Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Tyranitar Best Moveset and Build

Pokemon BDSP Tyranitar Best Build

With amazing stats and powerful Ability, Tyranitar can be a tyrant on the battlefield. Read on to find out the best build, the best moveset, basic information, stats and recommended partners for Tyranitar in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Tyranitar - Related Guides
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Tyranitar Best Build and Moveset

Choice Band Tyranitar

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TyranitarTyranitar Sand Stream Choice Band Stone Edge
Fire Fang
Nature / EVsAdamant 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Final Stats207 HP / 204 Atk / 130 Def / 121 SpD / 81 Spe

Choice Band further pushes Tyranitar's already impressive damage output to otherworldly levels. Its mediocre Speed stat however, needs help in the form of Speed Control. Teammates who can paralyze opponents, set up Tailwind or Sticky Web are great partners for this Tyranitar, allowing it to sweep effectively.

Fire Fang is the set's coverage move of choice because it lets Tyranitar hit Steel and Grass-types for huge damage.

Dragon Dance Tyranitar

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TyranitarTyranitar Sand Stream Lum Berry Stone Edge
Dragon Dance
Nature / EVsJolly 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Final Stats175 HP / 186 Atk / 130 Def / 121 SpD / 124 Spe (186 after 1 Dragon Dance)

Tyranitar has a whopping stat total of 600, with its Speed being its worse stat. One way to get around this weakness is with Dragon Dance. One Dragon Dance can position Tyranitar to sweep. With a powerful STAB moves in Stone Edge and Crunch as well as Ground-type coverage in Earthquake, Tyranitar becomes very difficult to stop once it gets going.

One Dragon Dance lets Tyranitar outspeed Pokemon with base 115 Speed or slower.

Choice Scarf Tyranitar

Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP TyranitarTyranitar Sand Stream Choice Scarf Stone Edge
Ice Fang
Nature / EVsJolly 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Final Stats175 HP / 186 Atk / 130 Def / 121 SpD / 124 Spe (186 with Choice Scarf)

With a Jolly Nature and Choice Scarf, Tyranitar can outspeed and knock out Pokemon with base 115 speed or slower. Most notably Azelf, Gengar, Latios, and Starmie, all of which take super-effective damage from Crunch.

This Tyranitar set finds itself lacking the necessary firepower to consistently score OHKO's on Pokemon that take neutral damage from it. Choice Scarf Tyranitar best serves as a check to Psychic-type Pokemon.

It is important to note that this Tyranitar cannot outspeed Alakazam, which will always knock it out with a super-effective Focus Blast even in a Sandstorm.

List of All Pokemon by Speed Stat

Using Tyranitar

It is important to have a firm grasp of Speed Tiers in order to play Tyranitar effectively. Knowing what you outspeed with Choice Scarf or after a Dragon Dance can often decide whether or not your Tyranitar will be able to get any offense in. Having good defensive switches in the back is also really good for Tyranitar. Tyranitar will often need to switch out because of its plethora of weaknesses.

Teammates who can handily check Fighting-types are greatly appreciated by Tyranitar. Positioning it to sweep after a Dragon Dance is a solid gameplan as well.

Other Viable Moves

Rock Slide More accurate and less powerful than Stone Edge, Rock Slide is a decent Rock-type move option if you want a more accurate move with a flinch chance.
Fire Blast Tyranitar's decent Special Attack stat allows it to run Special Attacking or Mixed sets that take advantage of its Special Attacking movepool. Fire Blast is great for damaging Steel-types like Skarmory and Lucario.
Thunder Fang Use Thunder Fang against common Bulky Water-types.
Thunder Wave Thunder Wave can be an unexpected form of Speed Control for Tyranitar.

Tyranitar Basic Information

Tyranitar - Type

Armor Pokémon
Pokemon - Tyranitar
Type 1 Type 2
Rock Type Pokemon Dark Type Pokemon

Tyranitar Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon

Tyranitar Abilities

Name Description
Sand Stream The Pokemon summons a sandstorm in battle.

Tyranitar Hidden Ability

Name Description
Unnerve Makes the foe nervous and unable to eat Berries.

Tyranitar Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Tyranitar Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ High overall base stats.
✔︎ Has a very strong Ability.
✔︎ Difficult to wall.
✖︎ Has plenty of weaknesses, and a glaring Fighting-type weakness.
✖︎ Mediocre Speed stat.

Tyranitar's Massive Stats

Tyranitar boasts an impressive stat total of 600, and stellar stat distribution. Its defenses and monstrous Attack stat make it so Tyranitar lives up to its name, being a tyrant on the field. Its worst stat, its Speed, has a number of work arounds.

Tyranitar's Sand Stream

Its Sand Stream Ability gives it and other Rock-types a Special Defense boost It also deals incremental damage to Pokemon who are not Rock, Ground, or Steel. Being able to tank Special Attacks is valuable for any Pokemon, and Sand Stream lets Tyranitar achieve this.

Counter Tyranitar by Attacking It for Super-Effective Damage

Tyranitar takes x4 super-effective damage from Fighting-type attacks, and most Fighting-type Pokemon naturally outspeed it.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon BDSP BreloomBreloom Ranking:★★★★★
・Naturally outspeeds Tyranitar.
・Can threaten super-effective damage from its Fighting-type or Grass-type moves.
Pokemon BDSP LucarioLucario Ranking:★★★★★
・Naturally outspeeds Tyranitar.
・Can threaten super-effective damage from its Fighting-type or Steel-type moves.
Pokemon BDSP HeracrossHeracross Ranking:★★★★★
・Naturally outspeeds Tyranitar.
・Can threaten super-effective damage from its Fighting-type or Bug-type moves

Tyranitar's Type Weaknesses

Tyranitar is weak 4x weak to Fighting-type moves, and is 2x weak to Water, Grass, Ground, Bug, Steel, and Fairy-type moves.

Be aware of offensive Pokemon that are faster than Tyranitar as they will surely use Fighting-type moves to eliminate it immediately.

Best Natures for Tyranitar

Best Natures
(Atk↑ Sp. Atk↓)
(Spe↑ Sp. Atk↓)

What are Natures?

Best Partners for Tyranitar


Pokemon Ability Item Attacks
Pokemon BDSP GyaradosGyarados Intimidate Sitrus Berry Waterfall
Ice Fang
Dragon Dance
Nature / EVsJolly 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Final Stats171 HP / 177 Atk / 99 Def / 120 SpD / 146 Spe

Gyarados can switch into a super-effective move intended for Tyranitar and resist them thanks to its typing. Its Intimidate Ability is also very good for mitigating damage. Setting up a Dragon Dance after a defensive switch is often a great play, because Gyarados also has a good number of resistances.


Pokemon Ability Item Moves
Pokemon BDSP LatiosLatios Levitate Life Orb Draco Meteor
Ice Beam
Energy Ball
Nature / EVsTimid 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Final Stats154 HP / 101 Def / 182 SpA / 130 SpD / 178 Spe

Latios has a positive matchup against most Fighting-types, being able to outspeed them and threaten them with powerful STAB Psychics.

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