Pokemon
Is Fashion Case in the Game? How to Adjust Screen Size
How to Hide the Poketch Are There Accessories?
How to Farm Held Items Town Map
Advanced Tips and Tricks
How to Get All Starter Pokemon How to Do a Nuzlocke Challenge
How to Tell if a Pokemon is Shiny -
Pokemon Battles
How to Use STAB Effectively Double Battles Guide
All Status Conditions How to Escape and Run Away From Battle
How to Avoid Random Battles -


5 Anonymousabout 3 years

Multi Battles aren't a thing at the Battle Tower, only in the Coliseum.

4 Anonymousabout 3 years

Red wasn't in the original


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