Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Remakes' Graphics: Chibi Art Style and New Battle Animation

Pokemon BDSP Remakes Graphics

The Diamond and Pearl Remakes reimagine Sinnoh through the chibi art style! Read on to learn more about the remakes' graphics, new battle animations, and Hidden Move animations in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)!

Remakes' Graphics Chibi Art Style

Chibi Art Style.png
Instead of trying to replicate 'real life' sizes, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl will go with a cuter art style that closely resembles the older Pokemon games. While exploring Sinnoh, you'll notice all buildings, NPCs, and Pokemon are smaller in comparison to a more recent Pokemon game like Sword and Shield. This art has a bit more lighthearted feel compared to Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Remakes' Graphics Move Animations

Battle Animations

Pokemon BDSP Flamethrower

The animation of battle moves has been enhanced significantly in order for the games to take on new life in a 3D space. Some moves may even have Pokemon-specific animations, as Magmortar shoots the Flamethrower out from its hand cannon now, instead of the move just appearing in front of it, like in the original games.

Hidden Move Animations

Pokemon BDSP Surfing HM

Hidden Moves (HMs), which can be used on environmental obstacles outside of battle, are now updated to show the specific Pokemon using the move, instead of it just being a generic silhouette used to represent all Pokemon.

What do you think of the graphics and art style in the Sinnoh Remakes?

Looks GREAT! 15
Could've been better... 8
Don't like it 5

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