Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Removed Features

Pokemon BDSP Removed Features

Features such as HM Machines, the gaming corner, and the Battle Frontier have been removed in the Diamond and Pearl Remakes! Read on for a list of all removed features in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Removed Features

HMs (Hidden Machines)

Pokemon BDSP Surf Hidden Move.jpg

Moves that were once HM moves (such as Cut, Surf, Rock Climb) are now Hidden Moves that you summon wild Pokemon to use through an app on the Poketch. This way, you don't need to sacrifice a move slot of your party Pokemon or make use of an HM slave.

HMs (Hidden Machines) are moves that Pokemon had to learn and use outside of battle in order for you to clear obstacles and progress through the story. HMs could not be easily forgotten by Pokemon, so the player had to tailor their parties around them. Now that will no longer be the case.

Pokemon Sun & Moon (in Generation 7) saw the move away from HMs in gameplay, and that trend continues here.

How to Learn and Use HM Moves

Pal Park

Pokemon BDSP Pal Park Removed

Pal Park has confirmed to be replaced with Ramanas Park. Ramanas Park is a location where you'll be able to encounter Legendary Pokemon from Generations 1 to 3.

The Pal Park was originally where you could transfer Pokemon from the previous generation Pokemon games such as FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, and Sapphire to the Nintendo DS and Generation 4.

Encounter Legendary Pokemon in Ramanas Park

Veilstone Game Corner

Pokemon BDSP Gaming Corner

Veilstone Game Corner was featured in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. This is a place where the player could play slot machines in order to earn in-game money. Due to European ratings boards' guidelines on simulated gambling, the slot machine minigame will most likely not return in the remakes. In fact, it was shown in a trailer that the Metronome Style Shop has replaced the Game Corner.

How to Change Clothes in Metronome Style Shop

Battle Frontier

Pokemon BDSP Battle Park

Although there's no confirmation yet, it appears that the Battle Park will appear instead of the Battle Frontier in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as the Battle Park appears on the official map instead of the Battle Frontier.

In Pokemon Platinum, the Battle Frontier replaced the Battle Park featured in Diamond and Pearl. It was a post-Pokémon League area where the player could challenge different facilities.

Battle Zone: Battle Tower Guide

Distortion World

While there is no official confirmation, it's also unlikely that the Distortion World will return in the Sinnoh remakes, as it did not factor into the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games.

The Distortion World was a significant story location that was only added to Sinnoh in Pokemon Platinum. This place had a maze-like structure and was where the player could battle and catch Giratina in its origin forme.

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