Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Getting the 3rd Badge: Walkthrough Part 3

Getting the 3rd Badge Pokemon BDSP
This guide shows the objectives list for obtaining the 3rd Badge in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Read on to know how to proceed through each area, learn which Pokemon the Gym Leaders has, as well as other helpful walkthrough information.

Getting the 2nd Badge Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge

Getting the 3rd Badge Video Walkthrough

Getting the 3rd Badge Objectives

Jump to a Location in this Section
Eterna City Route 206 Route 207
Mt. Coronet Route 208 Hearthome City
Route 209 Lost Tower Solaceon Town
Solaceon Ruins Route 210 Route 215
Veilstone City

Eterna City

BDSP - Eterna Galactic Building.png

1 Go through the path in front of the Team Galactic Eterna Building.
Cynthia will give you the Hidden Move Cut, which will allow you to cut down small trees.
2 Visit the Cycle Shop near the Poke Mart. Then, travel back to the Team Galactic Eterna Building to rescue the manager.
Galactic Commander Jupiter's Pokemon are all Poison-type. Make sure to bring an Antidote with you. She and the manager can both be found on the top floor of the building.
3 Go back to the Cycle Shop and receive the Bicycle from the manager. Go to Route 206 after.

Commander Jupiter's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP ZubatZubat
(Lvl. 18)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Inner Focus Absorb
Mean Look
Poison Fang
Pokemon BDSP SkuntankSkuntank
(Lvl. 20)
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Aftermath
Sitrus Berry
Poison Gas
Acid Spray

Visit the Old Chateau

If you wish to have a Gastly in your team, the Old Chateau is a great spot to catch one. Old Chateau is near the exit of Eterna Forest. However, its entrance is blocked by a tree. Use Cut to access the area.

Note: If you already have the Bicycle, the trainer near the exit to Route 205 will stop you. If you want to visit Old Chateau right away, don't get the Bicycle first so you can pass through. You can also access the west exit later in the game once you reach Route 207.

Old Chateau Pokemon List and Map

Get the Thief TM (TM46)

BDSP - Obtain Thief TM.png

With Cut, you can access the TM in the area behind the fence. Cut down the tree besides the Team Galactic building to pick up the Thief TM.

Visit the Herb Shop

BDSP - Herb Shop.png

The Herb Shop can be found near the statue north of Eterna City. Herbs can be used on or held by Pokemon and offer a variety of effects.

Get a Rare Candy

BDSP - Obtain Rare Candy.png

In the entrance to Route 206, you can talk to one of Prof. Rowan's assistants to receive a Rare Candy.

Route 206

BDSP - Route 206.png

4 Use the Bicycle and go south. Enter the building at the end to reach the entrance to Route 207.

Wayward Cave Secret Entrance

Right under the Cycling Road is a secret entrance leading to Wayward Cave. You won't be able to advance as the path will be blocked by boulders that you need to push with Strength, but it is worthwhile to remember as you can encounter Gible and get a TM for Earthquake inside once you get access to the move.

Route 207

BDSP - Vs Seaker from Dawn.png

5 Dawn/Lucas will meet you at the entrance and will let you pick a hand. It doesn't matter which hand you pick, you will still get Vs. Seeker.
6 Head east, and enter Mt. Coronet.

Entrance to Wayward Cave

BDSP - Path to Wayward Cave.png

You'll find an entrance to Wayward Cave at the end of the wild area under the Cycling Road. To visit the wild area, go to the east side of the gate and use Cut to pass through.

Receive Dowsing Machine App

BDSP - Dowsing Machine from Dawn.png

Prof. Rowan's assistant will give you a Dowsing Machine app for your Poketch, which will let you locate unseeable items on the ground.

Heal your party in Oreburgh City

If you are worried about the HP of your Pokemon, you can descend the sandy slide right below where you meet Dawn/Lucas and follow the path leading back to Oreburgh City.

Heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center and go back to Route 207. You can ascend the slide by switching your Bike to its fourth gear and ride it uphill.

Mt. Coronet

BDSP - Mt. Coronet

7 Travel southeast, and a guy with blue hair will approach you. Keep traveling east and smash the rocks to reach the entrance to Route 208.

Route 208

BDSP - Route 208

8 Travel east until you reach the building with a blue roof. Then, pass through the building to reach the entrance to Hearthome City.

Visit the Berry Master

BDSP - Berry Master

Talk to the Berry Master inside his home to receive a free berry. After talking to the Berry Master, you can buy different varieties of berries from his wife.

Get Odd Keystone

BDSP - Obtain Odd Keystone.png

You can use Odd Keystone to access the Hallowed Tower. Go south of Route 208 and talk to the Karate Guy on the lower right corner of the trees to get Odd Keystone.

Hearthome City

BDSP - Hearthome City Keira.png

9 After entering Hearthome City, Kiera and her Buneary appear and invite you to the Contest Hall.
10 Talk to Gym Leader Fantina and head inside the Contest Hall after.
In the Contest Hall, you'll receive an Ethereal Sticker C from Keira and a Tuxedo or Dress from your mom.
11 Travel south. You will encounter your rival in the center path and will challenge you into a battle. After defeating him, travel to Route 209.

Hearthome City Rival Battle: Rival's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP StarlyStarly
(Lvl. 19)
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Keen Eye Quick Attack
Double Team

Get a Happiny Egg

BDSP - Obtain Happiny Egg.png

Talk to the hiker near the Route 209 - Solaceon Town signboard, and you'll receive a Happiny Egg.

Get a Poffin Case

BDSP - Obtain Poffin Case.png

From the center path near the water fountains, enter the building with a red roof (Pokemon Fan Club) near Poke Mart. Then, talk to the man in a brown suit to receive the Poffin Case.

If you wish to make a Poffin, visit the building beside the Poke Mart (The Poffin House) and talk to the lady in the center.

Poffin Guide: How to Cook the Best Poffins

Visit Amity Square

BDSP - Amity Square.png

In Amity Square Park, you can enjoy walking around the area with your Pokemon. After your first visit to Amity Square, you will be able to walk your Pokemon anywhere in the world. In the Amity Square, you can also obtain the Attract and Volt Switch TMs.

Pokemon Allowed in Amity Square Guide and Map

Enter a Contest

BDSP - Enter a Contest.png

Once you talk to the receive the gifts from Kiera and your mom, you can join contests at any time in Hearthome City by talking to the Contest Hall receptionists.

Super Contest Show Guide and New Features

Route 209

BDSP - Obtain Good Rod.png

9 Pass through the bridge on the east.
Talk to the fisherman on the edge of the bridge to receive Good Rod.
10 Keep traveling to the east until you reach the little stone tower (Hallowed Tower). Use the Odd Keystone to restore it.
11 Travel north. Use your Bicycle to climb the slope. Then, enter the Lost Tower building.

Get 3 Flora Stickers E

BDSP - Obtain Stickers in Route 209.png

Near the berry plants, you can talk to a woman who will give you 3 Flora Stickers E. You can use stickers on Ball Capsules to add effects when you bring out your Pokemon.

How to Use Stickers (Pokeball Seals)

Lost Tower

BDSP - Put Old Keystone in Lost Tower.png

12 Enter the building and climb the stairs. Travel west and make your way up to the last floor.
13 Talk to the old ladies. Then, travel to Solaceon Town.
You will receive Strength TMs, the hidden move the Poketch app. and a Spell Tag.

Solaceon Town

BDSP - Obtain Poke History App.png

14 Travel north.
Talk to the man next to the fence to receive a Pokemon History app for your Poketch.
15 From the house across to the Pokemon Day Care Center, walk further east.
16 Enter the pathway at the end, and walk south. You'll find the entrance to Solaceon Ruins on the east. Enter the ruins.

Show a Pokemon for a Poke Ball at Pokemon News Press

BDSP - Pokemon for Pokeball.png

Talk to the man inside the building beside the Poke Center. He will ask you to show him a Pokemon. The Pokemon he is asking for will not always be the same.

If the Pokemon he is asking is hard to find or you currently don't have one, you can save the game and reset it. The Pokemon will be different after. Once you have the Pokemon, show it to him to receive a random type of Poke Ball.

Pokemon News Press Guide and All Poke Ball Rewards

Drop Off a Pokemon at the Day Care Center

In the east side of the town, you can find the Day Care Center. You can drop off Pokemon at the Day Care to level them up while you are away or to let them breed.

How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs

Solaceon Ruins and Ball Capsules

BDSP - Solaceon Ruins.png

17 Inside the ruins, travel north and take the stairs on the east. Then, talk to the boy.
You might want to explore the ruins, there are some useful items that you can get inside.
18 Exit the ruins and travel to Route 210.
If you caught an Unown inside the ruins, visit the house nearest to the ruins. Talk to the boy and show him your Unown to receive a Ball Capsule.

Route 210

BDSP - Route 210.png

19 Travel north. You'll find out that Psyducks are blocking the path. Travel to Route 215.
You can cure the Psyducks by giving them a Secret Potion, which you get from Cynthia later in the game.

Get 3 Roost TMs (TM51)

BDSP - Obtain Roost TM.png

In Route 210, you can find a man beside a cliff who will give you 3 TMs for the move Roost.

Buy Moomoo Milk

BDSP - Buy Moomoo Milk.png

Moomoo Milk can restore the HP of your Pokemon by 100 points. You can buy Moomoo Milk from the cashier inside the Cafe Cabin for ₽500.

Route 215

20 Travel southeast until you reach the gate on the east. Enter Veilstone City.

Get 3 Payback TMs (TM66)

BDSP - Get Payback TM.png

In Route 215, you can find a man beside the bridge who will give you 3 TMs for the move Payback.

Veilstone City

21 Enter the Pokemon Gym and defeat the trainers. Solve the Gym Puzzle to pass through and reach the Gym Leader's location.
Sequence Break Suggestion: Before facing Maylene's Gym, we recommend travelling all the way to Pastoria City and facing Crasher Wake first for an easier Gym Battle and a chance to gain experience before Maylene's.
22 Challenge Gym Leader Maylene.
▶︎ How to Beat Maylene
Gym Leader Maylene's Pokemon are all Fighting-type, and they are weak to Flying and Psychic Pokemon. Having those types of Pokemon in your team will greatly help you in battle. She will also use Hyper Potion once her Pokemon's health is too low.

Veilstone City Gym Puzzle

Veilstone City Gym Puzzle Solution

How to Solve the Gym Puzzle
1 Move the first wall in the lower middle square pit to the left.
2 Push the second wall near the tire to the left.
3 Push the middle wall by the middle stairs to the left.
4 Push the wall blocking the top left stairs to the left.
5 Move the top left wall to the right.
6 Push the bottom left wall back to the right.
7 Pass through the left path and push the second wall leading to Maylene to the right.
8 Push the middle right wall to the right.
9 Move the wall behind that to the right as well.
10 Go down to the lower right square pit and push the wall to the right.
11 Push the middle right wall back to the left.
12 Go to the top right arena and push the wall to the right.
13 Move out of the pit and push the top right wall to the left.
14 Pass through the right path and push the first wall leading to Maylene to the left.
15 Once you push both walls leading to Maylene, the center path to the platform should be clear.

Shop in the Veilstone Department Store

BDSP - Veilstone Department Store.png

The Sinnoh Region Department Store can be found in Veilstone City. Here you can find a wide variety of items to buy, including TMs, Battle Items, and Healing Items.

Get the Counter App

Head to the second floor of the Veilstone Department Story and talk to the cashier to receive the Counter App for your Poketch.

Shop in the Metronome Style Shop

BDSP - Metronome Style Shop.png

The Metronome Style Shop sells different sets of clothes that you can wear to further customize your character. Many of the style options in the shop are rather pricey, so remember to save up before shopping here.

How to Change Clothes and Metronome Shop Location

Massage Your Pokemon

BDSP - Pokemon Massage.png

In the house nearest to the gym, you can find a woman who will massage one of your Pokemon once a day. The massage will increase that Pokemon's friendship level, which some Pokemon require to evolve. You might also receive a sticker after the massage.

Massage Girl: How to Get Massages

Get 3 Nasty Plot TMs (TM63)

BDSP - Obtain Nasty Plot TM.png

Outside the Gym, you can talk to a man who will give you three TMs for the move Nasty Plot.

3rd Gym Leader: Maylene's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability / Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP MedititeMeditite
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pure Power
Light Clay
Drain Punch
Light Screen
Bulk Up
Pokemon BDSP MachokeMachoke
(Lvl. 27)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Guts
Expert Belt
Low Sweep
Knock Off
Rock Tomb
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario
(Lvl. 30)
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Steadfast
Big Root
Drain Punch
Metal Claw
Bulk Up

How to Beat Maylene: Veilstone City Gym Guide

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Getting the 2nd Badge Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge

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Main Story Walkthrough

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Getting the 1st Badge Getting the 2nd Badge
Getting the 3rd Badge Getting the 4th Badge
Getting the 5th Badge Getting the 6th Badge
Getting the 7th Badge Getting the 8th Badge
Becoming the Champion

Important Battles

All Important Battles
All Barry Rival Battles All Gym Leader Types and Pokemon
All Elite Four Types and Pokemon All Team Galactic Locations and Pokemon

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How to Get to the Battle Zone All Gym Leader Rematch Teams
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