Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Getting the 2nd Badge: Walkthrough Part 2

Getting the 2nd Badge Pokemon BDSP
This guide shows the objectives list for obtaining the 2nd Badge in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Read on to know how to proceed through each area, learn which Pokemon the Gym Leader has, as well as other helpful walkthrough information.

Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge Getting the 3rd Badge

Getting the 2nd Badge Video Walkthrough

Things to Do Before Getting the 2nd Badge

Catch a Ponyta on Route 211

Pokemon BDSP PonytaPonyta

Before going to the gym in Eterna City, you can make your way to Route 211 to the east and catch a Ponyta in the patch of grass. Ponyta could prove useful against the Grass-type gym if you don't have a Fire-type Pokemon on your team just yet.

Trade Buizel for a Chatot

Pokemon BDSP ChatotChatot

Another Pokemon you can take with you to the Grass-type gym is Chatot. Though not the strongest Flying-type option, you can easily trade for a Chatot if you have a spare Buizel by talking to the boy on the first floor of the Eterna Condominiums.

Obtain Jirachi and Mew

BDSP - Jirachi and Mew Old Couple

If you have save data from other Pokemon Titles on the Switch, you can obtain a Jirachi and a Mew from the old couple on the southwest area of the town. Talk to the old woman to receive Mew and talk to the old man to receive Jirachi.

Level Up Your Party at the Grand Underground

Absol in Grand Underground

The Grand Underground is home to several high-leveled Pokemon, which you can battle to level up your own party. It is recommended to get some levels before facing Gardernia oce you get access to the area!

How to Level Up Fast: EXP Farming Guide

Getting the 2nd Badge Objectives

Jump to a Location in this Section
Oreburgh City Jubilife City Route 204
Floaroma Town Valley Windworks (1st Time) Floaroma Meadow
Valley Windworks (2nd Time) Route 205 Eterna Forest
Eterna City

Oreburgh City

BDSP - Rival after First Gym

1 As you leave Oreburgh, your rival will approach you. After the conversation, travel back to Jubilife City.

Jubilife City

BDSP - Team Galactic with Prof Rowan

2 Travel north of Jubilifie City and approach Prof. Rowan.
The Galactic Grunts will challenge you in a team battle. After defeating them, you'll receive Ball Capsules from Bebe.
3 The next location to visit is Floaroma Town. Pass through Route 204 and Ravaged Path to reach the town.

Get Stickers in the Jubilife TV

BDSP - Jubilife TV Stickers

You can get 3 Flora Stickers B from the guy at the 2nd floor level of Jubilife TV building. You can place these stickers on Ball Capsules to add effects when you bring out your Pokemon.

How to Use Stickers

Route 204

BDSP - Route 204

4 Go north. Then, enter the Ravaged Path cave.
5 Walk to the east and use Rock Smash to remove the rocks blocking your path. Exit the cave to reach Route 204 (North).
6 Climb the stairs and travel east. Then, travel north and take the center path to reach Floaroma Town.

Get Rock Tomb (TM39)

You can obtain a TM for Rock Tomb if you follow the path to the left inside Ravaged Path. You only need to break a couple of rocks with Rock Smash to reach the TM.

Floaroma Town

7 Head to Floaroma Town.
The Team Galactic is blocking the path to Floaroma Meadow. You can't pass through yet.
8 Travel east to Route 205. Talk to the little girl along the route and help her. Travel far east to find Valley Windworks.

Visit the Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop

BDSP - Obtain Sprayduck at Flower Shop

Visit the Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop in the center of the town to receive the Spray Duck, which you can use to water berry plants. You can also receive a free berry once a day and trade berries for stickers at the shop.

How to Grow Berries

Get Pluck TMs (TM88)

BDSP - Obtain TM Pluck

Enter the house beside the Flower Shop and talk to the girl inside to obtain 3 Pluck TMs. Since Pluck is a Flying type move, it could be useful in the upcoming Grass-type gym.

Valley Windworks (1st Time)

BDSP - Team Galactic at Valley Windworks

9 Challenge the Galactic Grunt at the door.
After defeating the Grunt, the path to Floaroma Meadow should open up.
10 Go to Floaroma Meadow. The entrance to Floaroma Meadow is in the northern part Floaroma Town.

Floaroma Meadow

BDSP - Team Galactic at Floaroma Meadow

11 Interact with Team Galactic, and defeat them.
You'll receive a key and a honey from the Meadow Keeper.
12 Travel back to Valley Windworks.

Attract Pokemon with Honey

Pokemon BDSP Honey Tree

You can slather Honey on Honey trees to attract Pokemon. After some time the tree will shake and you will encounter a Pokemon after interacting with the tree.

Honey Guide: All Honey Tree Locations and Pokemon

Valley Windworks (2nd Time)

Pokemon BDSP - Commander Mars in Valley Windworks

13 Use the Works Key to open the door. Then, defeat the Galactic Grunts.
Both trainers have a Pokemon with a Poison move. Make sure to buy Antidote before challenging them.
14 Challenge the Commander of the Team Galactic (Commander Mars). Then, Go back to Route 205 (South).
Make sure that your Pokemon are in good condition and you have plenty of Potions before starting the battle.

Commander Mars

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 14)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Pokemon BDSP PuruglyPurugly
(Lvl. 16)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Thick Fat
Oran Berry
Fake Out

Route 205

BDSP - Route 205

15 Travel north. Then, walk to the west and climb the stairs.
16 Pass through the bridge. Go northeast, and speak with the lady inside the little house to heal your Pokemon.
17 Go through the small path between the trees to reach Eterna Forest.

Eterna Forest

BDSP - Cheryl at Eterna Forest

18 Talk to the woman near the entrance.
Cheryl will heal your Pokemon every after each battle. All your battle will also be a team battle while you are with Cheryl.
19 Pass through the grass on your right side and go north.
20 Make your way to reach the east side of the wild area. Then, go north.
You'll find the entrance to Route 205 (North) on the east side.
21 Keep going east to reach Eterna City.

A Great Place for Training Pokemon

Eterna Forest is one of the earliest grind spots to level and train your Pokemon since Cheryl completely restores your party's health at the end of each battle.

Eterna City

BDSP- Eterna City

22 Go south and enter the Eterna City Pokemon Gym to challenge Gym Leader Gardenia.
▶︎ How to Beat Gardenia
Gym Leader Gardenia's Pokemon are all Grass type. Make sure you have a Fire or Flying type Pokemon before challenging her.
23 Find all the trainers and defeat them to start the Gym Battle.

Eterna City Gym Puzzle

Gardenia's Trainers Location

Trainer Location
Lass Caroline Northwest
From the main entrance, travel north. Enter the small path near the green platform and walk south.
Aroma Lady Jenna Southwest
From Lass Caroline's location, travel south. At the end of the field, turn right.
Aroma Lady Angela Center
From the main entrance, walk forward and enter the area with three shrubs. Go behind the shrubs to find trainer Aroma Lady Angela.
Beauty Lindsay Northeast
From the main entrance, go east and then north. At the end of the field, turn left.

Get the Friendship Checker Poketch App

BDSP - Get Friendship Checker for Poketch

Talk to the woman inside the Pokemon Center to obtain the Friendship Checker app for your Poketch. The Friendship Checker allows you to see the bond you and your Pokemon have.

All Poketch App Locations

Obtain the Explorer Kit

Pokemon BDSP - Underground Man Explorer Kit

Before you battle the gym leader, you can get the Explorer Kit from Underground Guy found inside the house next to the Pokemon Center. The Explorer Kit allows you to visit the Grand Underground where you can find fossils and spheres, build secret bases, and catch exclusive Pokemon.

Grand Underground Guide and Available Features

Visit the Name Rater

BDSP - Name Rater

The Name Rater can be found on the first floor of the Eterna Condominiums. Visit the Name Rater whenever you wish to change the nickname of your Pokemon.

Name Rater Location: How to Change Nicknames

Get 3 Recycle TMs (TM67)

BDSP - Get Recycle TM

On the 2nd floor of the Eterna Condominiums, you can talk to a woman who will give you 3 TMs for the move Recycle.

2nd Gym Leader: Gardenia's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP CherubiCherubi
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Chlorophyll Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam
Pokemon BDSP TurtwigTurtwig
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Shell Armor
Miracle Seed
Grass Knot
Razor Leaf
Work Up
Pokemon BDSP RoseradeRoserade
(Lvl. 22)
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Technician
Sitrus Berry
Grass Knot
Petal Blizzard
Poison Sting
Stun Spore

How to Beat Gardenia: Eterna City Gym Guide

Previous and Next Guides

Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge Getting the 3rd Badge

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Main Story Walkthrough

All Story Walkthroughs
Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge
Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge
Getting the 5th Badge Getting the 6th Badge
Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge
Becoming the Champion

Important Battles

All Important Battles
All Barry Rival Battles All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon
All Elite Four Types and Pokemon All Team Galactic Locations and Pokemon

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How to Unlock the National Dex Ramanas Park Guide
How to Get to the Battle Zone All Gym Leader Rematch Teams
All Elite 4 Rematch Teams

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