Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of All Poke Balls

List of All Poke Balls Pokemon BDSP
Poke Balls are your main tool when it comes to catching Pokemon and completing the Pokedex in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the list of all Poke Balls available in the remakes!

List of All Pokeballs

Item How to Obtain
Dive Ball ImageDive Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that works especially well when catching Pokemon that live underwater.
Pokemon News Press
Dusk Ball ImageDusk Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon at night or in dark places like caves.
Solaceon Town Poke Mart / Pastoria City Poke Mart / Snowpoint City Poke Mart / Celestic Town Shop / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press / Oreburgh City
Great Ball ImageGreat Ball Effect
A good, high-performance Poke Ball that provides a higher Pokemon catch rate than a standard Poke Ball.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Pokemon News Press / Celestic Town / Route 213 / Route 210 South / Eterna Forest / Oreburgh City / Route 212 North / Great Marsh Area 2 / Lost Tower 4F
Heal Ball ImageHeal Ball Effect
A remedial Poke Ball that restores the HP of Pokemon caught with it and eliminates any status conditions.
Jubilife City Poke Mart / Oreburgh City Poke Mart / Floaroma Town Poke Mart / Eterna City Poke Mart / Hearthome City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press / Oreburgh City
Luxury Ball ImageLuxury Ball Effect
A particularly comfortable Poke Ball that makes a wild Pokemon quickly grow friendlier after being caught.
Sunyshore City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Master Ball ImageMaster Ball Effect
The best Poke Ball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, you will catch any wild Pokemon without fail.
Jubilife TV / Galactic HQ
Nest Ball ImageNest Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that becomes more effective the lower the level of the wild Pokemon.
Hearthome City Poke Mart / Solaceon Town Poke Mart / Pastoria City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Net Ball ImageNet Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that is more effective when attempting to catch Water- or Bug-type Pokemon.
Oreburgh City Poke Mart / Floaroma Town Poke Mart / Hearthome City Poke Mart / Solaceon Town Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Poke Ball ImagePoke Ball Effect
A device for catching wild Pokemon. It's thrown like a ball at a Pokemon, comfortably encapsulating its target.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Pokemon News Press / Route 208 / Route 207 / Route 205 South / Route 203 / Route 202 / Great Marsh Area 4 / Route 211 West
Premier Ball ImagePremier Ball Effect
A somewhat rare Poke Ball that was made as a commemorative item used to celebrate an event of some sort.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F
Quick Ball ImageQuick Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that has a more successful catch rate if used at the start of a wild encounter.
Pastoria City Poke Mart / Canalave City Poke Mart / Snowpoint City Poke Mart / Celestic Town Shop / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Repeat Ball ImageRepeat Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that works especially well on a Pokemon species that has been caught before.
Canalave City Poke Mart / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Safari Ball ImageSafari Ball Effect
A special Poké Ball that was used in the Safari Zone in the Kanto region and in the Great Marsh in the Sinnoh region.
Great Marsh
Strange Ball ImageStrange Ball Effect
Pokemon transferred to and from Pokemon Legends: Arceus will be inside Strange Balls.
Timer Ball ImageTimer Ball Effect
A somewhat different Poke Ball that becomes progressively more effective the more turns that are taken in battle.
Canalave City Poke Mart / Snowpoint City Poke Mart / Celestic Town Shop / Pokemon League Shop / Ramanas Park Shop / Pokemon News Press
Ultra Ball ImageUltra Ball Effect
An ultra-high-performance Poke Ball that provedes a higher succes rate for catching Pokemon than a Great Ball.
All Poke Marts / Veilstone Department Store 1F / Jubilife TV / Pokemon News Press / Route 228 / Route 225 / Victory Road 1F / Route 222 / Acuity Lakefront / Route 217 / Fuego Ironworks / Route 221 / Route 210 North / Mt. Coronet 4F / Mt. Coronet B1F / Great Marsh Area 3 / Stark Mountain Interior / Iron Island B2F Left Cave

Are Apriballs in the Game?

BDSP - ApriBalls.png
Unfortunately, Apriballs are not readily accessible in the game. As of writing, only players who pre-ordered the game would have received two of each Apriball.

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

You can purchase the Nest Ball in Hearthome City


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