Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of Vitamins

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Vitamins are items you can give your Pokemon to boost their EVs in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the list of Vitamins as well as their effect in-game!

List of All Vitamins

Item How to Obtain
Calcium ImageCalcium Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 228 / Route 217 / Route 213 / Route 209 / Snowpoint Temple B1F / Stark Mountain Interior
Carbos ImageCarbos Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Speed stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 230 / Route 226 / Route 222 / Route 208 / Route 221 / Route 220
HP Up ImageHP Up Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base HP of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 230 / Route 225 / Route 216 / Mt. Coronet North / Lake Valor / Route 204 South / Iron Island B2F Left Cave
Iron ImageIron Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Defense stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 228 / Route 217 / Route 208 / Route 207 / Stark Mountain Interior / Iron Island B2F Right Cave
PP Max ImagePP Max Effect
A medicine that can optimally raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
Route 224 / Southeastern Zone (Grand Underground)
PP Up ImagePP Up Effect
A medicine that can slightly raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
Battle Tower / Jubilife TV / via Pickup / Route 228 / Route 226 / Route 217 / Valor Lakefront / Veilstone City / Eterna City / Mt. Coronet B1F / Stark Mountain Interior / Southwestern Zone (Grand Underground)
Protein ImageProtein Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Attack stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 229 / Route 227 / Route 217 / Valor Lakefront / Route 212 South / Mt. Coronet Route 207 Entrance / Route 221
Zinc ImageZinc Effect
A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Def stat of a single Pokémon.
Veilstone Department Store 2F / Battle Tower / Route 227 / Victory Road 1F / Galactic HQ / Route 211 East / Route 212 South / Route 215 / Stark Mountain Interior

What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are items used to boost the stats or Power Points of a Pokemon. These items are useful when it comes to competitive training and breeding as it allows the player to speed up the process of raising their Pokemon.

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Pokemon BDSP Items

List of All Items and Effects

All Item Types

Item Categories
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Evolutionary StonesEvolutionary Stones Recovery ItemsRecovery Items FossilsFossils Training ItemsTraining Items
Evo Held ItemsEvolutionary Held Items Held ItemsHeld Items VitaminsVitamins Valuable ItemsValuable Items
Mints.pngMints Key ItemsKey Items SlatesSlates -


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