Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

List of Evolutionary Held Items

List of All Evolutionary Held Items Pokemon BDSP
Evolutionary Held Items are items that are required to evolve certain Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). See the list of all Evolutionary Held Items as well as their effects.

How to Get All Evolutionary Held Items

Video Walkthrough

List of Evolutionary Held Items

Item How to Obtain
Deep Sea Scale ImageDeep Sea Scale Effect
An item to be held by Clamperl. This scale shines with a faint pink and raises the holder's Sp. Def stat.
Central Zone (Grand Underground) From Gorebyss / Relicanth
Deep Sea Tooth ImageDeep Sea Tooth Effect
An item to be held by Clamperl. This fang gleams a sharp silver and raises the holder's Sp. Atk stat.
Southwestern Zone (Grand Underground) From Huntail / Carvanha / Sharpedo
Dragon Scale ImageDragon Scale Effect
Seadra will evolve into Kingdra if holding this item when traded.
From Horsea / Seadra / Dratini / Dragonair / Dragonite / Kingdra
Dubious Disc ImageDubious Disc Effect
Porygon2 will evolve into Porygon-Z if holding this item when traded.
Battle Tower / Route 225
Electirizer ImageElectirizer Effect
A box packed with a tremendous amount of electric energy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
From Electivire / Elekid / Electabuzz
KingKing's Rock Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. When the holder successfully inflicts damage, the target may also flinch.
From Slowking / Slowbro / Poliwhirl / Poliwrath / Politoed / Hariyama
Magmarizer ImageMagmarizer Effect
A box packed with a tremendous amount of magma energy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
From Magmortar / Magby / Magmar
Metal Coat ImageMetal Coat Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a special metallic film that can boost the power of Steel-type moves.
Iron Island Outside From Magnezone / Bronzong / Bronzor / Steelix / Magneton / Beldum / Magnemite / Skarmory / Metang / Metagross
Oval Stone ImageOval Stone Effect
Happiny will evolve into Chansey if holding this item when leveling up during daytime.
Grand Underground / Lost Tower 2F From Happiny
Protector ImageProtector Effect
A protective item of some sort. It is extremely stiff and heavy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
Battle Tower / Route 228
Razor Claw ImageRazor Claw Effect
An item to be held by a Pokemon. This sharply hooked claw increases the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Battle Tower / Route 224 / Victory Road 1F
Razor Fang ImageRazor Fang Effect
An item to be held by a Pokémon. When the holder successfully inflicts damage, the target may also flinch.
Battle Tower / Battle Park
Reaper Cloth ImageReaper Cloth Effect
A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong spiritual energy. Causes Dusclops to evolve if traded while holding.
Battle Tower / Route 229
Upgrade ImageUpgrade Effect
Porygon will evolve into Porygon2 if holding this item when traded.
Battle Tower / Eterna City

What are Evolutionary Held Items?

Makes Certain Pokemon Evolve

Certain Pokemon evolve if they are holding these items. Whether via trades, level up, or other means, Pokemon requiring these items must be holding the appropriate item in order to fulfill the requirement.

For example, Scyther will not evolve into Scizor if you trade it empty handed. It requires Scyther to hold a Metal Coat.

Pokemon BDSP Related Guides

Pokemon BDSP Items

List of All Items and Effects

All Item Types

Item Categories
Poke BallsPoke Balls TMsTMs BerriesBerries Battle ItemsBattle Items
Evolutionary StonesEvolutionary Stones Recovery ItemsRecovery Items FossilsFossils Training ItemsTraining Items
Evo Held ItemsEvolutionary Held Items Held ItemsHeld Items VitaminsVitamins Valuable ItemsValuable Items
Mints.pngMints Key ItemsKey Items SlatesSlates -


2 Anonymousabout 3 years

It is !!!!!

1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Shouldn't King's Rock be on this list?


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