Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of Training Items

Training Items are used in order to maximize training and breeding your Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the list of Training Items as well as their effects!

List of All Training Items

Item How to Obtain
Ability Capsule ImageAbility Capsule Effect
A capsule that allows a Pokemon with two Abilities to switch between these Abilities when it is used.
Battle Tower
Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch Effect
When used on a Pokémon, its Ability will change to its species’ Hidden Ability, if it has one.
Battle Tower
Bottle Cap ImageBottle Cap Effect
A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a silver gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.
Battle Tower / via Pickup
Destiny Knot ImageDestiny Knot Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder becomes infatuated, the opposing Pokemon will be, Too.
via Pickup / Route 224
Everstone ImageEverstone Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. A Pokemon holding this peculiar stone is prevented from evolving.
Grand Underground / Snowpoint City From Golem / Graveler / Geodude
Gold Bottle Cap ImageGold Bottle Cap Effect
A beautiful bottle cap that gives off a golden gleam. Some people are happy to receive one.
Battle Tower Reward
Lucky Egg ImageLucky Egg Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's an egg filled with happiness that earns extra Exp. Points in battle.
Battle Tower / Jubilife TV / Northwestern Zone (Grand Underground) From Blissey
Macho Brace ImageMacho Brace Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This stiff, heavy brace helps Pokémon grow strong but cuts Speed in battle.
Pastoria City
Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Speed stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Band ImagePower Band Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Def stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Belt ImagePower Belt Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Defense stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Bracer ImagePower Bracer Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Attack stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Lens ImagePower Lens Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Atk stat to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Power Weight ImagePower Weight Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's maximum HP to grow more after battling.
Battle Tower
Rare Candy ImageRare Candy Effect
A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will instantly raise the level of a single Pokemon by one.
Battle Tower / via Pickup / Route 224 / Route 230 / Route 225 / Victory Road 1F / Galactic HQ / Route 218 / Valor Lakefront / Route 212 South / Route 207 / Eterna City / Wayward Cave 1F / Route 214 / Mt. Coronet Top / Mt. Coronet Top Cave / Mt. Coronet B1F / Mt. Coronet Route 211 Entrance / Solaceon Ruins D Chamber / Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F / Stark Mountain Interior / Southwestern Zone (Grand Underground) / Western Zone (Grand Underground)
Soothe Bell ImageSoothe Bell Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. The comforting chime of this bell calms the holder, making it friendly.
Route 212 North

What are Training Items?

Improves Training

Like the name suggests, these items help with training your Pokemon. So an item like the Lucky Egg will give more experience to whoever is holding it, allowing for faster level ups.

Helps with Breeding

Training Items also help with Breeding. For example, an Everstone will guarantee that the parent that holds it will pass its Nature down to its offspring.

Training and Breeding

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Items

List of All Items and Effects

All Item Types

Item Categories
Poke BallsPoke Balls TMsTMs BerriesBerries Battle ItemsBattle Items
Evolutionary StonesEvolutionary Stones Recovery ItemsRecovery Items FossilsFossils Training ItemsTraining Items
Evo Held ItemsEvolutionary Held Items Held ItemsHeld Items VitaminsVitamins Valuable ItemsValuable Items
Mints.pngMints Key ItemsKey Items SlatesSlates -


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